mint helps in weight loss, pregnant, cough and skin: see 30 benefits

Mint can be described as one of the most extensively used herbs in the culinary world.

Mint leaves  contain anti-cancer, anti-fungal and analgesic properties.

Mint is known for its unique aroma and adds a blend of freshness to dishes.

The green and vibrant character of mint makes it look even more exotic.

Peppermint   whitens teeth and skin, which is why many lotions and toothpastes use  Peppermint in their   composition, in addition to being a stimulant.

Various drinks, ice creams, syrups, candies, sauces and many, many dishes use mint for its aroma.

It also has many medicinal properties and is known to work wonders for the digestive system.

What is it for:

The leaves of the plant, which is also popularly called Mint , are part of a family of more than 25 different species.

In ancient Greece, its leaves were rubbed on tables to welcome guests.

Its tea, in the Middle East, is still understood as a sign of respect and cordiality.

Its tea is used for various therapeutic purposes. Its leaves, in turn, can be used topically.

Mint leaves stimulate the digestive system, are antiseptic and anesthetic, relieve headaches, can be used as a vermifuge, expectorant and to cure flu, colds, sinusitis, colic and gas. They can also relieve insect bites, keep aphids away from plantations and rats from pantries and sheds, if the leaves are spread in the environment.

Nutritional value:

Mint is low in calories but contains many nutrients.

It only provides 70 calories per 100 grams of its consumption. It is a rich source of dietary fiber and protein .

It is rich in Vitamin C , Vitamin B and Vitamin D and minerals such as Magnesium , Iron , Sodium and Potassium .


Improves digestive functions:

It helps in strengthening the digestive organs and aids in efficient digestion.

It triggers the functioning of the salivary glands and various digestive enzymes, which aid in digestion.

It is widely consumed It is when a person suffers from stomach pains and indigestion.

Mint is known to provide a cooling effect and soothe the digestive tracts .

Peppermint tea is often consumed by a person suffering from constipation as it is rich in dietary fiber which helps with bowel movement.

Cure the headache:

As mentioned earlier, mint is a decently strong adaptogenic herb.

Studies conducted have shown that mint can also help cure headaches.

The strong, refreshing scent of mint can help relieve headaches.

Balms based on mint or mint base oil, when rubbed on the forehead and nose, are effective in curing headaches and nausea.

Strengthens the immune system:

Its mint tea has antibacterial properties, it can prevent our body from diseases.

In addition to menthol, tea has trace elements of vitamin B, potassium, antioxidants and calcium, which can help the body absorb nutrients to fight illness.

Relieves Stress:

Mint has a strong aroma that makes it useful in relieving stress.

Peppermint oil is used in a number of medications to prevent headaches and treat depression.

Many perfumes and aromatic soaps are also available, which help to uplift the mood.

They can be kept under the pillow in order to get a relaxing effect and a good night’s sleep .

Mint fights nausea and vomiting:

Peppermint tea   is antispasmodic, so it reduces the possibility of vomiting and nausea, it even helps when we travel by boat or plane and the movement makes us feel sick.

Its anti-inflammatory quality is another of the benefits of peppermint tea , as it can make the stomach return to normal.

Helps to prevent colds:

Mint is consumed to prevent many respiratory diseases.

It is useful against throat infections. Its strong smell helps in cleaning the trachea and removes blocked nose and respiratory congestions and has excellent benefits against asthma because of its aroma.

Helps improve skin:

Mint is very beneficial for the skin. It has anti-inflammatory and anti-pruritic properties ; It can be applied directly to areas that itch.

It can be used as a cleanser to remove dead skin and can help bring radiance to the skin.

Mint is an excellent source of antioxidants and contains rosmarinic acid , which helps fight free radicals and protects the skin against skin cancer.

It can be applied to acne and pimples. It has a calming and refreshing effect that helps prevent acne breakouts.

Helps with various infections:

Research has shown peppermint oil benefits to be  superior to traditional medicines used to lessen the effects of the herpes virus when applied topically.

