Valina – What is it, Benefits, What is it for, Foods and Contraindications

Valina – What it is, Benefits, What it is for, Food and Contraindications  are information that everyone needs to know. Furthermore, our body assimilates proteins  through amino acids. The organism distinguishes a total of twenty amino acids to correctly assimilate proteins . Among them, then, we will highlight one, Valina . It is a type of branched amino acid, having great importance in this process of assimilation of proteins , and that our body does not produce itself, so we need to know its operation to maintain good levels in the body.

Among the main functions of Valine , it is important to increase the volume of muscle tissues. In fact, after exercise it is an ally to accelerate muscle recovery. Along with this it is essential to get good wound healing, avoid the liver damage that other amino acids can cause. It helps to maintain a perfect balance of blood sugar levels, it is essential to maintain good mental health …

What is Valine?

Valine is a branched  -chain amino acid in the same family as leucine and isoleucine. These three amino acids together form about 35% of the amino acids present in  our body’s proteins .

Thus, it is an essential amino acid, so it is not produced by the body and must be taken from food or supplements. In fact, the recommended daily amount of Valine  is 15ml in adults and 25ml in children. It is advisable not to exceed these values ​​because excessive consumption of this amino acid can cause hallucinations and impair the proper functioning of the liver and lungs.

It is often used by bodybuilders, along with leucine and isoleucine, to promote muscle growth. Given that most athletes do not get enough Valine  through their diet to ensure the health of their muscles , it is highly recommended that these people use it through supplements.

Valine properties:

Valine in a neutral amino acid, as a nutritional supplement, usually branches with leucine and isoleucine, and is an important component of our diet. In the body, Valine is concentrated in the muscles , favoring their recovery after physical exercise . It also plays an essential role in wound healing and the subsequent growth of new tissue, among other things.

Deficiency of this amino acid is known as “maple syrup urine disease”. This anomaly consists of the body’s inability to metabolize leucine, isoleucine and valine . Likewise, a lack of Valine  affects myelin and the nervous system.

Valina  nutritional supplements are recommended for those who have bruises or injuries suffered, to prevent future tears, always under medical advice.

Benefits of Valine:

Valine ‘s main function is to provide the main source of energy production aid in our human body. We must remember that this amino acid is an essential part of our muscles  and is used permanently in our body’s exercise or physical efforts.

Promotes healing:

A diet in which Valine  is present helps to heal wounds and rebuild tissues better.

Helps the formation of muscle tissue:

Along with repairing muscle tissue and wounds, consuming Valine  helps the body to build muscle tissue and muscle to grow.

Strengthens the liver:

Liver related problems can be treated and prevented by consuming Valine .

Promotes relaxation:

Valine  favors positive mood in the body. And is that this amino acid has relaxing properties that lead to a nervous balance.

Prevent diabetes:

Valine  helps balance blood sugar levels to ensure good health. In this way, following a balanced diet will help to treat and prevent diabetes .

Other benefits:

  • It helps in carrying out molecular metabolism.
  • Prevention of tears and muscle damage.
  • This significantly helps in the digestive process.
  • Significantly reduces stress.
  • Supporting the maintenance of good mental health.
  • Effectively fight hepatitis, cirrhosis and, in general, all liver diseases. Being an excellent ally of our liver.
  • It is a good constituent for enzymes like hormones and body fluids.
  • It develops the growth of new tissues to the maximum.
  • It gives energy to the muscles  at the time of physical exertion.
  • Regenerator of damaged tissues, reducing the symptoms of fatigue and muscle pain.
  • Reduces appetite as well as bulimia.
  • Accelerates the wound healing process.
  • It favors the dream in the human being.
  • On a general level, it maintains health with its excellent properties.

What to Serve:

When exercise is one of your main or primary functions, you are probably looking to increase muscle mass, increasing tissue volume and promoting muscle mass growth. It is essential for muscle regeneration and recovery after finishing certain exercise work.

Along with this it is essential to get good wound healing, avoid the liver damage that other amino acids can cause. It certainly helps to maintain a perfect balance between blood sugar levels, however, maintaining good mental health is essential.

For the simple fact that it is an essential amino acid it must be digested for later use, which is known as protein synthesis . This is usually performed as a component of proteins . This is synthesized in plants through various processes and starting with pyruvic acid. Incidentally, where the intermediate, which in this case will be α-oxoisovalerianic acid, will be processed through an animation with glutamate. Several enzymes involved in biosynthesis will be released and among them we have:

  • Aceto-Hydroxy Synthase Acid;
  • Acetohydroxy acid isomereductase;
  • Dihydroxy acid dehydratase;
  • Valinaminotransferase.

