The 21 foods to get rid of bloating for good
Foods to End Bloating Forever are ideal for accelerating the weight loss process. In addition, it is very common to feel uncomfortable due to swelling, mainly abdominal – after consuming some types of food.
Also known as edema, this problem is the result of increased fluid in the space between the body’s cells, which causes them to be further apart from each other, impairing the transport of nutrients (by having to travel a greater distance).
Swelling becomes worrying when it is permanent, since, in this case, it can be a symptom of some other problem, and it is necessary to consult a doctor and investigate the causes. Edema can be generalized or localized.
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In the absence of specific diseases, it can occur in the abdominal region, legs and feet with greater prevalence. In women, in the period of PMS (premenstrual tension), the action of hormones can generate accumulation of liquids, mainly in the region of the belly and breasts. Also, check out The 21 Foods to Stop Bloating Forever:
Pineapple: Opting for this fruit on days when your stomach is heavy is the best option. This is because pineapple has a lot of bromelain, an enzyme capable of breaking down food proteins. In addition, it has a good amount of soluble fibers, other allies of the digestive process.
Zucchini: It has a high content of vitamin B1, providing better intestinal functioning and acting as a powerful diuretic. Perfect for those who want to lose weight: delicious, cheap and with anti-bloating action!
Artichoke: Contains cynarin, which has a diuretic action and helps eliminate urea and toxic substances resulting from cellular metabolism, promoting a true cleansing in the blood. The ideal is to consume 1 unit, twice a week.
Asparagus: It is considered a diuretic food, helping the body eliminate toxins through urine. Regular intake of this food also helps control blood glucose and insulin production.
Banana: The fruit has high proportions of minerals such as potassium , iron and calcium ; it is alkaline, neutralizing the action of acids in the body; contains vitamins B1 and B5, which help regulate the nervous system and digestive system; and Vitamin C , which gives resistance to blood vessels, prevents fragility of bones and teeth, acts against infections and helps to heal wounds.
Potato: A potato has, on average, 751mg of potassium , a substance that lowers the level of sodium. Amedium-sized sweet potato has more than 540mg, in addition to having the antioxidant beta-carotene.
Carrot: Good source of minerals such as calcium , potassium , zinc and selenium , in addition to vitamin C and vitamin E , it is also rich in antioxidants, which prevent premature aging.
Fennel Tea: It is rich in cellulose, calcium , phosphorus and vitamins from the B complex. It has diuretic, digestive, coagulant, healing and stimulating actions. Consume 2 to 3 cups (400 to 600 ml) a day. Pregnant women and people with duodenal or gastric ulcer, esophageal reflux and colitis (inflammation in the large intestine) should avoid.
Espinheira-Santa Tea: Source of carotenoids, tannins, terpenes and flavonoids, they have astringent, healing, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant actions. It can be consumed up to 5 cup (1 litre) per day. It is contraindicated for pregnant or breastfeeding women, children and people who are hypersensitive to the herb.
Blackberry Leaf Tea: It has anti-inflammatory, astringent, antioxidant, healing, expectorant, emollient and diuretic power. The ideal is to consume up to 2 cups (400 ml) per day. Contraindications: diabetics, pregnant women, lactating women and children.
Mint Tea: It’s no wonder that Mint is used as a scent in toothpastes and candies. Known for its striking flavor, it has antiseptic, expectorant, antioxidant and antiviral properties. In addition, it acts in the relief of pain and dental inflammation.
The benefits provided by your tea are many! In addition to having a pleasant aroma and flavor, the herb has a slight thermogenic action, that is, it is able to increase body temperature, in order to help burn extra calories. But the drink is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women.
Chuchu: Because it has a lot of water in its composition, the vegetable has diuretic power. Consume ½ cup (tea) ofboiled chayote per day.
Jabuticaba: The advantage of the fruit is the existence of anthocyanin, a pigment that helps in heart health and eliminates toxins from the body, reducing fluid retention. It is low in calories and has a sweet taste.
Louro: In addition to giving that flavor to dishes, this seasoning is widely used to manufacture home remedies. In the form of tea, it is widely used as a diuretic and also stimulates the exit of toxins through sweat. Contraindication: pregnant women.
Watermelon: The concentration of water present in watermelon helps to satiate and cleanse (with diuretic action) the body. Combined with low calories, the fruit contributes to weight loss.
Melon: With a large amount of fiber, Melon has a high water content. Combined with the action of Potassium and slightly laxative of Magnesium , it contributes to the proper functioning of the intestine.
Evening primrose oil: It is extracted from primrose and acts mainly, fighting the symptoms of PMS and preventing irritability, swelling, pain in the breasts and abdomen.
Cucumber: Often used in salads, Cucumber is great for those who want to lose weight, because in addition to being light, this vegetable has fibers that satiate hunger for a long time. In addition, they facilitate intestinal transit.
Pomegranate: The fruit peel concentrates more vitamins, such as Vitamin A , B, and Vitamin C , in addition to nutrients such as potassium and fiber. This means that it has antioxidant, laxative and sodium regulating power. Just 1 unit a day to help deflate.
Tangerine: Contains, mainly, Phosphorus , Iron and Vitamin C , which favor the development of bones, tone the joints and strengthen the immune system. In the diet, the benefits of fruit are due to its diuretic power and fiber content. Consume 1 unit per day.
Tomato: It is a good source of potassium , fiber and Vitamin A and C. In addition to helping the body function and preventing some types of cancer, the fruit helps to eliminate fecal cake and sodium. The ideal is to consume 100g per day. Overdoing meals can contribute to bloating as it puts a strain on the gastrointestinal tract and makes digestion difficult.
Chew Well!
With the day going on, many people don’t have time to stop and have a moment dedicated only to food, which means that between one appointment and another, meals are made faster and faster. However, eating fast can cause poor digestion and, consequently, cause abdominal bloating.
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Chewing is essential and, therefore, eating quickly makes the person not chew the food properly, hindering digestion. This will cause the stool to reach the intestine without being properly digested, causing bloating.