
The 12 Symptoms of Breast Cancer

Symptoms of Breast Cancer , may appear simultaneously or separately, and may be symptoms of early or advanced breast cancer . In addition, the presence of any of these symptoms does not necessarily mean the existence of breast cancer , but one should consult a mastologist, as it may be a benign lump or an inflammation of the breast tissue, which needs treatment.

When there are other cases of breast or ovarian cancer in the family, it is recommended to assess the risk of having these types of cancer. For this, it is important to do a test called a genetic test. The signs that may indicate breast cancer are related to visible changes, such as differences in the shape or sensitivity of the breast, for example.

These signs or symptoms can appear in both women and men and, when discovered early, can increase the chances of cure. So, check out  The 12 Symptoms of Breast Cancer.

Sore in the Breast Area:  Some of the most common symptoms of breast cancer is the presence of a sore or ulcer that does not heal, it is good to be alert and seek medical attention.

Sensitivity or Secretion: This is one of the main symptoms of breast cancer that can indicate a cancer. Well, feeling sensitive breasts is not normal and, in addition to this symptom, breast cancer can have some blood stains on the breasts .

Pain in the Breast Area: In the early stages, it is uncommon to feel pain in the breasts when squeezing or palpating the breasts a little . However, when the disease begins to advance, it is very common to feel tenderness and pain in the breasts when touching them. It is important to remember that we must be careful not to confuse it with the pain that appears every month because of premenstrual tension, or an infection such as mastitis.

Change in Breast Size:  Any change in breast size should be taken into account.

Nipple Changes: If you don’t have any birth defects in your nipples and you notice that your nipples have started to retract, get pulled in like a twisted glove finger, or thicken, whether or not you have pain, this could be a sign of a tumor. carcinogenic.

Change in the Skin Around the Nipple:  If you notice that the skin around your breast is hotter, scaly, red, or swollen, you should also seek help.

Increase in Breast Volume: The increase in breast volume can be caused by a benign functional change in the breast (AFBM) or by a malignant tumor present, causing inflammation due to the spread of cancer cells. If the breast enlargement is not due to the menstrual cycle, pregnancy or breastfeeding, medical consultation is important, especially if it occurs in only one of the breasts and there is pain, redness and sweating on all or only part of the surface.

Other Symptoms of Breast Cancer That Should Not Be Ignored:

  • Symptoms of Breast Cancer: Presence of a crease in the breast, as if it were a sinking of a part of the breast;
  • Symptoms of Breast Cancer: Hardening of the skin of the breast, similar to orange peel ;
  • Symptoms of Breast Cancer: Frequent itching of the breast or nipple;
  • Symptoms of Breast Cancer: Formation of crusts near the nipple;
  • Symptoms of Breast Cancer: Release of fluid from the nipple, especially blood;
  • Symptoms of Breast Cancer: Sudden inversion of the nipple;
  • Symptoms of Breast Cancer: Vein easily observed and growing;
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The earlier the diagnosis, the greater the chance of cure. Therefore, more energetic measures arise, in the sense of reducing this mortality rate, which could be avoided if the population became aware of the need for an early diagnosis. Breast cancer is mainly a disease of women but can also occur in men (approximately 1% of cases).

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