The 10 Most Recommended Fruits for Diabetics
The Most Recommended Fruits for Diabetics are ideal to help with blood glucose control and health in general. Also, find out which are the most recommended for diabetics and their health benefits.
They are excellent options for dessert, perfectly replacing sweets, which are great villains of the diet. However, those who have diabetes should consume them with caution. Fruits are rich in sugar, so they should be eaten without exaggeration, a maximum of two units a day.
The sweeter the fruit, the more sugar it contains. The most recommended are Acerola , Plum , Avocado , Cashew , Cherry , Star fruit , Coconut , Guava , Grapefruit , Kiwi , Orange , Lemon , Peach , Pear and Tangerine . So, check out the 10 Most Recommended Fruits for Diabetics:
Apple: What makes this fruit one of the Most Recommended Fruits for Diabetics is the presence of a fiber called pectin. It is efficient in controlling blood glucose and bad cholesterol (LDL). If consumed cooked together with Cinnamon , it is still possible to prolong the feeling of satiety.
Blueberry: Those who have diabetes should bet on this Most Recommended Fruit for Diabetics . Despite not being so common on the menu of many people, blueberry is a source of antioxidant, reducing the action of free, molecular radicals that, in excess, can trigger the emergence of tumors, heart disease and even Alzheimer’s . In addition, it fights infections and strengthens the immune system .
Avocado: Because it is low in sugar and rich in monounsaturated fat, which increases good cholesterol , it is one of the most recommended fruits for diabetics . In addition, this fat slows the process of absorption of food, promoting greater satiety.
Cherry: The red fruit contains quercetin, a type of flavonoid that is very effective in lowering cholesterol and triglyceride levels, which makes it one of the most recommended fruits for diabetics . It increases the action of enzymes involved in the breakdown of fat molecules, taking a good part of them from the circulation, which helps – and a lot – the heart.
Cherry is still a source of potassium , an essential mineral for all the muscles in the body. What makes it even more special is Niacin , a B-complex vitamin that prevents headaches and facilitates digestion.
Lemon : Lemon is among the Most Recommended Fruits for Diabetics because it helps regulate insulin levels and prevents diabetes . Lemon is also a source of geraniol, a substance capable of inhibiting the multiplication of cancer cells by interfering with the action of enzymes that act in cell proliferation. Limonene, a compound found in the bark, has the ability to easily penetrate the tissues and cells of the body, acting as a solvent for toxins and fats.
Blackberry: Although it has a high glycemic index, blackberry is rich in compounds that accelerate insulin release, improving glucose synthesis, and making it one of the most recommended fruits for diabetics . The fruit is also a friend of hypertensive patients, as it helps to normalize blood pressure.
Coconut: The main quality of this food is that it contains anti-cancer properties. The magnesium contained in coconut strengthens bones and cartilage. It also acts as an astringent on hemorrhoids. When combined with other fruits or carbohydrates, Coco helps reduce the glycemic load, making it one of the Most Recommended Fruits for Diabetics .
Orange: In addition to being a source of Vitamin C , which is important for immunity, the fruit is rich in fiber, which helps the intestines to function regularly and gives satiety. Orange also has potassium , which helps control blood pressure and, therefore, maintains cardiovascular health.
In the form of Juice: Natural juices are undoubtedly rich in vitamins and minerals that are important for health. However, those who are diabetic should be careful with the consumption of the drink. Pay attention to the quality of the fruit and whether it is among the Most Recommended Fruits for Diabetics when preparing a juice.
For example, to make a glass of orange juice, you need three to four units of the fruit, and when you drink the juice, it doesn’t seem like all that has gone in. Most people don’t eat that many oranges at once.
To make a glass of Watermelon Juice , more or less three slices are needed, and that is equivalent to three servings of fruit, an exaggeration for the diabetic. So, it is always better to eat the fruit than to drink the fruit. Avoid sweetening and try to adapt your taste buds to the taste of the fruit. When this is not possible, opt for natural stevia-based sweeteners.
Desserts: To keep your blood sugar up to date, at this time, the keyword is moderation. Sweets are not welcome, even fruit ones, because they contain huge amounts of sugar. Diet sweets should be reduced and replaced by the Most Recommended Fruits for Diabetics . Every time a diabetic consumes a sugary candy, it contributes to increasing the desire to eat sweet foods.
Diet and sugar-free light products can be consumed in moderation, but should not be used in the daily menu. Because a diet chocolate, without sugar, has a high caloric value, and to control diabetes , it is essential to maintain a normal weight. The secret is a re-education of the palate.
Fruits with a lower glycemic index should predominate on the menu, such as: Peach , Mango , Pineapple , Melon and Watermelon .