Flu – Causes, Symptoms and Treatments!

Flu – Causes, Symptoms and Treatments  that few know. In addition, the flu , also known as influenza, the flu is an infection of the respiratory system whose main complication is pneumonia, responsible for a large number of hospital admissions in the country. The flu starts with a high fever, usually above 38ºC, followed by muscle pain, sore throat , headache and dry cough .

cough , sneeze, runny nose and here comes the popular diagnosis: “it’s the  flu ”! But in most cases, the initial symptoms may just indicate a cold . “Only” because the latter causes milder symptoms and the flu , in some situations, can even kill. A disease is not the aggravation of another and each one has its particularities. Learn to tell them apart!

Stronger Flu:  In 2009, the world population feared a new infection, the Influenza A (H1N1), called Swine Flu. Because it is a new version of a virus, the fear was caused by ignorance. “ Swine flu is caused by a virus that we humans were not prepared to fight.

We didn’t have antibodies against it, so a lot of people ended up getting infected. But, in general, the mortality from swine flu was lower than the mortality from the common flu ” reveals pulmonologist Oliver Augusto Nascimento. Influenza A , therefore, is not more lethal than the common flu and has similar symptoms, which start suddenly. It is possible to identify the type of flu through laboratory tests that analyze the secretions of the airways.

Strengthened Organism:  It is difficult to prevent both the flu and the cold , as we are in contact with the virus and bacteria all the time. But it is possible to adopt habits that keep the immune system prepared to fight infections. “Having a healthy diet, practicing physical activities and being adequately hydrated allows the immune response to be adequate and there are no complications”.

Hydration is even more important when the flu or cold is already installed, as water facilitates the elimination of secretions. Better than consuming specific foods to combat these problems is to maintain a balanced menu.

Many parents usually supplement their children’s diet with Vitamin C , but other nutrients should not be forgotten. “ Vitamin C enters this context because it is an antioxidant and improves the immune response. But anything that is ingested in excess is expelled in the urine. It is more important to have a source of Vitamin C every day than to consume large amounts on a few days.”

Influenza Causing Virus :

  • Influenza (A, B or C).

Flu Symptoms:  Inuncomplicated flu , the acute illness usually resolves within about 5 days and most patients recover within 1-2 weeks. However, in some people, symptoms of fatigue may persist for several weeks.

  • Fever, above 38°C, lasting three days or more.
  • cough _
  • Muscle aches.
  • Headache and numbness that compromise physical and intellectual activity.
  • Headache .
  • Coryza.
  • Irritation in eyes and ears.
  • Tiredness.

Duration:  One to two weeks.

Complications:  Deficiency of the immune system, pneumonia.

Flu Treatments:  Medications to relieve symptoms, such as pain relievers, antipyretics, nasal decongestants and syrups.

Right Flu Treatment:  There are no medicines that can cure the flu . Treatment is followed only to alleviate symptoms. “ Influenza  is a disease that has a usual course, a duration that is usually the same, but there is no specific treatment because, in general, the body is able to control the infection without any drug”.

In some cases, the doctor may prescribe antiviral drugs capable of making the illness last for fewer days and reducing the intensity of symptoms. These drugs are usually indicated especially for risk groups (people with chronic diseases and pregnant women, for example) in cases of suspected A(H1N1).

The ideal is to look for a doctor when symptoms appear and start treatment without errors. The use of antibiotics, for example, is not effective when it comes to the flu . If there is a suspicion of dengue, which can present symptoms similar to the flu , the use of acetylsalicylic acid, which favors bleeding, is contraindicated.

And Myth:  You may have heard that when you get rained on, fall into the pool with your clothes on and leave the window open in the cold, you can catch a cold . But the statement according to doctors is just a popular belief. “A cold  is an infection of the airways produced by a virus.

Getting wet after swimming or getting wet is not a cause of a respiratory infection.” The flu and cold viruses circulate in the air and are expelled when the infected person sneezes cough or even talks, so the risk of contagion is greater when being close to those who already have the disease.

It is also possible to acquire the virus through hands, which come into contact with infected surfaces and carry the agent to the mouth, nose and eyes. Some care can reduce the chances of infection.

  • Cover your mouth with a tissue when coughing or sneezing;
  • Wash your hands with soap and water after coughing or sneezing;
  • Avoid staying in closed places with infected people;
  • Keep windows open for better air circulation.

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