Vitamin B5 – what it is, benefits and side effects!

Vitamin B5 is a vitamin also known as “pantothenic acid” that is often questioned when you have stress issues. And it really performs an anti-stress function. It is necessary to metabolize and synthesize proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Vitamin B5 is found in blood plasma and helps balance sodium (mineral) and potassium (mineral) in our body.

It is found in all living cells, including the cells of animals and plants. Vitamin B5 is used in the body by the intestinal bacterial flora. As this vitamin supports the function of the adrenal glands, a deficiency of this vitamin can lead to adrenal insufficiency. Incidentally, the brain is another organ in the body that uses a very high amount of pantothenic acid . People with depression problems may have a minor vitamin B5 deficiency .

What is Vitamin B5?

Pantothenic acid is a key element for synthesizing food: from fats to carbohydrates to amino acids and antibiotics. Furthermore, by taking the right amount of vitamin, stress and anxiety can also be tackled.

It is found in all living cells, including the cells of animals and plants. Of course, vitamin B5 is used in the body by the intestinal bacterial flora. As vitamin B5 supports the function of the adrenal glands, a deficiency of this vitamin can lead to adrenal insufficiency. The brain is another organ in the body that uses a very high amount of pantothenic acid . People with depression problems  may have a minor vitamin B5 deficiency .

However, vitamin B5 , or pantothenic acid or vitamin W, is part of the so-called water-soluble vitamins, those that cannot be accumulated in the body, but must be periodically taken in through the food supply.

Vitamin B5 , or pantothenic acid , plays a vital role in the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates and is involved in the synthesis of cholesterol and hormones. Vitamin B5 , in particular, is particularly suitable for protecting hair and skin , preventing tiredness and healing wounds and burns.

What is vitamin B5 used for :

The functions of this vitamin, interpreted as coenzyme A, are multiple. Therefore, this fact acts on both anabolic and catabolic processes, because there are two pools of COA-SH: mitochondrial pool and cytosolic pool.

The mitochondrial pool will act on catabolism and then on β-oxidation and the Krebs cycle, the cytosolic pool will act on anabolism, for example on the synthesis of fatty acids. The thiol group (SH) is functional as it is able to activate different molecules, given the high energy of the thioester bond. The functions of pantothenic acid are multiple and we can include them in the following:

  1. Fatty acid synthesis;
  2. Oxidation of fatty acids;
  3. Ketone body metabolism;
  4. Oxidative metabolism of pyruvate;
  5. Krebs cycle;
  6. amino acid catabolism.

Foods Rich in Vitamin B5 :

Foods Rich in Vitamin B5PortionAmount of Vitamin B5
beef liver100 g6,30 mg
Rump100 g0,39 mg
Wheat germ100 g2,24 mg
Rice bran100 g7,4 mg
Sunflower seeds100 g7,1 mg
Tomato Sauce123 g0,38 mg
Avocado100 g1 mg
Roasted Potato with Peel122 g0,7 mg
Mushroom100 g3,6 mg
Boiled egg50 g0,65 mg

Benefits of Vitamin B5 :

1. Reduces fatigue:

Vitamin B5  helps reduce fatigue, tiredness of the body and helps maintain the body’s metabolic activities. So, this means that this vitamin is able to increase the resistance of the human body.

2. Works as a synthesizer:

Vitamin B5  acts as a synthesizer of important components required by the human body. In fact, it is essential for the formation of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, amino acids and antibiotics and for stimulating adrenal hormones.

3. Benefits the nervous system:

Pantothenic acid plays an important role in the production of a molecule called acetylcholine. This substance is a neurotransmitter primarily responsible for the exchange of nerve impulses between the brain and the various organs.

4. Reduces stress:

Vitamin B5 has a reputation for reducing stress and other serious mental issues like anxiety  and depression . But it does so by regulating the hormones responsible for causing these mental conditions.

5. Gives energy to the body:

Vitamin B5  helps to reduce the body’s fatigue and tiredness and sets the entire body’s metabolic activities on the right track. In fact, this means that this vitamin is able to increase the resistance of the human body to perform various tasks in an efficient and healthy way. This is a huge advantage of this vitamin, particularly from the point of view of active people and athletes.

6. Solubility in water:

Since vitamin B5 belongs to the water-soluble group, it does not add any kind of toxic substance to the human body, thus proving to be beneficial and effective for people of all age groups and both sexes.

7. Promotes heart health:

Vitamin B5  has an impressive record for keeping the heart under normal working conditions. It certainly helps regulate cholesterol level and helps control blood pressure.

8. Improves skin and hair:

Vitamin  B5  helps keep the skin healthy. It also helps to delay the appearance of signs of premature aging on the skin, such as wrinkles and age spots. Studies have also shown that  vitamin B5  plays an important role in hair pigmentation.

9. Fights rheumatoid arthritis:

Although the studies are just beginning, the researchers made an interesting discovery. It appears, in fact, that  rheumatoid arthritis patients  are joined by low levels of  pantothenic acid . But more research is needed to understand whether there is a link between the disease and  vitamin B5 .

10. Strengthens the immune system:

Vitamin B5  is important for strengthening the immune system , thus helping to fight infections and diseases.

Recommended doses of vitamin B5:

The daily requirement varies between 3 and 12 mg per day, depending on age and sex. According to the latest European indications, an intake of 4-7 mg per day would be adequate for the majority of the population. In short, just eat 3-4 hard-boiled eggs a week to make the right contribution to our body!

Cosmetic uses:

This vitamin is often used as an ingredient in skin and hair beauty products. In products dedicated to hair, pantothenic acid can be used to add volume and shine. It seems that, among its properties, there is also that of improving the condition of hair ruined by chemicals.

According to a 2011 study, panthenol, a form of vitamin B5 , has benefits for hair in case of wear and tear. In practice, it blocks wear and tear but does not stimulate growth.

Vitamin B5 Deficiency :

In industrialized countries, it is very rare to develop this type of disability. In general, people with malnutrition problems face this deficiency. Although, according to scientific research, the lack of pantothenic acid alone can hardly create health problems.

Generally, those who are deficient in this vitamin, however, have other types of deficiencies and this can be a problem. Following are the popular signs associated with vitamin B5 deficiency :

  1. Tiredness;
  2. Headache ;
  3. Irritability;
  4. Muscle coordination problems;
  5. gastrointestinal problems;
  6. depression ;
  7. Heat for the feet;
  8. Insomnia ;
  9. vomiting .

As written earlier, vitamin B5 deficiency  is quite rare due to the fact that it is present in many foods.

Side effects:

The intake of this vitamin is safe when it is consumed in appropriate doses. Excessive consumption can have various side effects like diarrhea and can also result in blood loss.

Some studies tell us that vitamin B5 can enhance the effect of cholinesterase inhibitor drugs. These drugs are used to treat Alzheimer’s patients . These drugs combined with supplements of this vitamin can cause serious side effects. Always consult a doctor in these cases.

Recommended doses:

The daily requirement varies between 3 and 12 mg per day, depending on age and sex. According to the latest European indications, an intake of 4-7 mg per day would be adequate for the majority of the population. In short, just eat 3-4 hard-boiled eggs a week to make the right contribution to our body!


A normal diet ensures the recommended daily intake of pantothenic acid . Smokers or those who abuse alcohol or drugs, as well as people suffering from degenerative diseases (such as autoimmune diseases), burn victims and those who have undergone surgery, or those who have a disability, need larger amounts, obtained with the integration of vitamin B5 , or through a multivitamin.

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