The 15 Foods That Speed Up Metabolism Fast
Coconut Water : Coconut water or coconut oil is an amazing ingredient for speeding up metabolism and weight loss. Coconut has some types of fatty acids that are very useful in our body. If you don’t like coconut water , you can also use coconut oil to cook certain foods.
News of the week:
Cold water: Cold water is another of the top Foods that Accelerates Metabolism . Because, when consuming cold water, the body needs to work harder to regulate body temperature.
Yogurt: Yogurt has all theprobiotics and the good bacteria that feed on our food and help it digest. These bacteria are very important to us. Some of our intestines contain millions of this bacteria. So if you don’t have them, maybe your metabolism isn’t as effective.
Onion : Onion adds tons of flavor to any recipe, but it won’t add to your waistline. Onions have anthoxanthins that promote lowering blood pressure, as well as promoting healthy cholesterol levels, as well as minerals and oils that help break down fat and speed up your metabolism . Research shows that a diet rich in onions can even boost your mood, regulate your sleep, and reduce your risk of cancer.
Salmon : Getting enough protein is essential for burning fat and getting lean. Salmon is a Food that Accelerates Metabolism as it is a source of lean protein that will fuel your muscles and fuel your high-quality metabolism , according to Apovian. How does it work, besides filling your belly, so you eat less? Protein-rich foods take more energy for your body to process, which means you’re burning fat even when you’re eating. Bonus: Salmon is rich in omega-3s, which reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.
Banana : Banana is a great ally for the intestine because it provides it with resistant starch, which is a nutrient that causes a feeling of satiety.
Just be very careful because as it matures, this nutrient turns into sugar, which can become a big problem.
Lean Meats: The proteins present in meats take a long time to be digested, which increases the feeling of satiety for longer. This causes the body to use more calories for the task.
Chia: You’ve probably heard that chia metabolizes fats and makes them “burn” faster, which provides greater possibilities for weight reduction. But do you know how it happens? It’s very simple! It happens that the chia seed, when in contact with water, swells and forms a viscous substance. In addition, this is what makes this metabolism happen.
Ginger: If you still don’t know the benefits of ginger for the weight loss process, let’s introduce you to it. In addition, he is a thermogenic food and therefore accelerates metabolism . Its substance that potentiate the burning of calories because it has essential oils that produce heat and activate circulation.
Pepper: Pepper is rich in capsaicin (active component of pepper ), helps to remove and break downfat stored in adipose tissue. In addition, it can be used in moderation during meals.
Artichoke: The artichoke has cynaropicrin, which enhances the production of gastric and biliary secretions. In addition, it helps to reduce cholesterol and regulates blood glucose, which makes the body work normally and you feel less hungry, as the feeling of satiety is huge! include in your diet and discover all its benefits!
Apple Cider Vinegar : Apple Cider Vinegar is another good Food Alternative that Accelerates Metabolism . because, apple cider vinegar helps in weight loss because it improves digestion, increases satiety, fights fluid retention and is rich in antioxidants that improve the functioning of the body. remembering that to help with the diet, you should consume 1 to 2 teaspoons of vinegar diluted in a glass of water a day, or use it as a seasoning for meats and salads.
Green Tea: Drinking lots of water keeps the chemical reactions that your metabolism depends on to run smoothly and quickly. It’s been proven to contribute to your body’s ability to burn calories, says Apovian. A great way to get that water? Drinking green tea , which can speed up your metabolism (even more, thanks to its thermogenic properties), fight fatigue and lower your risk of illness.
Useful links:
Cinnamon: Cinnamon hasa high content of mineral calcium, a substance that helps in the slimming process, and also increases basal metabolism . The ideal is to use a tablespoon on top of fruits or mixed in liquids.