What is orange peel for? it is good for insomnia and headache

Orange peel has a lot of nutrients that are essential for the overall health of the body.

Also,  orange is the best source of vitamin C , which is good for health and skin care as well.

However, most of the benefits of orange are on your own skin.

Nutritional Values ​​of Orange Peel

Raw orange peel has 1.5 g of protein and is a source of Potassium , Riboflavin and Vitamin A.

Orange peel  is considered a source of calcium , which contributes to healthy bones and teeth. 100 g of  orange  contains 40 mg of calcium , while the same amount of orange peel has 161 mg of calcium.

Benefits of Orange Peel

For Blood Pressure: 

Orange peel also helps in healthy blood circulation which in turn, orange peel  regulates blood pressure and thus keeps your heart healthy.

For the Skin : 

Add some ground and dried orange peel or, if possible, its oil to stimulate the skin. This is an effective way to use orange peel for the skin.

Treating Bad Breath: 

Suffering from bad breath ? Chew an orange peel instead of a gum or mouth freshener to cure bad breath.

Refresh the Environment: 

Boil a handful of dried orange peel , cinnamon and cardamom in water, this will refresh the mood and air in the house.

To Flavor Food : 

There are a variety of ways to consume orange peel . Generally, orange peel is used to add flavor to food.

For Face: 

Orange Peel is considered a boon for face and skin care as a cure for blackheads, dead skin cells, acne , pores, blemishes, dark circles, dry skin and brightens your face.

Orange Peel  can also be applied with milk or curd for extra shine or to remove tan.

Mosquito repellent: 

Orange Peel is effective against mosquitoes, apply this before leaving home to avoid mosquito bites.

For  Hair: 

Mix the ground orange peel with water and leave it overnight.

Apply this mixture on your hair to get rid of dandruff . Orange Peel  also helps to condition and cleanse.

Weight loss: 

Orange peel is rich in fiber content, which helps with weight loss .

For Digestion: 

Orange peel is very helpful in reducing constipation. Orange peel  also helps in reducing gas, heartburn and vomiting.

Orange Peel  will also help in the proper functioning of the liver.

Treat Asthma: 

Orange Peel helps to remove  phlegm and therefore cures asthma .

For  Tea : 

There are also flavors of orange peel tea available in the market, which have many medicinal purposes.


Orange peel  is used as aroma therapy. Orange peel  can treat headache, anxiety and depression.

Cure the  Hangover: 

Mix orange peel and salt in boiling water for 20 minutes, drink once it is cold to reduce hangover.

Treat insomnia:

Orange peel and its essential oil are widely used in aromatherapy for various purposes, and the treatment of insomnia is one of them.

You can let the orange peel dry, boil it and inhale its scent to relax and get a good night’s sleep .

Treat dandruff:

Orange peels work as a natural moisturizer and can help reduce scalp dandruff .

You should grind the orange peel and leave it in your hair overnight to help get the results you want.

Helps treat asthma:

Asthma is a condition that can make breathing difficult and orange peels can help you with this task.

They help remove a buildup of mucus and phlegm that makes breathing even more difficult.

Teeth whitening:

If you want to have low cost and high efficiency teeth whitening , then you should not throw away orange peels .

These peels have properties that work for teeth whitening and also help to remove stains .

To do this, rub the inner part of the Orange Peels on your teeth  and see how your smile will be whiter and prettier.

Prevent Allergies: 

Histamines are the chemicals responsible for allergic reactions.

Orange peel contains compounds that can help prevent the release of histamines.

For a Healthy Heart: 

Orange peel contains hesperidin, a flavonoid that helps keep blood pressure and cholesterol under control.

Polymethoxylated flavones (PMFs) found in orange peel also help lower cholesterol more effectively than drugs.

Fight Infection, Cold and Flu:

Orange  peel  is rich in Vitamin C and Vitamin A.

This makes orange peel  a natural antioxidant that helps boost your immune system and fight germs and viruses.

As fertilizer:

Orange peel is rich in nitrogen, helping plants and flowers to grow naturally.

On the other hand, the bark has many nutrients, enriching your garden.

Great as an air freshener:

With the orange peel, you ensure that your home maintains a fresh aroma.

Add other ingredients, such as cinnamon and sandalwood, to form a fragrant mixture.

The best thing is that this alternative is 100% natural, respecting the environment.

Helps eliminate acidity:

If you suffer from chronic acidity, orange peel is a great solution to never having a burning stomach again.

When this bark is consumed continuously, for about 20 days, it is possible to guarantee a lasting relief from stomach burning.

Uses of Orange Peel

While the high concentration of histamine-reducing compounds in orange peel is effective in providing support for problematic respiratory indications, its benefits extend even further.

Orange peel provides effective support against breathing difficulties.

It has a lung-cleansing effect by breaking down and helping to flush out congestion.

Eating orange peel also offers a huge benefit. It’s not just the fruit that is loaded with Vitamin C , the rind is too, as well as Vitamin A , enzymes, fiber and pectin.

Vitamin C is a fantastic immune system booster that can help fight cold and flu symptoms.

It tastes a little bitter when eaten by itself, but many people get used to it, or simply add it to other recipes.

In pureed form, orange peel is easy to add to a smoothie or as an extra ingredient in fruit and nut bars.

Mixing it with other ingredients can make the flavor more palatable.

Dehydrated orange peel powder can even be added to a bath for a therapeutic aroma effect to clear the lungs of congestion or other respiratory irritations.

tea recipe

If you want to make the Orange Peel tea , see the details below:



  • Peel the oranges  and reserve the peels;
  • Put the water next to the Orange Peels to boil;
  • Let it boil for about 30 minutes;
  • Strain the tea and it is ready to drink.

Possible harms of orange peel

Orange peel is safe for most adults to consume on a regular basis unless they are allergic.

It is extremely uncommon for an individual to be allergic to fruits such as oranges however.

However, in children, high proportions of orange peel can result in seizures, colic or even death in extreme cases.

If you think your child is suffering, call an ambulance right away.

Although, during pregnancy, or breastfeeding, orange peel is also safe when taken in usual amounts of food.

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