The 5 Benefits of Proteins for Children’s Health

The Benefits of Proteins for Children’s Health  are varied, as Proteins  have a large amount of nutrients that are essential for the general health of the body. In addition, The fundamental proteins for the body, however, it is important to emphasize that the body has different needs at each stage of life. The amount of nutrients that a teenager needs, for example, is different from that of an elderly person. In the case of Proteins , they need to be consumed in moderation by Children , however they are essential for their development and growth. After birth, breast milk, rich in all essential nutrients for children ‘s health, is the first source of Proteins they consume.

Benefits of Breastmilk Proteins for Children: First food, first affective bond with the mother, first source of nutrients… Breastfeeding is essential, so much so that any source of nutrient other than mother’s milk becomes expendable at this stage of life. “This period should happen naturally with breast milk until the baby is six months old.

When this vehicle is not given spontaneously, some industrialized milks are alternatives to meet the nutritional needs of the baby “They are milk formulas, modified to imitate the composition of human breast milk. However, they cannot be considered perfect substitutes. It is important to pay attention to the method of preparing the milk provided on the packaging by the manufacturer.

Painha Time: In the eighth month, the needs of Child Protein increase and the body begins to demand other sources of Proteins . So, at this stage, it is possible to introduce meats in the diet gradually, that is, shredded and finely chopped together with other foods, such as vegetables and legumes. “In this period of development, there is already an increase in the baby’s body ‘s ability to perform and perform more complex functions

But remember: always respect the child’s limits of acceptance. If you have any questions about food, consult your pediatrician or nutritionist.

Check out some signs that children  are breastfeeding correctly:

  • Chin touching the breast
  • Lower lip turned out
  • There is more areola visible above the mouth than below.
  • When breastfeeding, mother feels nipple pain
  • Good position
  • Baby’s neck is straight or slightly curved backwards, not distended
  • the mouth is wide open
  • The children ‘s body is returning to the mother’s body
  • The baby’s belly is leaning against the mother’s chest
  • Baby’s entire body receives support
  • Baby and mother must be comfortable

Benefits of Chia for Children’s Health: Very consumed by adults who seek to lose weight, control diabetes and cholesterol, this can only be consumed by children . Rich in omega-3, even more than salmon, it is essential for the neurodevelopment of babies. The recommendation is that mothers put the grains in fruit, such as bananas. In addition, it has more calcium than cow’s milk and is a complete protein source that provides all the essential amino acids that the body needs Stronger little ones!

Whey Protein For Children’s Health: whey protein fights and treats various diseases, as it is a complete food that strengthens the immune system . In recent years, what has been discussed and divided opinions among specialists is its use in the children ‘s menu . Sports nutritionist Georgia Bachi is in favor of inserting whey in children ‘s diets .

His tip for inserting the supplement in the diet of the little ones is to replace the chocolate with chocolate flavored whey protein in the same proportion. However, this insertion of whey in the children  ‘s diet is quite contested by other specialists, who claim that this can generate an excess of Protein , consequently in the future the Child that can lead to obesity . Therefore, before anything, always look for a nutritionist so as not to put children  ‘s health at risk.

Childhood is an extremely important period, because when we are psychologically and physically molded for adulthood. In the same way that the excess hinders the development of the little ones, the reduced consumption of protein also brings harm.

Among the problems of Proteins in the body are: growth deficiency immunological changes that increase the risk of infections fluid retention, causing swelling ; and the bad appearance of hair, skin and nails.

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