Strawberry juice is good for gastritis and weight loss: see the 15 benefits

Strawberry juice has a large amount of vitamin C , which is essential in boosting the immune system and fighting viruses and toxins.

Strawberry juice is even more beneficial when it comes to fighting diseases. It has anthocyanin and helps prevent arteriosclerosis and skin.

In addition, strawberry juice still has essential minerals for brain , heart , skin, hair and nails health.

We now specify some of the Health Benefits of Strawberry Juice:

  • Treats heart problems ;
  • Strengthens the Immune System ;
  • treat cancer;
  • Improves brain health ;
  • Improves skin health;
  • Treat cancer.

Strawberry Juice Properties

The properties of Strawberry Juice deserve a special mention in medicinal terms, they are low in calories; 100 g provides just 33 calories (7.7 g carbs, 0.7 g protein, 2 g fiber and 0.3 g fat).

They are an excellent source of vitamin C and manganese (each 100 g contains 0.386 mg and 58.8 mg, respectively). They also contain biotin and vitamin B6.

Strawberry juice benefits

To Lose Weight:

The consumption of Strawberry Juice efficiently helps in the slimming process . In addition, strawberry juice also helps to speed up metabolism.

Heart Health:

The potassium found in strawberry juice is a vasodilator; This means that it helps to reduce the effects of sodium in our body.

In the same way, magnesium has this anti-hypertensive action and helps to relax blood vessel muscles.

Eye Health:

The great antioxidant power of Strawberry Juice can prevent and prevent some eye diseases.

In addition, free radicals that are one of the main responsible for the occurrence of symptoms, can be fought by the regular consumption of Strawberry Juice .

Strengthen the Immune System:

Strawberry juice has a good amount of vitamin C , which in addition to being an antioxidant , helps prevent various diseases.

Also, you can fight the flu and colds by drinking Strawberry Juice regularly.

Combat Acne:

If you suffer from acne , know that consuming strawberry juice can help reduce the appearance of pimples and blackheads quickly.

Strawberry juice fruit can also be used to treat acne .

The recipe is as follows: mash about 7 strawberries until it forms a paste, adding a teaspoon of sour cream.

Apply on the face and let it act for 10 minutes. Rinse normally.

Reduce Skin Oil:

Regular consumption of Strawberry Juice , can end up with the oiliness of the skin.

This is due to the properties of Strawberry Juice , which are very effective in treating this type of problem.

To improve metabolism:

The B family vitamins are key players in metabolic activity, regulating everything from energy production to hormonal balance and Strawberry Juice offers high levels of vitamin B-6, folate, riboflavin, niacin and thiamine that help with metabolism.

Control Appetite:

Strawberry  juice also stimulates the production of the hormones leptin and adiponectin, which respectively participate in fat burning and appetite control.

As Healing:

The high levels of Vitamin C and ellagic acid, along with a dense supply of minerals and vitamins, in strawberry juice can stimulate the body to begin the healing process , which speeds up recovery time after illness, injury or surgery.

Against Premature Aging:

Vitamin C and other antioxidants present in strawberry juice  prevent free radical damage to the skin and body.

In addition, free radicals accelerate the aging process , while vitamin C is effective in blocking the damage caused by free radicals, preventing premature aging.

Controlling Blood Pressure:

The magnesium and potassium found in strawberry juice  are quite heart healthy and can help regulate blood pressure and also lessen the negative effects of salt.

Bone Health :

Strawberry juice  is rich in Manganese , Copper, Iron,  Phosphorus , Potassium and Zinc, which can definitely help supplement your mineral intake and increase bone mineral density , reducing your risk of osteoporosis as you age.

Blood Pressure Reduction :

The significant levels of potassium in strawberry juice make it excellent for lowering blood pressure and reducing strain on the cardiovascular system.

In addition, potassium is a vasodilator that reduces tension in blood vessels and arteries, protecting against heart attacks , strokes and atherosclerosis.

Diabetes Control:

The dietary fiber in  strawberry juice  has the ability to regulate blood sugar levels in the body, which eliminates the blood sugar spikes and drops that can be so dangerous for diabetic patients.

If you blend Strawberry Juice instead of extracting the juice, you will benefit from the fiber.

For Blood Circulation :

Strawberry juice has a significant level of iron  and other key minerals that can give your circulatory system a boost , thus providing cells and tissues in your body with resources and oxygen that need to function.

Cancer Prevention:

Vitamin C , ellagic acid, phytonutrients and folic acid present in strawberry juice may play a key role in the body’s fight against cancer.

Fortunately, strawberries have ample amounts of these active ingredients, making this delicious juice a very effective tool for lowering your risk of cancer, reducing oxidative stress, and preventing chronic disease .

How to include strawberry in your daily diet?

To lose weight eating strawberry, maintain a regulated and balanced diet.

Do a food reeducation, including in the menu lots of fruits, grains, vegetables and vegetables, in addition to grilled and lean meats.

In all, eat no more than 1200 calories a day. And don’t forget to practice physical activities to get a toned and beautiful body.

And since the strawberry is a delicious fruit, but like all food in excess, it makes you sick, know how to prepare it in other ways.

A delicious way to ingest the fruit is to make a juice with water or skimmed milk with sweetener or, if you prefer to enhance its properties, make a juice by mixing 1 glass of water, 6 strawberries, 2 lime oranges and a pear orange in a blender.

Strawberry Juice with Apple and Lemon


– a large apple ;
– ¼ large lemon ;
– 1 ½ cups of strawberries.

Preparation mode:

  • Wash the ingredients well and place them in the blender cup;
  • Shake and serve with ice. Enjoy your food!

Harms of Strawberry Juice

In which cases is Strawberry Juice not indicated? Despite all the benefits that food has for health, there are cases in which its consumption needs to be controlled: People with a predisposition to develop kidney stones.

Due to the presence of oxalic acid, a substance that causes kidney stones, intake should only be done under the guidance of a nutritionist.

Other Benefits of Strawberry Juice

Strawberry Juice It has many health benefits, in addition to those mentioned above, it has many other advantages for the body. Watch the video below and check it out:

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