The 15 Health Benefits of Yoga
News of the week:
Benefits of Yoga for Depression and Stress: Yoga has postures to eliminate stress from the body and mind. Yoga posturessuch as Corpse Pose, Child Pose, Forward Bend Pose, Cat Pose and Headstand are considered good for eliminating depression and stress . Tests have shown positive feedback on Yoga ‘s impact on depression and stress , as participants reported a marked decrease in depression levels .
Benefits of Yoga for Hypertension: Relaxation techniques in the practice of Yoga have a positive effect on blood pressure . Regular practice of poses like shavasana, padmasana and padmasana baddha along with pranayama techniques like chandravedi and sheetali help in lowering blood pressure . These postures keep the body and mind in a relaxed state. A study on the role of Yoga in controlling blood pressure showed more positive results compared to placebo treatments.
Benefits of Yoga for the Heart: Yoga is a lifestyle change that can help maintain a healthy heart and body. Ujjayi Pranayama and Bhramari pranayama are beneficial for the heart. Other postures like vajrasana, janushirasana, padahastasana and padmasana baddha along with pranayama techniques like Sarala pranayama and Chandra bhedi pranayama can be practiced for a healthier body. A study of people with coronary artery disease showed that through the inclusion of Yoga in their normal routine, as well as a change in lifestyle and a healthy diet, the incidence of coronary artery disease was dramatically reduced.
Benefits of Yoga in Controlling Diabetes: Regular yoga practicecan also help in controlling diabetes . Some of the poses that can help in controlling diabetes include pavanamuktasana, MATSYENDRASANA, gomukhasana, koormasana, bhujangasana, dhanurasana and Mayurasana. In addition to these postures, pranayama exercises such as suryabhedi, ujjayi and bhastrika have also been prescribed for diabetes . Controlled trials on diabetic patients resulted in improved diabetic conditions for most people who had practiced some form of Yoga training .
Benefits of Yoga for Pain Relief: Yoga can benefit individuals with back pain as well. Some Yoga poses or postures, such as Mountain Pose, Pigeon Pose, Wall Plank Pose, Pull Back and Child Pose, can provide relief from lower back pain.
Benefit of Yoga for Stomach Disorders: Gastric problems can be alleviated by Yoga practitioners . Some asanas, or postures, such as pavanamuktasana, padahastasana and padangusthasana help in controlling gastric problems, toning the abdominal muscles, increasing gastric juices and improving digestion . These poses are simple forward bend poses where you have to touch your feet without bending your knees and bring you forward to a point where your palms should come under your feet with ease. This can help you get relief from a wide variety of gastrointestinal problems.
Benefits of Yoga for Relief of Osteoarthritis: Yoga works well in controlling musculoskeletal pain, especially osteoarthritis. The effectiveness of Yoga on osteoarthritis has been studied in people suffering from osteoarthritis in the hands. Tests have shown that the practice of Yoga is effective in relieving osteoarthritis of the hand.
Benefits of Yoga for Asthma and Bronchitis: Pranayama, or breathing exercises, in Yoga are good for asthma patients . Yoga posturessuch as Half Spinal Twist, Wind Relieving Pose and Corpse Pose along with alternating nostril breathing technique can act as remedies for asthma and bronchitis .
Benefits of Yoga for Weight Loss: The Surya Namaskar position is considered beneficial for weight loss . Pada hasthasana and trikonasana can also be helpful in weight loss .
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition characterized by pressure on the nerves in the wrist. This condition causes weakness, numbness, tingling and can also cause muscle damage in the hand or fingers. Yoga can reduce theeffects of carpal tunnel syndrome significantly.
Benefits of Yoga for Flexibility: There are specific Yoga posturesthat positively affect various joints and stress points in the body. Yoga increases thelubrication of these joints, ligaments and tendons, making them flexible and functional.
Benefits of Yoga for Detoxification: Yoga ensures gentle stretching of muscles and joints , along with comprehensive training of various internal organs, which in turn improves optimal blood supply. A healthy blood flow is essential in flushing out toxins and provides nourishment for every cell in the body for a pleasurable life. Yoga can slow downthe pace of aging and ensure vitality.
Benefits of Yoga During Pregnancy: Yoga is beneficial during pregnancy as well. Researchers in the UK have studied the effects of yoga on pregnant women and found that it can reduce the risk of developing anxiety and depression .
Benefits of Yoga for Muscles: Surya Namaskar, also known as Sun Salutation, is a series of Yoga exercises that are made up of quick movements. It is an effective technique that acts to tone the muscles, accelerating and intensifying breathing and heart rate. At the same time, it keeps the body away from accumulating lactic acid in the muscles, which results in fatigue and pain. This also facilitates the delivery of optimal oxygen to the lungs and the entire body.
Regular practice of this technique strengthens and flexes the muscles around the neck, shoulders, arms, wrists, thighs, calves and ankles. It also increases lung capacity, endurance and cardiac development. Surya namaskara controls diseases such as hypertension , palpitation, back pain, insomnia, improves memory and compression in the abdominal region. It also provides relief from constipation, dyspepsia and thyroid problems.
Yoga is an Easy Practice Exercise: Yoga is simple and ideal for every age group, as it involves slow and static movements. It has a minimal risk of muscle damage and is a low-calorie consuming activity where the main thrust area includes breathing techniques.
Notes: Yoga must be learned under the guidance of an expert instructor. While Yoga can be practiced by everyone, regardless of age or gender, be sure to take your doctor’s advice if you are suffering from heart disease or any acute or chronic medical conditions that require caution. Do not practice Yoga after consuming alcoholic beverages or mind-altering drugs.
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Doing Yoga in direct sunlight is not recommended, choose comfortable places to practice, either outdoors or indoors. Try to focus on each pose so you are not distracted by other people in the room or around you. Take breaks between each training session.