Tips to Strengthen Your Heart Health
One Disease Leads to Another: The problems that can affect the heart are related: when Cholesterol is high, blood flow is impaired and Blood Pressure rises. If there is hypertension , blood vessels can be injured due to the force on their walls.
News of the week:
The fat takes the opportunity to deposit itself in these lesions, forming plaques. If any of these obstacles reach an artery in the heart or brain, the risk of a heart attack or stroke is very high.
Tip of the Good: Consume antioxidant foods. This substance present in vegetables prevents cholesterol from binding to free radicals to accumulate in the arteries and form fatty plaques. They are also responsible for reducing the formation of clots in the blood, which in excess can clog the vessels.
Bet mainly on red and purple vegetables, such as Eggplant , Beetroot , Plum , Cherry , Strawberry , Blackberry , Grape and grape juice. They are rich in anthocyanin, a flavonoid responsible for the purplish tone. Anthocyanin is excellent for the circulatory system.
Habits for a Healthy Heart:
Good Food: Have 5 to meals a day.
Get moving: include physical activities in your routine. Cycle to work and take the stairs instead of the elevator.
Quit Smoking: Quit Smoking . See a doctor and take steps to help him.
Weight in Day: maintaining ideal weight reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, as it helps to maintain blood pressure , cholesterol and glucose at normal levels.
Limit Alcohol Intake: Excess alcohol can increase weight, blood pressure , cholesterol and triglycerides.
Useful links:
The 10 Foods That Make Your Heart Beat Faster With Quality: