Orange juice with beets and flaxseeds to lose weight: how to make it, recipes and tips

Orange juice with beets and flaxseed  is an excellent recipe for  healthy juices , in addition to helping to lose weight with health, and prevents and fights various diseases.

The famous detox juices , have been making the biggest success and it’s not by chance.

In addition to being hydrating and tasty, detox juices  in general have a detoxifying action, that is, they help our body to eliminate toxins, thus increasing well-being and helping to prevent numerous diseases.

benefits of orange

Orange  is a citrus  fruit rich in vitamin C, which brings the following benefits to the body:

  •  Orange  helps  reduce high cholesterol, as it is rich in pectin, a soluble fiber that makes it difficult to absorb cholesterol in the intestine;
  •  Orange  helps  prevent breast cancer, as it is rich in flavonoids, strong antioxidants that prevent cell changes;
  •  Orange  helps  to keep the skin healthy and prevent premature aging, as it is rich in vitamin C, which helps to form collagen;
  •  Orange  helps  to strengthen the immune system, as it is rich in vitamin C;
  •  Orange  helps  prevent atherosclerosis and protect the heart, as it is rich in antioxidants.

Benefits of Beetroot

Beetroot   is a slightly sweet tuber, and has several nutritional and medicinal properties .

It is quite versatile, and can be consumed raw, grilled, cooked, roasted or in the form of juices and also includes several health benefits, such as:

  • Beetroot  helps to lower high blood  pressure:
  • Beetroot   helps to improve training performance
  • Beetroot helps to strengthen the   immune system:
  • Beetroot  helps  to prevent and fight anemia,
  • Beetroot  helps maintain muscle  health,
  • Beetroot helps protect the   nervous system,
  • Beetroot  helps to prevent premature  aging,
  • Beetroot  helps control cholesterol and protects the heart , 
  • Beetroot  helps  to prevent cancer,
  • Beetroot   helps maintain eye health and prevents cataracts ,
  • Beetroot  helps prevent liver and lung problems . 

Flaxseed benefits

The benefits of  flaxseed include the defense of the body and the delay of the aging of the cells, allowing to keep the skin always beautiful.

Flaxseed   is the richest source of omega 3 existing in nature and its use provides health maintenance and a better quality of life .

  • Flaxseed   improve constipation ,
  • Flaxseed   helps control blood sugar ,
  • Flaxseed  helps to  lower cholesterol because it is rich in fiber and omega 3 that reduce bad cholesterol;
  • Flaxseed   helps to lose weight ,
  • Flaxseed  helps to  reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases,
  • Flaxseed   helps reduce inflammation in the body, as it is very rich in omega 3 ,
  • Flaxseed  helps to  lessen the symptoms of PMS and Menopause as it has good amounts of isoflavone, phytosteroid and lignan, which control female hormones.

Benefits of Eggplant

Eggplant  is a vegetable rich in water and potent antioxidants that work in the body to prevent heart disease and lower cholesterol.

Check out other benefits of  eggplant :

  • Eggplant   prevents  heart disease , as it is rich in anthocyanin, a potent antioxidant that is present in its purple skin.
  • Eggplant  reduces bad cholesterol ,  as it contains the antioxidant nasunin.
  • Eggplant  prevents  the formation of atherosclerosis by controlling  blood cholesterol levels .
  • Eggplant  improves blood  circulation by promoting vessel health;
  • Eggplant  helps to lose weight ,  as it is low in calories;
  • Eggplant  prevents anemia, as  it is a source of  folic acid , a vitamin that stimulates the production of blood cells.

Cabbage benefits

Kale is rich in iron and chlorophyll, which is why it is a great option to treat anemia, reduce fluid retention and prevent the absorption of chemical substances from food, thus helping to detoxify the body.