Due to its lipophilic nature, peppermint oil  is able to pass through the skin, making it an ideal treatment against recurrent herpes infection.

It also improves disease-induced pain.

Improves brain power:

Mint can also boost your brain capacity .

According to several studies, consuming mint can increase alertness, retention, and cognitive functions.

One of the studies also linked the effects of mint consumption with better memory retention.

Acts against cancer:

Mint restricts the metabolism of cancer cells.

It contains peryl alcohol which limits the growth of cancer cells.

Prostate cancer can be prevented by its consumption as it helps to destabilize the DNA structure.

Carotenoids and resinoids are also present in mint which is helpful against liver cancer.

Helps in weight loss:

Mint may also play its own role in weight loss, and the reason is linked to its famous digestive properties.

Mint stimulates digestive enzymes, which help facilitate better absorption of nutrients from food.

When the body is able to properly assimilate and absorb nutrients, metabolism is better.

A faster metabolism aids in weight loss.

Treat asthma:

Mint consumption has also been linked to the calming effect for asthmatic patients. Mint has anti-inflammatory properties.

It is a good relaxant and relieves congestion. However, be sure not to overdo the mint dosage as this can irritate the air passages.

Helps in preventing Alzheimer’s:

Some research has proven that the benefits of Mint  can contribute to better cognitive functioning, favoring the ability to concentrate and mental agility.

Keeping an eye on the quality of mental exercises, the leaves can still stimulate and improve the ability to memorize, if ingested regularly.

Alzheimer’s causes effects that can impair performance and compromise memory capacity, so this herb can be an excellent ally for the prevention of this condition.

Helps fight fever:

Due to the cooling effect, peppermint oil  is an excellent natural treatment to reduce fever, especially in children.

Simply mix peppermint  oil with coconut oil and rub it on your neck and soles of your feet to help stabilize your fever.

This massage can replace the use of aspirin or other antipyretic drugs

Combat Insomnia:

A drop of peppermint oil  diluted in a glass of water, taken half an hour before bed, helps a lot with relaxation.

Its oil should also be rubbed in with your hands and inhaled in a ladle shape.

This attitude increases the respiratory potential, calms the nerves, stimulates relaxation and induces sleep.

Other benefits:

  • It is known as a blood cleanser and helps in flushing out toxins. It is diuretic and is helpful in eliminating bodily waste.
  • was used for oral health. It is consumed to restrict bad breath. Fights bacteria and germs in the mouth. It also protects teeth and gums.

Next, watch the video to better understand the Health Benefits of Peppermint .

What are the contraindications?

Like many herbs, mint can adversely affect some people.

People with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) should not use mint in an attempt to soothe digestive issues. According to one study [1] , mint often acts as a trigger for GERD symptoms.

Taking peppermint oil in large doses can be toxic. It is essential to follow the recommended doses of peppermint oil.

Pure menthol is poisonous and not for internal consumption. People should only apply it to the skin or a nearby surface, such as a cotton ball, to disperse the vapors.

Do not apply peppermint oil to a baby’s or young child’s face as it can cause spasms that inhibit breathing.

Speak with your doctor to determine if any of your medications may interact with peppermint or peppermint oil.


Mint tea


  • 1 tablespoon of fresh leaves or 1 teaspoon of dried leaves;
  • 150 ml of water.

Preparation mode

  1. First, boil the water and turn it off as soon as it boils;
  2. Then add the mint, cover and let it smother for 5 minutes;
  3. Drink then and repeat 2-4 times a day for as long as symptoms last.

Mint Tea with Ginger and Cinnamon


  • 6 mint leaves;
  • 1 cm of ginger root;
  • 1 cinnamon stick;
  • 180 ml of water.

Preparation method:

  • Combine the ingredients in a pan and let it boil for a few minutes.
  • Then rest until lukewarm and then strain and drink without sweetening, throughout the day.

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