The 9 Tips on How to Choose the Best Vegetables at the Supermarket
When going to the supermarket or fair, more than having the list of items to be bought at hand, it is necessary to know how to choose meats, fruits, vegetables and vegetables. In addition to saving, knowing how to choose food avoids waste. Then Check Out  The 9 Tips on How to Choose the Best Vegetables at the Supermarket.
Lettuce: Leaves should be shiny, firm and free of dark marks. The yellow edges indicate that the lettuce is old.
Beetroot: the skin must be uniform, without spots or cracks and the root must be firm. If it has a spongy consistency, it is a sign that it is old and fibrous. It is best to buy small or medium sized beets with leaves.
Broccoli: it is sold in a bunch, with stalks, leaves and flowers. Broccoli should havea dark green color, closed flower buds, firm stems and fresh leaves. Yellowing flowers and open buds mean the product is over
Carrots: Look for firm, intensely colored roots with no greenish pigmentation on top. Ideally, they should be up to 20 cm long and 4 cm in diameter on average, as very small carrots are more fibrous.
Cabbage: it is usually offered in the market already cut into strips. Despite being practical, this method is not ideal, because as soon as it is cut, the kale begins to lose nutrients, especially vitamin C.
Cucumber : The skin should be glossy and shiny, with a vivid color. If it’s wrinkled, the cucumber is overcooked. To know if it is good for consumption, give small taps with your fingers on the central part of the fruit – the sound produced should not be hollow.
Cabbage: Choose firm, heavy cabbages. The outer leaves must be free of dark spots and their color must be vivid. The outer central part should be firm and clear, otherwise it indicates that the vegetable is old.
Arugula: prefer those with very green and firm leaves. The stalks must be intact, because when they are broken the leaves wither more easily.
Tomato: choose the firm, smooth ones, without holes, bruises or injuries, prefer those with a pleasant aroma, which allow light pressure from the fingers. Avoid buying the fully unripe fruits, as they may not ripen.