The 20 Health Benefits of Brazil Nuts
Bertholletia excelsa, popularly known as Brazil nut, Acre nut, Brazil nut, Amazonian walnut, Bolivian walnut, tocari and tururi is a large tree, very abundant in northern Brazil and Bolivia, It is also rich in B vitamins, Vitamin E , Zinc , Magnesium , Calcium and Potassium . But when it comes to Selenium , Brazil nut is the nut champion.
Selenium is essential to protect neurons against degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s, for example. In fact, medical studies conducted by the University of Otago in New Zealand proved that the intake of 2 Brazil nuts a day is enough to increase blood Selenium by 65%. So, check out The 20 Health Benefits of Brazil Nuts:
Benefit of Brazil Nuts For Workouts:  If you are in the habit of exercising/training to lose weight, you should be careful not to train on an empty stomach. On the other hand, eating a full meal before exercise is not recommended. The ideal is to look for foods that are easy to consume, light digestion and that provide energy and disposition to the body. By bringing together these characteristics, Brazil nut is one of the appropriate options.
Benefits of Brazil Nuts for Aging: Brazil Nuts  contain Vitamin A andVitamin E which increase collagen production , giving you smooth and firm skin. Apply Brazil nut oil before going to bed to add a healthy glow to your skin.
Benefit of Brazil Nuts for Muscle Growth:  For the growth and repair of muscle tissue, it is essential to eat foods that are sources of Protein . Taking into account the recommended daily amount of Protein for an adult male (56 g), the seeds already help to meet a good part of this goal (a glass of Brazil nuts provides about 19 g of protein). The fats and selenium in nuts are also important for the synthesis of testosterone, a hormone that promotes muscle growth.
Benefits of Brazil Nuts for the Heart:  Another incredible benefit of  Brazil nuts  is its proven ability that just one  Brazil Nut  per day is capable of eliminating all the risks of heart attack and stroke. And it still helps to reduce cholesterol levels , triglycerides and lower blood pressure .
Benefits of Brazil Nuts for  Acne: The anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties of Brazil nuts can be useful for treating acne and skin inflammation. The  zinc in this oilseed reduces skin redness and promotes collagen production . It flushes out toxins from the body, preventing the onset of Acne .
Benefit of Brazil Nuts for Diabetes:  A  Brazil nut a day, precisely because it is rich in  Magnesium ,  it helps to reduce the risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes , lowering blood sugar levels. Magnesiumacts on glucose metabolism , lowering blood sugar levels.
Brazil Nut Helps to Lose Weight:  The 27 calories contained in a  Brazil Nut  already provide enough nutrition to help those who want to lose weight with health.
Brazil Nut Provides Shiny Hair: Brazil  Nut  is the easiest and least expensive treatment to make hair healthy and shiny. It contains large amounts of Omega-3 fatty acids, which stimulate sebum production in the scalp, conditioning hair naturally.
Brazil nut oil is also used in shampoos, conditioners and hair treatments. Eat a handful of Brazil nuts daily to notice a huge improvement in the quality of your hair.
Benefits of Brazil Nuts for the Brain:  Researcher Bárbara Cardoso clarified that there is a relationship between the amount of selenium in the body and oxidative stress in cases of MCI, a condition that anticipates, for example, the occurrence of of Alzheimer’s. She reports that as we age, neurons begin to produce more free radicals during energy synthesis and that our antioxidant defenses also become ineffective.
Brazil Nut Helps in Cancer Prevention : Brazil  Nut  is able to neutralize the presence of free radicals that are produced by breathing and contribute to the aging of cells and their mutations that give rise to tumors. And thanks to the action of Vitamin E and Selenium  present in these oilseeds they are able to help also help in the prevention of Ovarian , bowel and bladder cancer.
Benefit of Brazil Nuts for Skin Dryness:  Brazil  nuts are very helpful in relieving skin dryness. It contains nutrients like Zinc , Vitamin E and Omega-3 fatty acidsthat treat dryness of the skin and flanks, preventing Eczema and Psoriasis .
The oil extracted from Brazil nuts can also be used to treat skin dryness and minor infections. The emollient properties of Brazil nut oil keep the skin well hydrated. Apply a few drops of Brazil nut oil to your feet to treat itchy and cracked heels.
Brazil Nut Helps Strengthen the Nervous System:  Brazil Nut is a source of Zinc , a mineral responsible for maintaining the Immune System and which also contributes to the proper functioning of white blood cells (defense cells of the body).
Benefits of Brazil Nuts For Thyroid:  The essential to maintain thyroid health is   Zinc and Selenium  and  Brazil Nuts are rich in these two nutrients. The thyroid is a gland that is located in the neck region and is responsible for producing hormones that act in the function of Organs vital organs, which are the kidneys, brain, heart and liver.
Brazil Nuts Prevent Hair Breakage: Brazil nuts are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids , a healthy form of fatty acids that make hair healthy. It is also a good source of Vitamin E , one of the most important nutrients needed to improve the appearance of hair. A deficiency in this nutrient can make hair brittle and prone to breakage.
Benefits of Brazil Nuts for Bone Health:  Brazil Nuts are a source of Calcium  and Magnesium : While Calcium is important for the formation of bones and teeth, Magnesium works by fixing Calcium in the bones. That’s why foods that contain this pair of minerals are beneficial for bone health and the prevention of Osteoporosis .
Brazil Nut Fights Depression:  Brazil Nut is also rich in tryptophan, the amino acid precursor ofSerotonin  and contains Vitamin B6 and Magnesium , which help in the process of the pleasure and well-being hormone.
Other Benefits of  Brazil Nut:
• Prevents cramps, pain and muscle spasms – due to the presence of Magnesium ;
• Delays the appearance of wrinkles – due to the antioxidant actions of Selenium and Vitamin E ;
• Combats fatigue and extreme tiredness – through the action of B vitamins;
• Increases the absorption of vitamins A, D and K in the body – these vitamins are fat-soluble nutrients and Brazil nuts contain a good amount of poly and monounsaturated fatty acids.
Risks Related to Brazil Nut Consumption:  The recommended consumption should not exceed more than two nuts a day. Consuming more than four to six  Brazil nuts can be harmful to health. This is because this amount of food has between 200 and 300 mcg of Selenium , a little below the maximum daily recommendation for Selenium (400 mcg).
Occasional consumption of a larger amount will not cause any problems, what complicates is the chronic consumption of high amounts of the nut. An overdose of selenium can occur which leads to a toxic condition known as selenosis. The symptoms of this problem are Nausea , vomiting, abdominal pain, fatigue, irritability, peeling nails, hair loss , bad breath, gastrointestinal disturbances and nervous system damage.