9 Tips for Treating Rhinitis, Sinus and Adenoid Problems

Tips to Treat Rhinitis, Sinusitis and Adenoid Problems that form and 100% natural. In addition, some simple measures can alleviate the symptoms of Sinusitis , diluting the secretion is the first step so that it can be eliminated, if you also have the flu , cold or some allergic process, drink plenty of water, which hydrates the body, reducing the fall of immunity , throughout the day, drip two or three drops of saline into the nostrils, inhaling water vapor also helps to decongest the nose, do not use natural remedies without scientific proof, such as the buchinha do norte, which is toxic, avoid staying in air-conditioned environments, because, in addition to drying the mucous membranes of the secretion, it spreads infectious agents that can contaminate the sinuses, look for a doctor to receive proper treatment.

Try holding your nose for a few moments and you’ll see that the sensation is horrible, even if you try to breathe through your mouth. This is because the primary function of the organ is to absorb the air necessary for the functioning of the organism. This structure, often rejected for not meeting idealized aesthetic standards, has a value that goes far beyond beauty, it is the gateway to the entire respiratory system . Therefore, when the organ malfunctions, the consequences can be great and severe. Next, understand and learn to deal with some of the common problems when it comes to a blocked nose . So, check out now  The 9 Tips To Treat Rhinitis, Sinusitis and Adenoid Problems.


Common Problem:  It is estimated that four out of 10 people suffer from Rhinitis , an inflammation of the lining of the nose , which recurs frequently. Constant sneezing (up to 20 at once), profuse, liquid runny nose, persistent itching in the nose , eyes, ears, roof of the mouth and throat , clogged nostrils due to excess mucus , sensation of running secretion from the nose , which can cause throat clearing or persistent cough, changes in smell and taste, chronic nocturnal cough, tonsillitis , pharyngitisand repeated ear inflammations. All these symptoms point to the disease, which can have varied origins.

Where it comes from:  Medication rhinitis is caused by the abusive use of nasal solutions based on sodium chloride and other substances. There is also ozenous atrophic rhinitis , a chronic inflation that causes the formation of fetid structures on the inside of the nose . She is less common. The most popular is the allergic type, related to a predisposition of the individual to the inflammatory process”.

What to Do:  As the highest incidence of Rhinitis is allergic, the treatment consists of improving nasal ventilation and reducing inflammation of the mucosa, so that secretions can be eliminated without difficulties. For this, the first measure is to keep the environment, work or home well sanitized. Clean the house frequently and avoid placing carpets, blankets, curtains, plush toys and anything else that favors the accumulation of dust and mites. In addition, pets inside the house also need to be avoided, since fur and less can also be allergic agents. Cleaning products, perfumes, and other strong-smelling substances can make you happy .. Another simple and effective solution is to open the windows, especially in sunny moments, so that the environment is airy. Depending on the degree of rhinitis , drug treatment or antiallergic vaccines are also recommended.


Each one is one:  Although many people confuse Rhinitis with Sinusitis and vice versa (let’s face it, even the names are similar) the diseases are, yes, related, but different from each other. “Actually, those who have Sinusitis have already had Rhinitis , as the first is an aggravation of the second”. The nasal structures have the same type of tissue, with the nostrils and sinuses (bony cavities around the nose , cheekbones and eyes) being very similar. Thus, once the nasal mucosa is inflamed, the sinuses cannot eliminate the natural secretions they produce. So the mucus from both parts is drained through the noseit lodges on the face, favoring the proliferation of bacteria and the inflammatory process”, he concludes.

Know  the difference: Sinusitis can be acute or chronic. In the first type, headaches are common in the sinus areas, which can be like twinges, pulsations or pressure. Nasal obstruction, with the presence of yellowish or greenish and even bloody secretion, fever , fatigue , cough and muscle pain are other symptoms. In chronic rhinitis, the symptoms recur, but tend to be more intense at night, when the person lies down and the secretion flows to the back of the nasal forces. Adverse reactions may disappear throughout the day.

Root of the problem:  The diagnosis of the disease is made by means of a well taken X-ray or computed tomography, which is more comprehensive and reveals the concentration of fluid in the sinuses. Sinusitis treatmentcan be done with antibiotics and corticosteroids (topical or systemic). However, it is necessary to check the cause of the inflammation, as antibiotics should not be used in cases ofviral sinusitis . In some cases, depending on the severity and duration of the problem, surgical procedures may also be adopted. It is worth remembering that, even after surgery, it is necessary to continue the treatment of Rhinitis , for example, which is usually accompanied by Sinusitis .. Otherwise the two problems can come back and get worse.


Mismatched Growths:  Unlike Rhinitis and Sinusitis , Adenoid is not a disease. It is, in fact, a tissue that is part of the anatomy of the nose , staying in its posterior internal part. From the same family as the palatine tonsils (those that are at the entrance of the throat ), it is born together with each individual and disappears as the person’s head grows, reaching its limit around 11 to 12 years old. “Therefore, it is extremely rare to find an adult who has disappeared until adolescence, should have already been removed for the discomfort it causes”.

Exclusive Treatment:  Adenoid hypertrophycan cause the child to sleep with their mouth open, snore, have sleep apnea, interruption of breathing and even obstruction in the Eustachian tube, the channel that connects the nose to the ear, impairing the functioning of these last organs. and caused recurrent otitis. Depending on the condition, the patient can suffer from many respiratory infections and excessive tissue can grow to the point of obstructing the exit in the nose . “If not removed, the Adenoidcan harm the social life of the child and its development and learning process, affecting, even, its dental structure”. The only solution for this change is surgery and it can happen at any stage of childhood and adolescence, and is usually limited to 12 years of age.

Solution or Complication:  It is very common for people who constantly suffer from a clogged nose to use naval solutions based on sodium chloride, these remedies work like detergents to sanitize the nasal passages. Therefore, it is a valid habit, but only as an adjunct in the treatment of nasal obstruction . The specialist makes an alert. “Some commercially available nasal solutions contain benzalkonium chloride, which has a positive antiseptic action. Others that contain adrenaline in their composition, cause dependence and, if used for a long time, increase blood pressure .”. The big contradiction about sodium chloride solutions in general is that its prolonged use ends up drying out the nasal passages, which in turn impairs air filtration and breathing.

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