The 10 Health Benefits of Bugre Tea

The Health Benefits of Tea from Bugre  are varied. Well, the Tea de Bugre has a large amount of nutrients that are essential for the general health of the body. In addition, the  Tea de Bugre , also known as porangaba tea, is a strong ally in the fight against excess weight, because in addition to being a diuretic, it is also an appetite suppressant.

Helping you put a stop to out-of-hours hauls. But because it also works as a stimulant, care must be taken when consuming and not overusing it. Very popular for its pharmaceutical properties, the bugre herb is still recognized by several names.

Café do mato, bugrinho, porangaba, rabugem, tea-de-frade, orange tree, among others, are some of the popular names by which the bugre herb is called in its country of origin, Brazil. It belongs to the boraginaceae family and its fruits are very similar to roasted coffee, and are even used in a coffee substitute drink.

Chá de Bugre is widely consumed in Brazil in the form of a weight loss supplement , as it reduces appetite, acts as a diuretic and can probably help to prevent and soften fat deposits and cellulite.

From Chá de Bugre is produced the phytotherapic Pholia Magra, recommended for people who want to lose weight. Despite being very popular, there are still few clinical studies that claim the phytochemical effects of Cha de Bugre .

In addition to the diuretic characteristics that help in the slimming process, porangaba is a good tonic for the heart, as it can speed up circulation in general. It is even used to reduce coughs, regulate kidney function, reduce the amount of uric acid in the body and to heal external wounds.

The Bugre Tea is composed of caffeine, potassium, allantoin and allantoic acid. The red fruits or berries of Chá de Bugre contain caffeine. Allantoin and allantoic acid may be the substances responsible for explaining the traditional use of porangaba for wound healing. So check it out now

Benefits of Bugre Tea to Prevent Cancer:  Studies carried out showed that Bugre Tea  has strong immunomodulatory and anti-tumor properties in polysaccharides, which means that it increases the function of the immune system and destroys cancer tumors .

Study carried out showed that the polysaccharides from Tea de Bugre  exhibited potent macrophage activating activities, including the production of increasing volumes of nitric oxide, which has an antitumor potential.

Benefits of Bugre Tea To Lose Weight:  Bugre Tea  helps in weight loss because it isrich in vitamins A and vitamin C. It also makes the body satisfied with less food, due to its fiber. Another feature is cleanliness within the body.

Cha de Bugre  is low in fat, low in calories and its natural sugar inhibits the desire to eat sweets. The Bugre Tea  reduces appetite and accelerates metabolism, helping to lose weight.

Benefits of Bugre Tea To Relieve Fever:  The Bugre Tea  is great against the high temperatures of the body. Potassium, present in  Chá de Bugre , is able to balance the amount of water in the body, something very important when we have a fever, because during this period there can be dehydration. It also helps relieve muscle pain. Tea de Bugre  has antipyretic properties, that is, it reduces fever.

Benefits of Bugre Tea for the Digestive System : The Bugre Tea  contains fiber in its composition, making it a great choice for those who have gastrointestinal problems. In every 100 grams, 3 are fiber. Fibers help shape the fecal mass, facilitating intestinal transit and regulating peristaltic movements.

Benefits of Bugre Tea to Suppress Hunger:  Bugre Tea  containsan amino acid called sodium glutamate, which produces satiety. This amino acid is also used as a natural additive, thus performing the function of an appetite suppressant remedy.

Benefits of Bugre Tea for the Immune System:  The Bugre Tea  has a large amount of nutrients that are essential for the immune system. The  Vitamin C present in Tea de Bugre  helps to strengthen our body’s immune system, which protects us from colds and coughs.

Benefits of Bugre Tea to Relieve Stomach Pain:  Bugre Tea is ally in stomach pain because it contains bromelain, an enzyme that breaks down food proteins  and relieves stomach pain. Not to mention that  Chá de Bugre  contains a good amount of soluble fibers, which help in the digestive process.

Benefits of Bugre Tea To Increase Libido: Bugre Tea  accelerates metabolism and causes physiological reactions in the body, such as increased heat and sweating, blood circulation and heart rate. Therefore, it favors irrigation in various parts of the body, also stimulating the genitals. The  Bugre Tea  stimulates sperm production and improves libido.

Benefits of Bugre Tea for Wound Healing:  Vitamin C present in Bugre Tea  is an important antioxidant for wound healing. Bugre Tea increases the skin’s resistance during the healing process, and helps in the production of collagen by the skin. The  Bugre Tea  is also important for the creation of new blood vessels, and helps in the absorption of iron.

Benefits of Bugre Tea for Blood Circulation:  Bugre Tea  contains flavonoids that are naturally found in Bugre Tea and other foods that improve blood circulation. Bugre Tea is rich in natural flavonoids that are essential for blood circulation.

How to prepare the Chá de Bugre:  The Chá de Bugre is made in a common way, but it is important that the resting time is respected before drinking it. To make a liter of Cha de Bugre :


  • dry bugre leaves
  • a liter of water


  • In a pan put a liter of water and two tablespoons of dried bugre leaves;
  • Take the pan to the fire and turn off as soon as it boils;
  • Cover the pot and let the tea stand for ten minutes before straining and drinking.
  • To feel the beneficial effects of tea, it is necessary to consume at least two cups of tea a day.

OBS:  It is important to remember that, as it is a strong diuretic, Cha de Bugre should be consumed in moderation. This is because it can eliminate too much liquid and, along with them, the mineral salts that have not yet been absorbed by the body. People who have insomnia and constantly suffer from stress, nervousness and anxiety need to drink this tea in moderation as it is rich in stimulant effects that exacerbate symptoms.

Already hypertensive patients and patients who suffer from other problems related to the heart should first consult with a doctor to find out if there are problems in consuming the Tea de Bugre , since it is a tonic for the heart that can interact undesiredly with other medicines.

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