The 12 Home Remedies to Fight Candidiasis

Home Remedies to Fight Candidiasis are an excellent alternative for curing candidiasis. Also, Candidiasis is an infection caused by the Candida fungus, usually Candida albicans. And it can affect the skin, nail, genitals, throat, bloodstream and mouth.

Causes of Candidiasis: The main cause ofvaginal candidiasis is the fungus Candida albicans. This fungus already exists in small amounts in the woman’s body and lives in balance with the vaginal flora. However, some factors can lead to its imbalance in the body, causing the fungus to reproduce and cause symptoms. As the female genital region is warm and humid, it is a more favorable region for the fungus to spread.

Candidiasis Risk Factors: Several habits can increase the risk of the Candida albicans fungus spreading through the body, causingvaginal candidiasis . See some of them:

Candidiasis Symptoms: Vaginal thrush usually causes mostly a whitish discharge. See the list of main symptoms:

  • Itching in the vaginal area.
  • Pain and redness in the vaginal area.
  • White, lumpy vaginal discharge that looks like cottage cheese
  • Painful sexual intercourse.

If you experience itching, pain and redness in the genital area, combined or not with thick white vaginal discharge, look for a gynecologist immediately. However, there are some home remedies that help to treat it in a natural way. So, check out 12 Home Remedies to Fight Candidiasis .

1. Home Remedy To Fight Candidiasis:


Method of preparation:

  • Mix the ingredients and wash the affected area.
  • A second option is to consume the oil in food or even pass it directly into the vagina.

2. Home Remedy To Fight Candidiasis:


  • 2 tablespoons of dried chamomile.
  • 1 liter of Water .

Method of preparation:

  • Boil the water together with the chamomile for 5 minutes.
  • Turn off the heat and let it infuse for another 5 minutes.
  • Wait for it to cool and strain.
  • Repeat the procedure up to 2 times a day.

3. Home Remedy To Fight Candidiasis:


  • 200 ml of Water .
  • 2 tablespoons of bearberry leaves.

Method of preparation:

  • Start by boiling the water .
  • Then add the herb.
  • Leave to infuse for just 10 minutes.
  • Strain and drink up to 4 times a day.

4. Home Remedy To Fight Candidiasis:


  • 1 Basin with Water .
  • ½ cup of apple cider vinegar.

Method of preparation:

  • Boil the water and wait for it to cool to room temperature.
  • Then add the vinegar.
  • Use it as a sitz bath, just leave your legs wide open so the mixture can run freely.
  • Stay in the bath until the Water cools down.
  • Do the same procedure for up to 3 times during the day.

A second suggestion is to drink vinegar, this will make your body more alkaline, that is, become able to fight infections. In a glass of water , mix 3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Do this 2 times a day.

5. Home Remedy To Fight Candidiasis:


Method of preparation:

  • Apply honey as an ointment to the affected area.
  • Let it act for about 30 minutes, then wash your vagina with lukewarm water .
  • Repeat the application of honey at least twice a day until symptoms improve.
  • Also, include honey in your diet. Ingest 1 to 2 tablespoons of unpasteurized honey with a glass of warm water twice a day.

6. Home Remedy To Fight Candidiasis:


Method of preparation:

  • Soak the tampon in yogurt and insert it into your vagina for two hours.
  • Do this procedure twice a day until you get relief.
  • In addition, it is advised to eat plain yogurt (without sugar) every day.

7. Home Remedy To Fight Candidiasis:


Method of preparation:

  • Boil a handful of Neem leaves in 2 to 3 cups of filtered water .
  • Strain and let cool.
  • Use this solution to wash the vaginal area once a day for a few weeks.
  • Alternatively, add a few drops of Neem oil to a bowl of lukewarm water  and use it to wash your vagina.
  • Repeat this remedy twice a day for 2 weeks.

8. Home Remedy To Fight Candidiasis:


Method of preparation:

Add a tablespoon of elderflower to a cup of boiling water . Drink this tea twice a day. This remedy is very effective for both oral and vaginal candidiasis .

9. Home Remedy To Fight Candidiasis:


Method of preparation:

Squeeze the juice of 1 whole lemon . In a container, fractionate 50% lemon juice to 50% water. With the help of a syringe without a needle, introduce the lemon juice inside the vagina. Do the procedure 2 times a day.

10. Home Remedy To Fight Candidiasis:


  • 500 ml of warm water
  • 4 tablespoons of vinegar

Method of preparation:

Just mix the 2 ingredients and place them in the bidet or in a basin. The intimate region should be washed with running water, and then the external and internal region of the vagina should be washed again with this water with vinegar, remaining seated in the basin for about 15 to 20 minutes each time. It is recommended to do this sitz bath 2 to 3 times a day.

11. Home Remedy To Fight Candidiasis:


Method of preparation:

Boil for 5 minutes, half a liter of water containing five bay leaves and 5 mint . Then add 10 drops of propolis in infusion. Remove from heat and let cool. Clean your vagina with this infusion. Repeat several successive days.

12. Home Remedy To Fight Candidiasis:


Method of preparation:

  • Mix a few drops of garlic oil with a teaspoon of organic vitamin E oil and apply to the affected area.
  • Wait 10 minutes, and wash with lukewarm water .
  • Use this remedy twice a day for a few weeks, or:
  • Chew 3 cloves of raw garlic a day, or alternatively, you can take garlic supplements (always after consulting your doctor).

Note: The treatment of vaginal candidiasis usually consists of the use of antifungal ointments or antibiotic drugs for local use.

In cases of recurrent vaginal candidiasis , the doctor may prescribe oral medications so that the condition does not return. In addition, changes in diet can help these cases.

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