Celery is good for weight loss, diabetes and cholesterol: See 30 benefits
Celery is a green leafy vegetable that belongs to the Apiaceae family .
The stalk of celery is most consumed, in addition to being a low-calorie food.
Celery is rich in many nutrients and water. in addition, the stem can be steamed or eaten raw.
Celery leaves are used for seasoning in soups, sauces and broths. Its seeds contain volatile oils and are used in various medicines.
The vegetable is renowned as one of the most popular Mediterranean grasses, due to its flavor and aroma that is present in several cuisines in our country.
Celery is a great snack, but that green stalk can also benefit your eye. In fact, you might be surprised to find that celery has a number of benefits that have a huge impact on your health.
Dried or oil-pressed celery seeds are widely used in medicine.
Celery oil is sometimes marketed in capsule form. Some people also take celery juice as a medicine.
The ancient Greeks used celery to make wine, which was served as a prize at sports games.
What is it for?
Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, celery prevents arthritis, gout, asthma and bronchitis.
As a diuretic, it helps in removing toxins from the kidneys and inhibits problems such as kidney and gallbladder stones.
With a relaxing effect, the oil extracted in the form of celery juice helps to improve sleep quality and eliminate stress , bringing tranquility to the routine of those who consume it.
Celery , also called celery , is a plant that came from Europe and belongs to the Apiaceae family, also known as Apium graveolens.
Celery can bring many health benefits , helps to lose weight , good metabolism , among many others.
It can be easily grown anywhere. To know if it’s time to harvest, its leaves must reach about half a meter in height and with leaves that are apparently juicy and tasty.
Celery seeds are used as a seasoning. So, look at the nutritional value of Celery.
Nutritional Value of Celery
Celery is a very low calorie food .
It provides just 10 calories per 100 grams of its consumption, in addition to containing 95% water.
It also contains carbohydrates, dietary fiber, as well as low amounts of fat and protein.
Celery is rich in vitamins such as: vitamin A , vitamin C , vitamin E , vitamin K , calcium , potassium , sodium and phosphorus , celery contains dietary fiber, low amount of fat and protein .
benefits of celery
Helps improve bone health:
Celery is super beneficial when it comes to bone health .
There are a number of nutrients found in the tiny stalks that promote skeletal strength – including vitamin K , which allows bones to absorb calcium .
Improve the Immune System:
Due to the high concentration of vitamin C , celery is an excellent source to boost your immune system .
Eating celery regularly can help you fight the symptoms of the common cold and other illnesses .
Complete with anti-inflammatory properties, celery makes the perfect snack for anyone suffering from arthritis or other common ailments.
The nutrients in this common vegetable help reduce swelling and pain around problem joints.
Prevent Cancer:
Studies have shown that celery has properties that can prevent certain types of cancer .
One article discussed the benefits of celery in relation to pancreatic cancer cells.
The report explains that because the stalk has cancer-fighting flavonoids, it can fight cancer cells.
Helps in losing weight:
With only 16 calories, a serving of celery can help people who are trying to lose weight.
In fact, while celery is low in calories, it is high in fiber, making it a filling food source and an excellent choice for reducing overeating.
Blood vessels:
Phthalides, a common compound, are found in celery . This compound works in reducing stress on blood vessels, which results in lower blood pressure .
Celery contains non -domestic polysaccharides, which produce anti-inflammatory properties that keep the digestive tract healthy.
Celery is rich in antioxidants:
Celery is full of antioxidants. Additionally, antioxidants are important for overall health, including many of those mentioned here, especially in terms of digestive and blood vessel health .
For Nails:
Due to the large amount of nutrients found in celery , it is an excellent food for people who wish to have longer nails.
Helps Relieve Stress:
Celery can help you with stress management and reduction .
The magnesium found in the green stem helps in relieving the nervous system .
In fact, taking a bite or two before bed can help you sleep better!
Hair Health:
Want to have stronger and healthier hair? Celery can be your best friend.
The minerals and nutrients packed in this little vegetable can aid in hair growth .
Cardiovascular Health:
Good cardiovascular health is important. Plus, celery is great for heart health .
Stress and inflammation can affect the heart . However, as celery has anti-inflammatory and stress -reducing properties , consumption can protect the heart.
Celery to reduce inflammation:
Celery has gained a healthy reputation for its antioxidant properties that significantly reduce inflammation.
Inflammation can affect many parts of the body , including the digestive tract, heart , and joints.
Celery can potentially reduce side effects associated with a number of serious health issues .
Celery for cholesterol:
Eating celery every day can reduce artery-clogging cholesterol (called LDL or “bad” cholesterol).
The phytalides present in celery also stimulate the secretion of bile juices, which work to lower cholesterol levels .
Helps Detoxify the Body:
Celery acts as an antioxidant , and in fact, all parts of celery , including the seeds, roots, and leaves, can be used.
Eating celery regularly helps prevent kidney, pancreas, liver and gallbladder diseases.
Lowers blood pressure:
Celery contains phytalides , which are organic chemical compounds that can lower the level of stress hormones in the blood.
Additionally, celery allows your blood vessels to expand, giving your blood more room to move, thus reducing pressure.
Reduces Arthritis Pain:
Celery is great for people suffering from arthritis , rheumatism and gout. It has anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce joint swelling and pain.
Combat Asthma:
The Vitamin C present in celery prevents free radical damage and also has anti-inflammatory properties that lessen the severity of inflammatory conditions like asthma.
Relieves Migraine:
The presence of coumarin in celery can provide relief from migraines.
Research points out that for the suppression of nitric oxide release in the brain, it can cause headaches and migraines .
Control Diabetes:
Celery leaves are also consumed to treat various diabetic conditions.
Celery has a high fiber content , which has been shown to help manage diabetes symptoms.
Improves sex life:
Celery contains two pheromones, androsterone and androstenol.
These compounds help to boost libido. Chewing celery can help release these compounds.
For women:
Celery is beneficial for women. It contains phytochemical estrogenic anethole is a compound that helps in reducing menstrual problems.
Other Benefits of Celery
- Laxative properties due to the presence of dietary fiber and can be consumed when suffering from constipation.
It is rich in anti-inflammatory properties. Polyacetylene that help prevent arthritis, gout, asthma and bronchitis. - It has diuretic properties and is also helpful in removing toxins from the kidney. Kidney related problems and gallbladder stones can be inhibited by their consumption.
- Celery juice helps to induce sleep. It has essential oils and minerals that provide a relaxing effect for the nerves and can keep stress under control.
How to choose celery:
Look for crisp stalks with no signs of discoloration and no wilting of the leaves.
Stale celery will become brittle, and while these stalks are still usable, they are not ideal.
It has a spicy and slightly acidic flavor, a very crisp texture, and lots of stringy strands.
When cooked, celery has a smoother texture that is still slightly crunchy.
Miscellaneous information:
Wild forms of celery still exist and are usually found growing in water.
The wild form is very bitter compared to the sweet hybrid form we commonly find today.