The 5 Laxative Juices to Loosen the Bowel
Laxative Juices To Loosen Intestine Naturally. In addition, laxatives are preparations used to encourage the passage of stool. They are usually used to treat constipation. Certain saline laxatives, stimulants, and lubricants are used to evacuate the colon for rectal and bowel examination.
Types of Laxatives: There are several types of laxatives. Some combine more than one type of active ingredient to produce a combination of effects. Laxatives can be administered orally or in suppositories.
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Some types of laxatives include:
- Fecal bulking agents, which include dietary fiber. These laxatives should be taken with plenty of water.
- Surfactants cause water and fat to penetrate the faeces making them easier to move.
- Lubricants and emollients, which make stools slippery.
- Moisturizing agents make the intestines retain more water, softening the stool.
- Saline laxatives attract and retain water in the intestinal lumen, softening stool.
- Hyperosmotic agents work by the osmotic effect, which retains water in the colon .
Drinking a laxative juice is a great natural way to fight constipation and bring in essential nutrients that help the body detoxify. How often you should take laxative juices depends on how your bowels work, but 1 glass a day in the morning or before bed is good enough.
Laxative juices can help with weight loss because they improve intestinal transit and the functioning of the body. So, check out The 5 Laxative Juices to Loosen the Gut.
1# Cabbage Juice With Parsley
- 1 cup of coconut water
- 1 slice of Lemon
- 4 tablespoons of kale
- 1 tablespoon of mint
- 1 tablespoon of parsley
- 1 tablespoon of lemon
- 3 ice cubes
- Blend all ingredients in a blender and serve immediately.
2# Papaya, Plum and Oat Juice
- 1/2 papaya
- 1 black plum
- 1 glass of 200 ml of milk
- 1 spoon of rolled oats
- After hitting the blender, you can add crushed ice and honey.
3# Pear, Grape and Plum Juice
- 1 glass of grape juice
- 1/2 pear
- 3 plums without pits
- After hitting the blender, you can add crushed ice and honey.
4# Beetroot, Carrot and Orange Juice
- After hitting the blender, you can add crushed ice and honey.
5# Papaya, Orange and Plum Juice
- 1/2 Mamão papaia sem sementes
- 1/2 copo de suco de Laranja
- 4 ameixas pretas sem caroços
- Nessa receita, a laranja também pode ser substituída por Abacaxi.
- Após bater no liquidificador, pode-se acrescer gelo picado e mel.
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All juices should be blended in a blender and taken right away, for better use of nutrients. In addition, you can add seeds such as chia and flaxseed to all recipes, as they are sources of fiber, vitamins and minerals that also improve intestinal health.