The 7 Foods That Intoxicate the Body
Due to intoxication , it is possible for a person to prevent their weight loss process , even if they are correctly following the orders established by their nutritionist. That’s why most professionals recommend that a detox diet should be done before starting another one.
What we see is that the portions eaten by a person are not necessarily being taken into account, but the foods they ingest. Some foods are so intoxicating and have the power to steal your energy and make you unwilling for physical activities, whatever they may be.
After this period, a sedentary lifestyle begins to settle in an intense way in the body, developing obesity on a faster scale . It is very important that your daily diet is based on foods that are low in dense carbohydrates and more activated in a high protein diet.
So that the meals at the end of the year do not harm your health, you need to take certain precautions. It is important to eat just enough and without prey, chewing food very well.” In addition to these habits, there are some foods that are true enemies of detox. Know what they are and where to find them to avoid them as much as possible. So, check out now The 7 Foods That Intoxicate the Body.
Foods Rich in Sodium: This substance is responsible for retaining liquids and, when consumed in excess, can be harmful to the body. Sodium exaggerationaffects organs such as the heart and kidney , as well as causing problems such as hypertension and swelling .
In addition to table salt, the booze is hidden in large quantities in condiments (ketchup, mustard and ready-made seasonings); sausages and processed meats (salami, ham, bologna); canned foods (olives, peas, sardines, tuna and corn); frozen fast-foods (snacks and pizzerias), soft drinks and industrialized products in general.
Excess Caffeine: Present in coffee , energy drinks, guarana, mate tea and flat drinks, consuming this substance in excess can cause headaches and accelerate the heart rate.
Sugar: Sweets should be consumed in moderation, since excessive consumption of sugar is related to cardiovascular disease , hypertension , diabetes and obesity .
Habits and Addictions that Also Intoxicate: Cigarettes and alcoholic beverages are also responsible for intoxicating the body, which can cause dependence, cancer and problems in various organs such as the liver , lungs and heart. In addition, cigarettes contain harmful substances, such as nicotine, which destabilize the body.
Cereal bar: Many people think that the cereal bar is harmless to the body. A lot is wrong who thinks that eating one of these between meals will help maintain or reduce your weight . The bars are highly dense and have high levels of carbohydrates .
Soft drinks: Soft drinks, lights or diets are high in carbohydrates , slow down your metabolism and prevent you from being healthy and willing to exercise.
Cream of Milk: The cream of milk, has the same power as the yellow cheeses or derivatives. They need to be avoided, especially in homemade recipes, but that doesn’t mean you can’t eat them once a month.