10 Remedies to Reduce Fever in Children

Remedies to Reduce Fever in Children  in a 100% natural way. Also, Fever is an increase in body temperature that causes the body to stand as a defense mechanism to defend itself against any viruses or bacteria that could be the cause of the specific illness or infection. So while we often agonize when our children have a fever and always how dangerous this condition can be highlighted, this is a temporary process that is meant to benefit health, not harm it.On the market there are many antipyretics offering temperature control and relieving symptoms associated with fever such as sweating, chills and body aches . However, many parents prefer that their children do not use drugs at an early age, to know if there is any way to reduce fever naturally. The good news is that yes, there is a lot more we can do at home to control body temperature. So, check out now  The 10 Remedies to Reduce Fever in Children

Removing Children’s Clothing Helps Reduce Fever:  Many people appreciate children with fever because they believe that too much clothing will make the body sweat the fever faster. However, some parents know that clothes have the power to retain body heat and prevent outside air to cool the skin and reduce its temperature. For this reason, one of the best remedies to reduce Fever in Children is to leave them with as little clothing as possible, so that they can get fresh air and balance the temperature throughout their body.

It is also important to place the small bed in a place where it is not hot, but where the climate is temperate. a ventilated room is recommended, but making sure the child does not directly receive any natural or artificial flow of air. When winter season it is advisable to lower the heating temperature to prevent Fever from becoming resistant.

Hot Shower is Good for Reducing Fever in Children:  Hot water showersare ideal for reducing fever in children because the water is lower than their body temperature, therefore, it helps to balance the thermostat. It is not necessary for the child to stay 20 minutes of immersion in the water, just a bath as usual, but in that monitoring the water temperature remains the same and never too cold or too hot, because both ends can be bad. The recommended temperature for these baths varies between 34°C and 36°C.

Leaving the bathroom is normal as the child manifests cold and fever is starting to subside. However, as mentioned in the previous point, it is important to avoid excess blankets and clothing to keep the body warm again and keep it longer. Sleeveless cotton pajamas is an excellent choice.

Cold compresses help to reduce fever:  Cold compresses are the remedy par excellence to reduce fever in children and adults , as the temperature helps to reduce fever and encourages sweating. If you don’t have pads you can soak a towel in cold water and place it on your forehead, neck and small ankles. Once towels or napkins feel warm to the touch it is necessary to wet them with cold water and place them again.

Cold water stimulates blood circulation, and this, once activated, helps control fever throughout the body. For this reason, it may also be advisable to have the child soak their hands and arms in a large container of cold water for at least 15 minutes. Once blood begins to flow in this area of ​​the body it will stabilize the body temperature.

Hydration is Key to Reducing Fever in Child:  During long periods of fever it is normal for the child to start to dehydrate, it only gets worse Fever and body aches. To prevent this from happening and to help the fever disappear , it is advisable to give the child plenty of liquid:  water , whey, breast milk and citrus juices to boost defenses.

When a child has a fever  it is normal to immediately lose their appetite and resist eating any but mostly solid food. One way to get you to stay hydrated and well fed during fever is to feed chicken broth, which helps to strengthen your immune system and help make recovery faster, did you know that cold chicken soup cures? .

It is also advisable to hydrate older children with sunflower infusion, as this plant has medicinal properties that act on the body by controlling high temperature. For perfusion you will cook at a rate of water a handful of sunflower petals for 10 minutes over medium heat. Then strain the preparation and add honey and lemon . Ideally, give the child two tablespoons three times a day.

Lettuce Tea is Good for Reducing Fever:  And sunflower infusionis effective for Reducing Fever in Children , lettuce tea too, because this vegetable is rich in water , keep hydrated effectively small for much longer. Also, lettuce is rich in minerals like Potassium ,   Magnesium , Sodium and   Phosphorus to help the child feel more energetic and moody.

How to Prepare Lettuce Tea:

  • Prepare this drink by cooking a whole lettuce in a liter of boiling water .
  • Boil over medium heat for 20 minutes, then pour the preparation and add honey and lemon .
  • Ideally, drink a small glass while the drink is hot.

Rubbing the Body from Bottom Up Helps Reduce Fever:  This remedy for Reducing Fever in Children is to rub from the bottom up, i.e. from the feet forward, the child with a damp towel in cold water. The effect is the same as explained earlier in the compresses section: cold water stimulates circulation and this in turn controls the thermostat. There are other options that offer the same result: having the child walk barefoot on a cold floor, putting on wet socks or cut cold potatoes placed on the soles of the feet.Going to the Doctor is Always Good:  Whenever a child has fever , it is necessary to see a doctor to diagnose the disease or infection that is causing the symptom. However, there are some warning signs that indicate that we cannot wait for an appointment as soon as possible, it is necessary to go to an emergency center:

  • Lack of movement.
  • Dry, sticky mouth.
  • Decreased urine toileting.
  • Dry diapers for three hours.
  • dark urine.
  • Some tears to cry.
  • Dark skin .
  • Extreme drowsiness.
  • Fast heartbeat.
  • If the fever does not go down with medication, or goes down and goes up again after two hours.
  • Fever has lasted more than a day.
  • The temperature rises throughout the day.

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