The 8 Health Benefits of Green Juice

The Benefits of Green Juice For Health in a simple and 100% natural way. In addition, fruits and vegetables are plant foods. Foods of plant origin can be mixed, unless the texture of the juice is different. This means that the combination of flavors has a special flavor. When raw, plant foods  contain the same basic nutrients  : enzymes, vitamins , minerals, bioflavonoids and phytonutrients. Mixing them together can give you a great boost.

Drinking green juice is the fastest way to alkalize our body. It helps eliminate inflammation and acid in our bloodstream.

The 8 Health Benefits of Green Juice:

Green Juices are 100% Pre-Digestible:  Green juice enters our bloodstream immediately, reaching each of our 100 trillion cells, providing powerful nutrients  and oxygen.

Green Juice Rich in Fiber:  Famous green juice , cabbage enrich the drink with fibers , which help maintain satiety and improve the functioning of the intestine . Combined with orange , strawberry or mint , for example, it makes a refreshing and nutritious juice. Although vegetables are the most common in juices, other equally tasty vegetables can also be part of the drink. This is the case with lettuce , broccoli , among others.

Green Juice is Rich in Enzymes:  These vegetables  are full of energy and plant-based enzymes, which help to ‘eat’ the undigested particles in our blood, aiding the body’s healing process. In this way, drinking the green juice practically prepares our body for digestion.

Benefits of Green Juice to Fight Cholesterol:  Investing in the consumption of green juice also helps to keep the heart healthy and all this thanks to the action of fibers.

Green Juice For Instant Energy:  Green juices give us more energy than any other juice can.

Benefits of Green Juice as Thermogenic and Anti-inflammatory:  The drink has thermogenic properties, as it accelerates metabolism and balances body temperature. Thus, there is also an increase in caloric expenditure, ginger has a powerful thermogenic spice that accelerates metabolism and favors the burning of body fat, complete. In addition, with the addition of ingredients such as watermelon and tea seeds, the juice gains anti-inflammatory action , which can help fight cellulite .

Benefits of Green Juice To Lower Glycemic Index: Green juices have a low glycemic index. Therefore, anyone can take it, even diabetics.

Green Juice with Spinach and Parsley:  Try drinking this green juice every day, even if it’s just for breakfast or before bed. Anytime is the perfect time! Green juice is a great tonic.


Preparation mode:

  • All ingredients freshly sliced ​​and with freshly squeezed juice.
  • Grind it all together in a blender, and drink it within 10 minutes, otherwise all nutrients  will be lost.

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