Cabbage has several benefits for the body, such as:

  • Cabbage is very nutritious, as it has vitamin A and folic acid in its composition.
  • Kale is low in calories, making it an excellent option to add to the diet.
  • Kale is rich in potassium, which helps regulate blood pressure .
  • Kale is rich in fiber, which helps regulate the bowels and helps control cholesterol.
  • Kale is an excellent source of calcium , which strengthens and gives structure to bones and teeth.

Cucumber benefits

Cucumber is a vegetable that  is very low in calories but rich in water, minerals and antioxidants that help to hydrate the body, maintain the proper functioning of the intestine and prevent diseases such as cancer and atherosclerosis.

The health benefits of cucumber  are:

  • Cucumber helps to lose  weight, because it is low in calories and makes you feel full;
  • Cucumber  helps to improve muscle contraction and health, as it contains potassium and magnesium ;
  • Cucumber helps  improve blood circulation, as it is low in fat and rich in water;
  • Cucumber  helps maintain hydration, as it is made mainly of water ;
  • Cucumber helps to improve intestinal  transit;
  • Cucumber helps  prevent cancer, as it is rich in flavonoids and lignans, which are powerful antioxidants;
  • Cucumber helps  to improve the health of the skin, nails, eyes and hair, as it contains antioxidants and carotenoids;
  • Cucumber helps improve heart  health as it is rich in potassium.

Pear benefits

Pear has the ability to improve constipation, lose weight and control diabetes, as the pear is a fruit rich in fiber and has a low glycemic index, improving bowel function and reducing appetite, especially when consumed before meals. .

The pear is easy to digest, being very practical to take to work or school and is suitable for all ages and can be consumed raw, roasted or cooked.

This fruit is great for health as it is rich in minerals such as potassium or phosphorus, magnesium, antioxidants and vitamins such as A, B and C.

benefits of ginger

Ginger  is a root that can be used in teas or zest that can be added to water, juices, yogurts or salads.

The health benefits of ginger   are mainly for:

  • Ginger helps  with weight loss,
  • Ginger accelerating  metabolism,
  • Ginger relaxes the  gastrointestinal system,
  • Ginger prevents nausea and  vomiting.

Benefits of Pineapple

Pineapple is a tropical fruit from the citrus fruit family, such as oranges and lemons , which are rich in vitamin C and other antioxidants, which are essential for ensuring health.

This fruit can be consumed fresh or in the form of preserves, being added in various preparations such as juices, desserts and sweets.

Regular consumption of pineapple has the following health benefits:

  • Pineapple acts as an anti-inflammatory , as it is rich in bromelain.
  • Pineapple helps prevent heart disease and cancer as it is rich in vitamin C.
  • Pineapple helps reduce the risk of thrombosis , as it contains bromelain and antioxidants.
  • Pineapple helps relieve joint pain by acting as an anti-inflammatory.
  • Pineapple helps with weight loss , as it is rich in water and fiber, which increase satiety.
  • Pineapple improves skin and hair health, as it contains vitamin C and beta-carotene.
  • Pineapple helps reduce post-workout muscle pain as it is anti-inflammatory and promotes muscle recovery.

Benefits of Oats

Oatmeal is a cereal that does not contain gluten, and can be consumed even by people with gluten sensitivity or intolerance, and its benefits are:

  • Regulate the intestine and relieve constipation , as it is rich in fiber;
  • Reduce bad cholesterol, due to the presence of beta-glucan fiber;
  • Avoid the rapid increase in blood glucose, being excellent for diabetics and pre-diabetics;
  • Prevent colon cancer , as it contains phytic acid, a substance that improves the health of intestinal cells;
  • Decrease appetite, as it is rich in soluble fiber.

Kiwi benefits

Kiwi , a fruit most easily found between May and September, in addition to having a lot of fiber, which helps to regulate constipation, is also a fruit with detoxifying and anti-inflammatory properties, being excellent for those who need to lower cholesterol.