Our body concentrates Valine  in muscle tissue, which helps its later recovery after the completion of some physical exertion or sporting activity. It is also of paramount importance in the wound healing process and, of course, in the relentless process of new tissue growth. In general, Valine  is extremely important for the growth and development of our entire human body.

Foods Rich in Valine:

Let’s see where it is, so we can make the most of it. We know that the two main sources of Valine  are animal products such as fruits and vegetables. In any case, we cannot exclude nuts and vegetables that help to get the complex picture of our diet.

This amino acid can be found in many foods, as long as they are rich in protein , we could cite as examples: rice, vegetables, nuts , milk, flour, egg, fish, red meat, chicken, lentils , corn , grains, cheese.

Therefore, it is recommended to carry out a diet based on recipes containing the aforementioned foods.

It is worth mentioning that egg whites are a prominent protein store, or as it is known worldwide as the food that stores the most amino acids naturally. So, with this condition, it is called the perfect food when we talk about amino acids. Also nuts and seeds have large amounts of essential amino acids.

How to drink:

If we take them as supplements, we must take into account a maximum of 10 ml of BCAAs per kilogram of body weight per day. BCAAs that are dosed in powdered form can be taken at the rate of 5 grams twice a day for an average adult. These can be consumed indifferently before, during or after training, in addition they can also be eaten throughout the day or generally at any time to help any relationship recovery or muscle soreness or affected tissue regeneration.

If they are capsules, as there are different doses or levels, many take between 2 or 3 capsules twice a day. But if we get good accounts they are very similar to powder deposit doses and just vary according to the person’s personal lifestyle needs, donates will be included if active, sedentary, very active person or bodybuilder or high performance athlete.

It is worth noting that it is very convenient not to stop taking vitamins B5, B6 and B7 in unison with this amino acid or to better absorption and its function in the body to develop in the best possible way, as demonstrated by laboratory tests that both excess and lack of pantothenic acid, and pyridoxine interfere with the absorption of Valine .

Recommended Dosage of Valine:

This point is a critical issue in the scientific and sports community. It is recommended for general characteristics the intake of 10 ml per kilogram of body weight. By the way, these values ​​should not be exceeded too much, since the exaggerated consumption of this amino acid can cause hallucinations and impair the functioning of the liver and kidneys.

Valine side effects:

When the dosage is correct or within acceptable limits, no adverse reactions were found. Although the side effects or symptoms known so far have been listed.

These symptoms mentioned above appear at the time of exceeding doses of 10 grams per day and, as we see, most are at the level of the digestive system. However, with lower doses, it is very strange that cases of adverse symptoms occur.

Valine Deficiency:

Many already know the symptoms of excess Valine , in fact, we made a list with the description of the effects due to its deficiency in the body.

  • It causes a disease called “syrup urine” due to the body’s metabolic inefficiency as far as Valine is concerned . Therefore, this name is attributed to him due to the characteristic color of the urine that resembles maple syrup or, as it is also known, maple syrup.
  • It affects the nervous system, affecting the melina, responsible for covering the nerves of the human body.
  • This directly affects the muscles . By damaging them and preventing their repair, there is a type of muscular anemia.
  • It produces a disease called sickle cell anemia . This is a genetic disease. It causes a person to have a type of hemoglobin known as Hemoglobin S, which causes red blood cells to have a sickle shape rather than a plaque as they normally should be. Directly affecting red blood cells, it causes anemia and other complications. However this anemia known as  sickle cell anemia   is caused by poor coding of hemoglobin, where the body replaces valine  (not found) with glutamic acid.
  • Brain neurological problems;
  • Anorexia;
  • Parkinson’s disease.

It affects the whole body in general. Decay, lack of energy, since the organism is not in an ideal condition.


Definitely because it is a supplement, it is necessary to clarify that there are certain contraindications in situations such as:

Pregnancy and breastfeeding:

At this stage, it is not recommended to take branched-chain amino acids as there is not enough reliable evidence to suggest that it is safe to do so.

Before surgery:

BCAAs throughout research have shown that they directly affect blood sugar levels, and for obvious clotting reasons, it is not recommended to consume them before undergoing surgery . If you are taking them, you must stop them at least 15 days before any surgery.

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