The 10 Foods Rich in Omega 3
According to research, Omega 3 plays a key role in reducing inflammation. In addition to reducing the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer and arthritis . Because it is concentrated in the brain, it is important for memory , brain performance, and behavioral functions. In fact, children who do not get enough Omega 3 from their mothers during pregnancy are at risk of developing nerve and vision problems . Symptoms of Omega 3 deficiency include poor memory, fatigue, dry skin , heart problems, mood swings ,depression and poor circulation.
Sources of Omega 3:
– Seafood is the biggest source of Omega 3 , which includes fish such as tuna , salmon and halibut, and other seafood products, including seaweed .
– Nuts , soy foods, pumpkin seeds and canola oil are other sources of Omega 3 .
– Dark green leafy vegetables like spinach and lettuce are rich in Omega 3 as well.
In addition to fruits, such as melons , black berries and pomegranates , they have high concentrations of Omega 3 . So, check out now The 10 Foods Rich in Omega 3 :
Fish Oil: Fish oil is probably the most important source of Omega 3 and as a supplement it can be found in liquid and capsule form. There are two important types of Omega 3 : eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Both acids are found in fish. Salmon is a rich source of healthy fats as well as Omega 3 . It is preferable to eat wild caught salmon without chemicals such as preservatives.
Other fish: In addition to salmon, there are plenty of other fish that are sources of Omega 3 . It is generally recommended to consume fish two to three times a week. So, here are some fish, crustaceans and molluscs that have a high content of Omega 3 :
– Anchovies ;
– Albacore;
– Canned tuna;
– Sardines ;
– Trout;
– Crab;
– Scallops;
– Lobster ;
– Tilapia ;
– Shrimp ;
Other Oils: In addition to fish oil, there are other oils that are excellent sources of Omega 3 . Such oils as linseed oil, canola oil, olive oil , and soybean oil . Olive and canola oils can easily be a part of our diet by adding them to vegetables like broccoli , asparagus , carrots , onions or potatoes , thus leading to a healthy diet .
Flaxseeds: Flaxseeds and flaxseed oilare excellent sources of Omega 3 and they must be ground to obtain the most nutrients as the outer hull of the seed is very difficult to digest. Flaxseeds can easily be found in the health section of any local grocery store.
Eggs: Those who don’t like fish can choose to eat eggs as eggs are also among the Omega 3 rich foods, prefer eggs from meat or grass fed hens. They are readily available on most supermarket shelves.
Chia Seeds: Being another source of Omega 3 , walnut seeds were used by the Aztecs as their main source of energy for hundreds of years. These little seeds are rich in fiber , protein, calcium , magnesium and phosphorus . They can also be used as a substitute for whole grains. Unlike other seeds, it is not necessary to grind them for your body to absorb the nutrients. Chia seeds can be used in yogurts, cereals and salads, and added to shakes and bread doughs. One or two tablespoons of chia seeds a day is considered a very healthy amount.
Hemp Seeds: Hemp seeds contain more Omega 3 than any nuts or seeds. They are rich in protein , minerals and polyunsaturated Omega 3 , such as gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) and stearidonic acid (SDA). Hemp seeds can also be sprinkled over foods that are to be stored in the freezer to prevent them from spoiling.
Cauliflower: Cauliflower also contains a good amount of Omega 3 , which makes this vegetable heart -healthy . In addition to Omega 3 , cauliflower is also rich in nutrients like potassium, magnesium , and niacin . To retain its nutrients, cauliflower should be steamed for no more than 5 to 6 minutes.
Brussels Sprouts: These little green vegetables are a reservoir of various nutrients, including Omega 3 , and are considered a perfect food for promotinghealthy, beautiful skin . They should be steamed for about 5 minutes before consuming it. Each serving of Brussels sprouts contains about 430 milligrams of alpha-linolenic acid.
Purslane: This lightly peppered leaf contains about 400 milligrams of Omega -3s per serving. It is also rich in calcium, potassium , iron and vitamin A. This puts it at the top of the Omega 3 foods list .
Perilla Oil: This oil is extracted from the seeds of the perilla herb and is an excellent Omega 3 food . More than 50% of perilla oil has Omega 3 . Now that you know about Omega 3 rich foods, we are sure you will try to incorporate them into your diet.