Oregano: 20 Main Benefits of Oregano, How to Consume and Recipes

Oregano ( Origanum vulgare ) is a popular fresh and dry spice, used in Greek and Italian cuisine. The flowering plant is a member of the mint family (Apiaceae) and is closely related to marjoram, thyme, basil, sage and lavender.

Oregano is a popular herb that many people think are just a seasoning improving the taste of their food, but in reality, this perennial herb, with the scientific name of Origanum vulgare, has a treasure trove of health benefits that most people still don’t know.

The oregano leaf is the most used part of the plant, but strangely, the aroma and flavor of the leaves is much larger when the herb is dried than when the leaves are fresh, which is unusual for an herb.

In Greek, oregano is called the “joy of the mountains”. It is also known as wild marjoram. The oregano plant is found in the mountainous regions of Greece and other Mediterranean countries. They are also grown in Mexico.

There are different types of oregano. The most common type is oregano vulgare, also known as Spanish thyme and wild marjoram.

People use oregano in the diet as supplements and as aromatic oil.

The antioxidants timol, carvacrol, limonen, terpineno, ocimeno and caryofilenodê the herb its flavor and aroma. They also contribute to the health benefits of oregano oil. Oregano provides other antioxidants when people consume it in the diet. Today in the Blog Health Tips, we will know the 20 benefits of oregano for saúdand.

Nutritional Value of Oregano:

The following table shows the nutritional composition of 100 g of fresh oregano leaves.

, Vitamin E, Vitamin K and minerals such as Iron, Calcium, Manganese, Magnesium and Copper make this species one of the best options to strengthen the immune system.

Benefits of oregano

Improves bone health:

It is normal that over the years the bones will weaken. In addition, therefore our care must be increasingly rigorous and it is necessary to consume this remedy daily, to have high levels of iron and calcium and strengthen our bones. [1]

Reduces inflammation throughout the body:

The anti-inflammatory properties of the herb act quickly on the body and fight swelling on a general level, also strengthen the muscles and joints, so do not worry about any other pain you suffer.

Improves skin appearance:

In this case, all properties of the herb have rapid effects on the skin oregano. In addition, since it eliminates dryness, they provide smoothness and fight free radicals that cause wrinkles and blemishes. [2]

Combat colds:

You can consume the remedy or mix 6 drops of oregano oil in a glass with Orange Juice, any of these methods will cure the flu and clean the lungs.

Help in Digestion:

Oregano is packed with fiber, so despite its small size, it can have a big impact on your digestive system. The fiber present in oregano is an essential element for the healthy digestive system, as it can increase the volume of its feces and stimulate peristaltic movement, which moves food through the digestive tract and excretes it efficiently.

Heart Health:

Oregano is a natural form of omega-3 fatty acids, the beneficial type of cholesterol that actually improves your heart’s health. In addition, the omega-3 fatty acids it contains in Oregano help to rebalance your cholesterol levels and reduce inflammation in the cardiovascular system.

Detoxify the Body:

Oregano is rich in nutrients, with a high content of Manganese, calcium, iron, Vitamin K, fiber and a wide range of other organic compounds, makes it an ideal herb for detoxification of the body.

Body Energy:

By improving the functionality of metabolism, thanks to vitamins B and A Oregano has a unique organic composition, where the body is rejuvenated and energized.

Increased circulation due to the presence of iron and high hemoglobin levels helps to completely oxygenate the cells and muscles of the body, thereby increasing energy and strength.

Antibacterial Properties:

As it contains antibacterial propertiesOregano is essential to aid in the fight against bacteria and prevent some diseases.

Fighting Bad Cholesterol: 

Oregano contains omega 3 fatty acid oils that can help rebalance cholesterol level.

Reduce Stroke:

Strokes are the other form of heart attack. If in heart attack, the heart is the only one attacked, in stroke, the brain is the only one attacked. The factors that cause stroke are almost similar to the factors that cause heart attack.

So for you who are currently having problems with the cardiovascular system and intend to reduce the risk of stroke, adding tea leaves of dried Oregano to a daily diet is highly recommended.

Promoting Blood Clotting:

Blood clotting had its bad reputation because sometimes they were formed at the location where they should not be there, such as in the artery that will disrupt blood circulation.

However, without the ability to clot the blood, when you are cut, the blood will continue to come out of the body and never stop, which is scary. Oregano contains some properties that promote adequate blood clotting in a short time.

Aid in Liver Health:

It is true that too much toxin in your body can be harmful to liver health because the liver will be forced to work hard to eliminate these toxins. However, just by adding Oregano to your daily food, there are some properties found in Oregano that is effective in helping your liver eliminate the toxin.

Combaturinary Disorder:

When your liver is not functioning properly, urinary tract disorder is the direct effect that could happen. However, for those who have been diagnosed with this condition can relieve symptoms when consuming Oregano on a daily basis, because, as anti-inflammatory, it can treat urinary tract disorder efficiently.


As it is rich in manganese and iron, Oregano is also effective for preventing anemia, making sure that red blood cell production is at the right level so that the body gets enough blood and you can say goodbye to anemia altogether.

Recipes with Oregano:

Salmon with Lemon, Capers and Oregano

The salmon gets very moist and soft when cooked in the electric pan. This is a great meal for couples or when you just need to cook something small


  • 100 g salmon fillet;
  • 1-3 cup water;
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice;
  • 3 thin slices of fresh lemon;
  • 1 Tablespoon capers;
  • 1-2 teaspoon chopped oregano;

Staging Mode:

  • Place the salmon on the bottom of a 2 to 1/2 liter pan.
  • Pour the water and lemon juice over the fish.
  • Arrange the lemon slices in a single layer over the fish.
  • Sprinkle with capers and oregano.
  • Cook over low heat for 2 hours.

Remedy with oregano to treat different diseases:


  • 300 ml of water.
  • 3 tablespoons fresh oregano.
  • 1 tablespoon dried oregano.

Staging Mode:

  • In a container you will boil the specified amount of water and at this point,
  • add the two types of oregano, put out the heat, and simmer for 15 minutes so that its properties merge with water.
  • After time, you remove from the fire and sing the contents, then pour into a glass or glass container.
  • In addition, this remedy you should drink warm every day and fasting,
  • you can sweeten with a little honey if you like. Follow this treatment for 3 weeks to notice favorable changes in the body.

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