Check out the top 5 benefits of kiwi :

  • The kiwifruit  fights cardiovascular diseases – it has Vitamin C and omega 3 that facilitate blood circulation.
  • Kiwifruit improves  skin firmness – because Vitamin C helps in collagen formation keeping the skin firm and beautiful.
  • Kiwi detoxifies the  body – it facilitates blood circulation and the expulsion of toxins.
  • Kiwifruit fights  constipation – rich in fiber, it helps to regulate the bowels and eliminate faeces.
  • Kiwifruit  helps fight inflammation – because kiwi seeds have omega  3 that help reduce inflammation.

Spinach benefits

Spinach is a vegetable that has health benefits such as preventing anemia and colon cancer, as it is rich in folic acid and antioxidants.

This vegetable can be consumed in raw or cooked salads, soups, stews and natural juices, being an easy and cheap option to enrich the diet with vitamins, minerals and fiber.

  • Thus, including spinach  in the diet brings the following benefits:
  • Spinach  Prevent vision loss with advancing age, as it is rich in the antioxidant lutein ;
  • Spinach Prevent colon  cancer, as it contains lutein;
  • Spinach Prevent anemia, as  it is rich in folic acid and iron ;
  • Spinach Protect the  skin against premature aging, as it is rich in Vitamin A , Vitamin C and E;
  • Spinach  Help to lose weight, as it is low in calories .

Recipe for orange juice with beets and flaxseeds

1. Orange juice with beetroot and flaxseed


  • 2 glasses (200ml) of pure orange juice ;
  • ½ apple;
  • ½ spoon (soup) of wheat germ;
  • 2 tablespoons of beetroot ;
  • 1 tablespoon of flaxseed ;
  • Honey to taste.

Preparation mode

  • Blend all blender ingredients;
  • Strain and serve immediately.

2. Orange juice with nectarine


Preparation mode

  • Pass the fruits through the centrifuge alternately, stir well and serve immediately.

3. Orange juice with eggplant


  • 1 large glass (250 ml) of water
  • orange  , peeled and seeded
  • 1/2  small eggplant
  • 2 tablespoons of flaxseed

Preparation mode

  • Place all ingredients in a blender and blend well.
  • Sweeten to taste and drink.

4. Orange juice with kale


Preparation mode

  • Peel the oranges .
  • Cut them into pieces and remove the seeds.
  • Put it in the blender.
  • Add the well-washed and stemmed cabbage leaves .
  • Add a little piece of ginger .
  • Top up with a liter of water and mix everything.
  • Then strain, add sweetener to your liking.
  • Serve with lots of ice.

5. Orange juice with passion fruit flour


Preparation mode

  • Blend all ingredients in a blender and drink immediately.

6. Orange juice with cucumber and pear


  • 2 cabbage leaves.
  • 1 glass (250ml) of   pure orange juice .
  • ½ chopped cucumber.
  • ½ pear chopped
  • 2 teaspoons of grated ginger.

Preparation mode

  • Mix all ingredients in a blender.
  • Strain (if you prefer).
  • Drink then.

7. Orange juice with lemon and mint


  • Water: 2 liters;
  • Freshly ground ginger: 1 tsp;
  • Orange : 1 unit;
  • Peeled medium cucumber: 1 unit (cut into thin slices);
  • Medium lemon : 1 unit (cut into thin slices);
  • Mint: 12 leaves.

Preparation mode

  • Mix all ingredients in a blender;
  • Put it in the fridge at night;
  • The next morning, pass through the colander;
  • Consume the juice throughout the day, especially before meals (1 glass, 30 minutes before).

8. Orange juice with pineapple and eggplant


Preparation mode

  •  In a blender, beat the eggplant , orange juice and pineapple .
  • If desired, add ice and blend for a few more seconds.
  • Serve without straining.

9. Orange juice with oatmeal


Preparation mode

  • Blend all ingredients in a blender and drink immediately.

10. Orange juice with kiwi and spinach


Preparation mode

Note :  You will only have a great result if you combine a good diet, with detox juice and the practice of physical exercises.

But don’t forget to promote a healthy and active life in your life, get out of a sedentary lifestyle, always look for a nutritionist for better guidance.

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