The 21 health benefits of strawberry

Strawberry is a red fruit, whose origin is Europe. Produced by the strawberry, it is a low-growing fruit.

There are several species of strawberry , the fragaria being the most common and cultivated in several parts of the world.

It is a low-calorie fruit, with about 32 kcal per 100 grams of strawberry .

Strawberry is widely consumed  in Brazil and around the world, especially during harvest times, when it is easier to find the fruit in the market and at a more affordable cost. This period usually runs from June to September.

Strawberry nutritional benefits

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Strawberries are a rich source of Vitamin C and flavonoids. In addition, Strawberries provide a lot of nutrients such as Calcium , Iron , Magnesium , Phosphorus , Potassium , Sodium , Zinc , Copper and many more. It also contains a small amount of lipids and amino acids.

Nutritional value

Strawberries are low in calories; 100 g provides just 33 calories (7.7 g carbs, 0.7 g protein, 2 g fiber  and 0.3 g fat).

They are an excellent source of manganese and   vitamin C (each 100 g contains 0.386 mg and 58.8 mg, respectively).

They also present vitamin B6, biotin, folic acid, fiber , omega 3, iodine, potassium , phosphorus, magnesium and copper.

Strawberry health benefits

Helps Control Blood Sugar:

In a study, the effects of table sugar consumption on the blood glucose level were observed , when ingested alone (5 and 6 teaspoons) and accompanied by fresh strawberries (about 150 g).

Sugar consumption generated a glucose spike, but when ingested concomitantly with strawberries , there was a reduction in the blood glucose level .

To lose weight:

Strawberries also appear to stimulate the production of the hormones adiponectin and leptin, which respectively participate in fat burning and appetite control.

A study published in the Journal of the Agriculture and Food Chemistry showed that anthocyanins, like those in strawberries , help burn fat.

For the Heart :

The potassium  present in the strawberry is a vasodilator; it helps to reduce the effects of sodium in our body.

Likewise, magnesium  has this anti-hypertensive action, by relaxing the muscles of the blood vessels.

The benefits of strawberry for the heart also stem from its antioxidant  and anti-inflammatory properties, by moderating the effects of LDL cholesterol in the arteries, which prevents the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.

Boost Immunity:

Strawberry is an excellent source of   vitamin C which boosts immunity by helping with the wound healing process, warding off colds and absorbing iron from food.

And also   vitamin C is one of the antioxidants  that can help prevent cancer, since a healthy immune system is the body’s best defense.

Improve Vision:

The antioxidant properties  of strawberries can also help prevent cataracts, which can lead to blindness in old age.

The eyes need  vitamin C to be protected from exposure to the sun’s harmful UV rays.

The vitamin C present in strawberry  also plays an important role in strengthening the cornea and retina of the eye.

Prevent Wrinkles:

The power of   vitamin C in strawberries continues as it is essential for collagen production, which helps improve skin elasticity.

We lose collagen with age, so eating foods rich in   vitamin C can result in healthier, younger-looking skin.

Regular Blood Pressure:

The potassium  and magnesium  present in strawberries are heart healthy and can help regulate blood pressure and also lessen the negative effects of salt.

Provides Fiber:

Strawberries are rich in fiber , which is very important for healthy digestion.

Problems that can arise from a lack of fiber  include constipation and diverticulitis, an inflammation of the gut that affects about 50% of people over age 60.

Fiber  can also help fight type 2 diabetes by delaying the absorption of sugars, that is, glucose in the blood .

As a result, adults with diabetes can enjoy strawberries in moderation in their diet.

Help Burn Accumulated Fat:

The red color of strawberry contains anthocyanins, substances that stimulate the burning of stored fat.

A study was carried out where a group of animals were fed a diet high in fats along with anthocyanins.

In the result of the study, these animals gained 24% less weight compared to the other group of animals where they only followed a high fat diet, without the addition of anthocyanins.

In this way, consuming  strawberry  helps to burn accumulated fat.

Combat Cerebral Vascular Accident:

The antioxidants  quercetin, kaempferol and anthocyanins present in strawberry  have been shown to reduce the formation of harmful blood clots associated with stroke.

High potassium intake  is also associated with reduced risk of stroke.

For Constipation:

Eating foods rich in fiber  and water, such as strawberries , grapes, watermelon, and cantaloupe, helps keep the digestive system hydrated, improving bowel movements.

Fiber  is essential for minimizing constipation by adding bulk to the stool .

Fight Allergies:

Due to the anti-inflammatory effects of quercetin, consuming strawberries  can help relieve some allergy symptoms, including a runny nose, watery eyes, and hives.

However, to date, no human studies have been conducted to prove this theory.

Delay Aging:

Strawberry helps to slow down aging. The elimination of free radicals, caused by its antioxidant action , also brings aesthetic benefits such as delaying premature aging and preventing the appearance of wrinkles. The presence of   vitamin C and ellagic acid help in this.

The former is also important for collagen synthesis, allowing you to improve your muscle tone and avoid feeling sagging.

Rich in Nutrients:

Compared to other fruits, strawberry concentrates good amounts of vitamins and minerals.

In addition to   vitamin C , the red one has silicon, manganese, potassium , magnesium  , B vitamins and vitamin K.

These nutrients are essential for the functioning of the body, as strawberries  control from the production of hormones to the functioning of the heart  and brain.

Antioxidant Action:

The antioxidant actions  caused by strawberry consumption are important for detoxification of the body, eliminating substances that can cause long-term health problems.

It also helps to scavenge free radicals from your body.

Vitamin C Source:

In just one cup of strawberries we find more than 100% of the daily recommendation for vitamin C , this vitamin is a potent  antioxidant that in addition to lowering blood pressure, bringing benefits to the entire circulatory system, also ensures the proper functioning of the immune system and makes it stronger.

The vitamin C present in strawberry  also helps in the healing process of wounds and in the absorption of iron by the body, strengthens bones and teeth and makes the body more resistant to flu, colds and infections.

Bone Health:

Strawberry minerals , especially manganese and potassium , help to fortify bones and maintain proper bone structure and density, thus making bones strong and much healthier.

Cardiovascular Health: 

The anthocyanins that give the color to the strawberry bring great benefits to the heart  as they neutralize free radicals and reduce the risk of heart attacks.

To the heart:

The reddish color of the  strawberry  is due to anthocyanins, substances that neutralize free radicals.

Studies show that high consumption of the substance can decrease the risk of heart attacks .

To Fight Cancer:

Strawberry consumption is also associated with a lower risk of cancer of the esophagus, breast, colon, prostate and skin cancer.

The high content of vitamin C ( antioxidant ) present in strawberries can help prevent cancer, as a healthy immune system is our body’s best defense.

Antioxidants are true  free radical scavengers, neutralizing the potentially negative effect they have on our body’s cells.

Ally of the Nervous System: 

The antioxidant action of Strawberries helps protect the Nervous system.

Free radicals are also harmful to the brain and nerves.

Oxidative stress , that is, a condition in which these oxidizing agents overcome our body’s antioxidant defenses, is associated with diseases such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and multiple sclerosis.

A mineral in Strawberry  has also been reported to be beneficial for the Brain .

By improving blood flow to the organ, Potassium helps improve cognitive function, such as memory and the ability to concentrate.

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