5 Foods That Hurt Your Metabolism!
Foods that impair metabolism work because it happens with the help of enzymes, through a chain of intermediate products. There’s nothing worse than starting a fat -burning exercise program , making some good dietary changes, but still not seeing the results you want. Has this ever happened to you? It can be very frustrating.
The term may seem scary. Your body is susceptible to recognizing these processed foods as toxins, and that could mean you experience some harmful effects as a result of eating them too often, or poor gut health. The food groups described below negatively alter your metabolism , causing problems such as:
- In addition, weight gain
- thyroid dysfunction
- Also, muscle fatigue or weakness
- hormonal imbalances
- Also, digestive stress and microbial changes in the gut
- Blood sugar level fluctuations
- Also, increased appetite, excessive calorie consumption, and sugar cravings
Foods that Impair Metabolism:
1. Fruit Juice:
Contrary to popular belief, the fat in your diet is probably not the main thing making your waistline bigger – it’s probably consuming too much hidden sugar! Drinking fruit juice and other ways of consuming too much sugar impairs metabolism in many ways, including causing sluggishness, cravings, and inflammation. And the worst part is that most commercial juices and processed sugary foods don’t provide substantial amounts of vitamins or minerals despite their high calorie count.
Fruit juices (including most apple, orange and grape juices) are basically the equivalent of drinking sugar water chemically. I know something like apple juice sounds healthy, but the process of turning an apple into juice is typically as follows:
- First, they press the apple and remove all its fiber, then heat it through pasteurization to 280 degrees.
- It is then dried and transformed into a concentrate used to generate higher yields at lower costs.
- Finally, manufacturers add even more sugar, often along with coloring and flavoring. The end product is the apple juice you buy at the grocery store, maybe even to give your kids!
- Here’s one more thing you might not realize about juice’s sugar content: a glass of fruit juice contains 30 grams of sugar, while a soda contains 28 grams of sugar!
2. Refined Grains:
Eating too many refined grains also impairs metabolism . Even many products that appear to be “whole grains” — and therefore supposedly healthy — can contribute a lot of empty calories to your diet, without much nutritional benefit in return.
Research shows that in the typical Western diet, some of the biggest grain offenders include: commercially sold breads, pasta, cereal, crackers, muffins, desserts, flours, chips and granola bars. To help fight obesity, it is recommended that you limit your consumption of foods that contain refined grains, especially refined grains that contain solid fats , sugars and sodium.
Studies show that higher consumption of refined grains is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease, as well as the concentration of inflammatory proteins. And I know it might seem like a lot of so-called “whole grains” are healthier and metabolism-boosting foods.
But even most of them impair metabolism . Study results are not entirely conclusive, but depending on the individual, some evidence even links whole grain consumption with changes in gut health and microbial metabolism .
When consumed in excess, refined grains can provide high levels of certain compounds that Impair Metabolism , including gluten, too much starch, and phytic acid. Many grain products also contain lots of added sugar, salt, synthetic preservatives, and are “fortified” with synthetic vitamins and minerals that can be difficult to metabolize properly.
3. Canola Oil and Other Processed Vegetable Oils:
While it’s often heard that vegetable oils are a healthier alternative to things like saturated fats from dairy products, coconut oil, or dark meat, some research suggests this isn’t necessarily true. When vegetable oils like canola, safflower, or sunflower oil replace all the saturated fat in your diet, you may be missing out on some benefits as a result.
In general, when it comes to adding healthy fats to your diet, consuming the wrong types and amounts can end up interfering with appetite regulation, mood, hormone production, and digestion, which can keep you from missing out on those “last ones.” 10 kilos”, or see the results you are looking for metabolism foods
To be fair, there isn’t much evidence to show that adding organic canola oil to your diet will have negative effects; Some studies suggest that diets rich in ALA found in canola oil may have cardiovascular health benefits. But as you’ll see below, I suggest you avoid it.
In the meantime, you’ll also benefit from consuming other sources of healthy fats , including raw, fatty dairy products and butter, which studies show can suppress your appetite, reduce fat mass, and increase your metabolism .
You might think butter is “fattening” and unhealthy for the heart. But, as I always say, butter is your belly’s best friend! Grass-fed butter supports your metabolism because it is rich in a fatty acid called conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), and coconut oil supports fat loss or weight management because it is rich in medium-chain fatty acids (or MCFAs). that increase thermogenesis (production of heat in the body that burns energy).
4. “Healthy” Chips, Pretzels and Crackers:
So-called “healthy” chips often contain processed vegetable oils, including safflower or sunflower oils, which, as described above, are rich in omega-6 fats . Chips, cookies, among others, also contain lots of empty starches and carbs and are very high in sodium. And depending on the type, these ultra-processed foods can also contain trans fats , such as partially hydrogenated oils, which are linked to numerous health problems and metabolism foods.
These days, it’s common to see potato chips at the grocery store (even health food stores) made from things like beans, nuts, seeds, sweet potatoes, vegetables, and whole grains. They may be tasty, but unfortunately they come packaged with synthetic additives, may contain GMOs, are high in calories, and can alter your gut health depending on how you digest these foods. Don’t be fooled by clever marketing or packaging – these are not healthy foods!
If you choose to buy a nut-based chip. They can be made with things like almonds and peanuts that are not always well digested by people. With sensitive digestive systems. Another thing to consider is what types of foods to fill your chips and crackers and metabolism foods with.
5. Granola:
Today’s popular granola brands have a lot of problems. Mainly because they are so full of sugar, calories and processed grains. A measly 1/2 cup serving of granola can bring back over 250 calories. And it is very unlikely that you will feel full for a long time with food for metabolism.
One of the most surprising discoveries about granola is the honey used in it. It is highly processed and can also be a major cause of weight gain. A study conducted in Texas examined honey and found that 76% did not contain pollen and skin .
In addition, the honey was pasteurized at a high temperature. Which means a lot of the enzymes were destroyed and it didn’t get much better than corn syrup! The combination of gluten, phytic acid and processed honey is what makes this treatment useless for your metabolism and diet and metabolism food goals.