The 9 Differences Between Tonsillitis, Laryngitis and Pharyngitis

The Differences Between Tonsillitis, Laryngitis and Pharyngitis that everyone should know. Also, you don’t have to eliminate cold foods from your menu, but there is a way to enjoy these delights without hurting your throat . When placing a very cold drink or food in the mouth, let it stay for a few seconds in the region of the tongue so that the body adapts to the new temperature and balances it, preventing the ice cream from reaching the throat directly .

a sudden change in temperature or a night’s sleep without covering up. After these situations, complaints of a certain discomfort in the throat are very common . But such pain can mean many things, and it is necessary to understand what is actually happening in the body to adopt an effective treatment. So, check now  The 9 Differences Between Tonsillitis, Laryngitis and Pharyngitis.


Painful Sensation:  Tonsillitis is an inflammation that occurs in the tonsils, structures located at the back of the mouth. Also called palatine tonsils, they have the function of protecting the body from infections and collaborating with the production of antibodies that increase your immunity . Fever, sore throat , lack of appetite, bad breath, difficulty swallowing and even swelling in the neck glands are common symptoms when the process of tonsillitis occurs .

Patience is the Solution:  Between 80 and 90% of oropharyngeal ( throat ) infections are caused by ad Tonsillitis virus . The flu , for example, attacks the organism and, if not treated quickly and properly in the first three or four days, it evolves into a bacterial condition, as the inflammation creates a favorable environment for the proliferation of these pathogenic microorganisms”. So, at first, only the symptoms of tonsillitis should be treated , with antipyretics, painkillers and foods that increase immunity, in the expectation that the body will defeat the virus. If these guidelines come from a doctor, it is necessary to have a little patience to assess the improvement (or not) of the patient.

More Intensive:  If the inflammation framework does not regress and the individual continues to feel bad, after this period, antibiotics come into action to combat the problem of tonsillitis . “The doctor needs to assess what type of medication will be applied, with penicillin-based effects being more common. In hospital emergencies, bezetacil is an antibiotic widely used to fight infections, as it is easily accessible and inexpensive. In addition, after being applied, it acts for 72 hours in the body. The burden is that it leaves the patient’s muscles sore for a few days”, says the specialist.

Extreme Measure:  Sometimes (or many times, when considering the number of surgeries performed, especially in children), inflammation of the tonsils is so frequent that, in an assessment of “pros and cons”, the doctor decides that the best solution is to remove the tonsils. these organs. However, this measure cannot be hasty, but considering several factors, such as those listed below:

  • When the tonsils are very large and make it difficult for the patient to breathe and eat;
  • After four to six bouts of infection, which can progress to joint pain , rheumatic fevers and kidney complications;
  • When an abscess occurs in the tonsils and they stop performing their functions, becoming just dead tissue in the throat ;
  • When there is tumor action of tonsils, a less common situation;
  • For “social” reasons, that is, cases where the tonsils are responsible for constant bad breath.

The removal surgery does not affect the person’s immunity at all , as it was performed due to the organ causing a lot of damage to the body.

Absolute Recommendation:  Antibiotics are a class of drugs that kill and block the ability of bacteria to grow and reproduce. They reinforce the organism so that it defends itself from the aggressive agents. However, if used indiscriminately, that is, without a doctor’s indication, or incorrectly, such as ingesting them less days than prescribed, they can have the opposite effect, leaving the body resistant to the drug itself. Therefore, no consuming medicine on your own or interrupting the treatment determined by the specialist ahead of time.

Myth:  They say that the removal of tonsils can leave the patient who undergoes the procedure more vulnerable to  tonsillitis infections . “This surgery does not affect the person’s immunity at all , as an organ is removed that, due to its malfunction, harms the body. In addition, except for the tonsils, all other organs are covered by tissue, therefore, they are protected by various defense coatings, including other tonsils such as the tongue and adenoid.”

Prevention is better than cure:  To escape the joys and respiratory diseases , it is necessary to eliminate the potential causes of these problems in the environment. For that, check out the following tips:

  • Avoid environment where the air is very polluted or has low humidity.
  • Escape from low temperatures, either exposing yourself in cold environments or ingesting cold foods, which favor inflammation in the throat .
  • Every person has an organic resistance. To increase your defenses against harmful agents, maintain a balanced diet, rich in various nutrients, and practice physical exercises regularly.
  • Do not quickly enter or leave a room where the air conditioning is on. Let your body adapt to the temperature, so it can come into contact with another, less cold place.
  • Air conditioners must be serviced as directed by the manufacturer. Otherwise the equipment becomes a disseminator of harmful microorganism.
  • Avoid smoking and excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages.
  • Be careful not to touch your mouth or nose to drinking fountains or public telephones. Which, due to its malfunction, causes damage to the body. In addition, except for the tonsils, all other  organs are covered by tissues, therefore, they are protected by various defense coatings, including other tonsils such as the lingual and the adenoid.

Laryngitis and Pharyngitis:

No Voice:  Laryngitis and Pharyngitis are other diseases that cause sore throat . The first is an infection that occurs in the structure through which air inspired by the nose reaches the lungs . Most of the time, it causes hoarseness, loss of voice and difficulty breathing, but does not cause pain. It is usually caused by a virus, but it can also result from the action of bacteria, fungi, excessive use of alcohol and cigarettes and even appear spontaneously. “Typical of early childhood, stridulous laryngitis is popularly called ‘dog cough’”. It is common to be associated with other ailments such as bronchitis .and pneumonia. When it lasts for a short time, that is, about four or five days, it is called acute, but if the crisis period is prolonged, it becomes chronic, lasting up to three weeks.

Target of Attack:  Pharyngitis is an infection in the pharynx, the structurebehind the throat , which is behind the tonsils, and where the food that goes from the mouth to the stomach passed. It is possible to have pharyngitis associated with tonsillitis , and it is quite common in those who had to remove the tonsils, because without this protection, the infection goes straight to the pharynx . Sore throat or while swallowing, hoarseness, fever, redness or pus in the throat , swelling of the neck lumps are common symptoms of the disease.

Multiple Causes:  It can be of viral, bacterial or allergic origin, and the group A streptococcus bacteria is responsible for 20 to 30% of pharyngitis in children and for 5 to 15% of cases in adults. In the case of infection caused by viruses, the most common are: rhinovirus, adenovirus and corona virus. Smoking, excessive alcohol consumption and contact with chemical vapors can also trigger pharyngitis, which can still indicate the onset of a cold or an illness, such as scarlet fever or mononucleosis.

What to Do:  Pain relievers, sharing, or gargling with warm salt water will relieve throat discomfort , but treatment depends on what caused the pharyngeal infection . They vary depending on the origin of the disease. If it is viral, only the symptoms will be managed, strengthening the body’s defenses, either through food or supplements, applying painkillers and waiting for the body’s reaction during the virus to act. But if the diagnosis is bacterial pharyngitis , then you need to enter specific antibiotics for each case. If untreated, pharyngitis can progress to rheumatic fever, a disease that puts the heart at risk.

Bad Trend:  With the increase of polluting substances in the air and the growth in the number of rhinitis, allergic pharyngitis is increasingly common. “The person breathes badly through the nose and starts to pull air through the mouth, drying the throat mucosa , which favors the infection in the pharynx ”, warns the specialists. These cases need to be treated with the use of antiallergics or even with vaccine therapy, when the symptoms are persistent.

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