10 tips to lose belly and tires!

The tips to lose belly and tires in a totally effective way work, as it is the desire of many women and men all over the world. All people have trouble losing weight in a certain place on their body . Some put on more weight in their hips and thighs while others struggle to lose fat in their arms.

Regardless of the area where the fat is located, the only solution is to lose body weight in general. Treating, toning or losing weight in a specific region is practically impossible. It is necessary to change some aspects of diet, exercise and lifestyle to lose belly and tires .

Tips on How to Lose Belly and Tires:

1. Coconut Oil:

Coconut oil is one of the best foods to lose belly and tires . Recent studies have confirmed that this coconut derivative improves the functioning of the thyroid gland, accelerating metabolism and fat  burning . This is due to the type of fat  (medium chain triglycerides) in the oil, which, upon reaching the liver, quickly turns into energy.

But it is its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory substances that are responsible for drying the abdomen. How and how much to consume: 2 to 4 tablespoons a day, in salad, soup or stir-fries. Consumed in the morning, preferably on an empty stomach, it helps to reduce appetite throughout the day.

2. Papaya:

Papaya has already been consecrated by popular wisdom as one of the Foods to Lose Belly and Tires . Papaya contains papain, which helps in the digestion of proteins, in addition to being rich in fiber, substances that help in intestinal transit.

The fruit also has beta-carotene, an antioxidant that gives foods their orange color and protects the health of the skin, reducing the appearance of blemishes and dryness. thus avoiding the feeling of bloating in the belly.

3. Ginger:

Ginger is one of the main foods to lose belly and tires . Well, it has thermogenic action, eliminates toxins, exterminates Cellulite and is still powerful in the fight against colds and flu. Need another reason to include it in your everyday juices?

4. Cinnamon:

Cinnamon is one of the best foods to lose belly and tires . It is a very common spice used by many cultures in the world for thousands of years. Just half a teaspoon of cinnamon a day can help establish a blood sugar balance and prevent insulin from building up after a meal which stimulates the body  to take in fat  instead of being expended.

The good side of cinnamon is that it has a natural sweetness that will reduce the craving for sugar, thus preventing the consumption of unnecessary calories in the body .

5. Vinegar:

Vinegar is one of the best foods to lose belly and tires . The main substance of vinegar, acetic acid is versatile: it accelerates metabolism , prevents insulin spikes in the blood (reduces the risk of the body  accumulating fat ) and inhibits appetite.

Highlight for apple cider vinegar: In addition to acting in weight control, this type of vinegar is more effective in diuretic action and in the elimination of toxins. How and how much to consume: 1 to 2 teaspoons diluted in a glass of water  or light juice, before meals. Or even as a salad dressing.

6. White tea:

White tea blocks the formation of new fat cells  while also boosting lipolysis, the body ‘s process  of breaking down  stored fat .

White tea has also been found to be a good source of catechins, a type of antioxidant that triggers the release of fat  from cells – helps speed up the liver’s ability to turn fat  into energy and lose belly fat .

7. Honey Tea:

This tea to lose belly and tires  has many nutritious properties, in addition to being a natural remedy to accelerate metabolism  and burn fat. The secret is to replace the sugar with natural honey, so this can be done to sweeten any of the teas .


  • Also, 1 tablespoon of natural bee honey;
  • ½ tablespoon of cinnamon powder;
  • Plus 1 cup of water .


  • Bring the water  to a boil and remove from the heat as soon as it starts to boil.
  • Also, add the honey and cinnamon and mix until it dissolves well.
  • Let the tea sit for at least five minutes before drinking it.
  • In addition, it is recommended to take it daily at breakfast  and before bed.

8. Yerba Mate Tea:

The famous chimarrão, or tereré, is also a good tea option for Losing Belly and Tires , as it has thermogenic properties. Recent research found that participants who took a one-gram capsule of yerba mate an hour before exercising had a significant increase in metabolism  even when they were not exercising.


  • 2 tablespoons of yerba mate;
  • Plus 1 liter of water .


  • Put a liter of water  on high heat. When it starts to boil, add the yerba mate, turn off the heat and cover, letting it rest for at least ten minutes. Strain and it’s done.
  • Yerba mate tea can be taken daily, hot or cold, and should be kept in the fridge for a maximum of one day.

9. Ginger Tea:

The two ingredients of this tea to lose belly and tires  are thermogenic foods capable of accelerating metabolism by increasing fat  burning . In addition, ginger has anti-inflammatory properties and can be effective against abdominal bloating.


  • Also, 1 tablespoon of grated ginger;
  • 1 cinnamon stick;
  • Plus ½ liter of water .


  • Boil the water , add the cinnamon and leave for five minutes. Remove from heat and add ginger. Also, cover the container and let it rest for another five minutes. Drink it while it’s still hot.
  • If you want to give this recipe an Indian chai feel, just add some cloves and cardamom along with the cinnamon.
  • Also, do not drink more than two cups of this tea a day. The ideal is to take one when you wake up and one before bed.

10. Hibiscus Tea:

This is another drink that can facilitate weight loss and Losing Belly and Tires . In addition, hibiscus tea has a large amount of flavonoids, organic acids and also antioxidant substances. For this reason, it is very good to help fight fluid retention, and also to expel unwanted fat lodged in the belly region.

Useful links: 

To learn how to easily prepare hibiscus tea, and also to know what other benefits it can bring to those who use it, go here and read a very interesting article we wrote on the subject.

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