The 20 Best Foods to Prepare a Detox Juice

The 20 Best Foods to Prepare a Healthy, Nutritious and 100% Natural Detox Juice . In addition, combine Kale with other nutritious foods and gain more health! Super versatile, Cabbage can be used in various preparations, such as soups, salads, stir-fries and even juices. That’s right.

When you think of green juice, what is the first food that comes to your mind? You probably thought of Cabbage , right? Vegetables can be part of this drink, in addition to other delicious recipes. However, to maximize its benefits, there are some foods that are welcome! So, check out the 20 Best Foods to Prepare a Detox Juice:

Fruits:  They are rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber , so they are one of the  best foods to prepare a detox juice . Fibers provide the  feeling of satiety and collaborate with the proper functioning of the intestine. So, get to know the best options to be combined with Cabbage .

Lemon: it is rich in minerals and Vitamin C , however, it also has substances in its peel. This part of the fruit has essential oils that can bring extra health benefits, such as helping to prevent cancer , the ability to induce the elimination of toxins from the body and the potent antioxidant activity, it is not for nothing that it is one of the most popular and best . Foods to Prepare a Detox Juice .

Pineapple: This fruit is an excellent source of Potassium , Magnesium , Calcium and Vitamin A , Vitamin C , B1 and Vitamin D. It also helps in digestion, due to the presence of bromelain in its composition (a mixture of enzymes that break down proteins, facilitating the digestive process).

Melon: typical of summer, this fruit is very refreshing and is good for health. Melon has many nutrients, including calcium and vitamins Vitamin C , Vitamin A and B complex, which give the body a lot of energy.

It even contains potassium , which is important for lowering blood pressure. And the benefits don’t end there: it’s rich in bioflavonoids, which are excellent sources of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory.

Pear: it is a source of fiber , that is, it is able to act in favor of the proper functioning of the intestine and facilitate the detoxification of the body. With this, the fruit also promotes weight loss.

Apple: one of its greatest powers is in pectin, a soluble fiber that helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Recent studies show that other health-beneficial compounds present in the apple peel and pulp – polyphenols and flavonoids, for example – protect cells from the action of free radicals, delaying aging and ridding the body of a number of diseases, among them cancer .

Vegetables:  This type of food provides large amounts of folates (substances that fight fetal malformations and cardiovascular changes), minerals and chemical compounds that prevent diseases such as cancer  and cardiovascular problems, making them ideal and The Best Foods to Prepare a Detox Juice .

Cucumber: It is a low-energy food as it provides about 15 calories per 100g. It mainly contains water, carbohydrates and dietary fiber .
Cucumber is ideal for  diabetics as it helps in the production of beta cells, which are necessary for the synthesis of insulin in the body.

Jiló:  it is a skinny vegetable, with only 27 calories in 100g .  and Iron .

Green Pepper: It is rich in Vitamin A and Vitamin C , and best of all, it has many health benefits with few calories! It still contains flavonoids, phenolic acids and other substances with anticancer action.

Turnip: features high levels of antioxidants and phytonutrients, which are associated with a reduced risk of cancer . Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, turnip  also controls blood cholesterol  and regulates the level of folate in the body, one of the B vitamins, essential for cardiovascular health.

Grains and Seeds:  They increase the menu and are among The Best Foods to Prepare a Detox Juice  as they contribute by providing important nutrients to the body. They have antioxidant substances and are rich in fiber, essential for feeding waste and toxins in the body.

Pumpkin Seed: the highlight is the presence of cucurbitacin, a substance that has anti-inflammatory properties. It also contains proteins, essential amino acids and is rich in fiber . Among the fats present, a valuable amount of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, important for cardiovascular health, stands out.

Sesame: is a low-cost, easy-to-prepare grain rich in unsaturated fatty acids and proteins. It has calcium , fiber  and B vitamins.

Flaxseed: it is a source of several nutrients that bring undeniable benefits to the body. Flaxseed  really helps to ease the symptoms of PMS (premenstrual syndrome) and menopause . Also, for being rich in omega-3 . It is a great option to control diabetes , cholesterol  and hypertension .

Sunflower Seed: although it is more caloric, it has an important prosthetic fraction, which includes essential amino acids, including tryptophan. Rich in mono- and poly-unsaturated fatty acids, it also contains fiber  and phosphorus , in addition to calcium  and sodium in low amounts. For its vitamins and minerals, it can be useful in controlling blood pressure and helps blood circulation, contributing to cardiovascular and bone health.

Chia: it has been recognized in the world as an excellent food, for being one of the best sources of omega-3 , surpassing the amount present in flaxseed  . In addition, it is rich in various minerals such as calcium , zinc , copper , magnesium , and potassium . Chia also offers other health benefits: it increases muscle mass, prevents excess weight and fights cardiovascular diseases, diabetes , breast cancer and other types of tumor.

Oatmeal: among other benefits, it promotes a feeling of satiety, being a great ally of weight loss diets. Rich in minerals such as calcium and iron , complex vitamins B and E, proteins and fibers , oatmeal  also improves intestinal functioning, facilitates digestion, controls blood pressure, reduces bad cholesterol  (LDL) and controls the amount of sugar in the blood, now you have no more doubts why it is among the Best Foods to Prepare a Detox Juice .

Quinoa: its biggest benefit is that it has higher fiber  and protein contents when compared to other grains or legumes. It is also a source of good fats (approximately 60% of omega-6 and omega-3 ) and can be included in the diet of those who need to control blood glucose levels, as long as it is consumed in controlled amounts.

Flours:  Food does not need to be blended with green juice in its natural form. They can be turned into flour to then increase the drink, becoming one of the Best Foods to Prepare a Detox Juice . Discover some nutritious options to always have on hand!

Eggplant flour: it contains pectin, a soluble fiber that forms a gel in the stomach, which helps with satiety and, in addition, helps with intestinal transit. Remember to drink a lot of water between meals, so that the weight loss effect is not the opposite of what you want.

Passion Fruit Flour: it is rich in fiber  and low in carbohydrates, so it is more suitable for glycemic control, being an ally for type 1 and 2 diabetics. When made from the peel, it is rich in pectin, a fiber fraction soluble that has the ability to retain water forming gels, which promote the feeling of satiety, helping with weight loss and improving intestinal transit.

Green Banana Flour: It is a great source of various minerals such as Potassium , Phosphorus , Magnesium , Copper , Manganese  and Zinc , making it a good alternative for bone health, fertility and immunity.

But the main property of green banana flour is resistant starch. It prevents the absorption of sugar contained in carbohydrates, preventing blood glucose spikes and increased insulin production.

Alone, Cabbage  already has several health benefits and is already one of the Best Foods to Prepare a Detox Juice , but joining it with other equally nutritious ingredients, its properties are enhanced. Juices with vegetables, for example, are enriched with fiber , minerals, vitamins and antioxidants.

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