The 10 Most Protein-Rich Foods
Proteins are macromolecules made up of small amino acid molecules. They provide us with material for building and maintaining organs and tissues, such as muscles. The growth of our hair and nails is only possible thanks to Proteins , for example.
Proteins can be acquired both in the consumption of foods of animal and vegetable origin. However, plant proteins are considered incomplete, as they have little variety of so-called “essential amino acids”, which are the amino acids that our body is not able to produce. Animal proteins , unlike plant proteins, contain all the amino acids we need, and therefore are considered complete.
Our organism needs Proteins , both for the function of construction and repair. Proteins also help in the formation of enzymes, hormones and antibodies. Among so many options for consumption, it is good to know which ones provide the best for the body: So, check out The 10 Foods Richest in Proteins:
News of the week:
Fish: Fish is one of the richest foods in protein and has a large amount of Omega-3, a type of fat with anti-inflammatory power that reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases . They control blood pressure and decrease triglycerides andbad cholesterol . Compared to other meats, it has less fat. More suitable are tuna, sardines, herring and salmon .
(Sardines (100g) = 32g of Protein )
Eggs : Eggs are Foods Richest in Proteins of high biological value-6g to 7g per unit, they also have carotenoids, folic acid and essential fatty acid, such as Omega-3, the yolk is rich in lutein and zexanthin, essential for the health of the eyes helps prevent cataracts and senile macular degeneration, which leads to blindness.
(eggs (100g) = 13g of Protein )
Milk and Derivatives: Yogurts, cheeses and pure milk: originating from animal sources, are Foods Richer in Proteins . “Milk is a food that has proteins , carbohydrates and fats. The intake of cow’s milk and its derivatives is recommended to meet daily calcium requirements.
(100g of Minas cheese = 17 of Proteins )
Red Meat : Iron B vitamins and Protein are the main nutrients in red meat. But it is good to be careful as it has a large amount of saturated fat, one of the factors responsible for excess weight. Red meat should be consumed three to four times a week, not 200g. Give preference to grilled and boiled portions.(steak (100) 30 Protein )
Quinoa : It doesn’t belong to the cereal family, but it has all the characteristics of them. It’s actually a seed . “Its great advantage is that it has higher fiber contents and is Food Richer in Proteins when compared to other grains or legumes. Quinoa has essential amino acids (Lysine and Methionine), so it is more complete from a nutritional point of view.
Mushroom: Option for vegetarians, Mushroom is one of the Richest Protein Foods, and they provide folic acid . Mushrooms are rich in Proteins , in addition to antioxidant substances, which are fundamental to ward off diseases such as cancer and prevent premature aging. Four tablespoons of shitake equivalent to a small steak of red meat.
(100g of shtitake=200 of Protein )
Peanut: Peanut is one of the Richest Foods in Proteins, its main Protein , helps in increasing the immune system and satiety especially when consumed in the afternoon. It is rich in phosphorus , potassium , sodium and magnesium , nutrients that help reduce irritability and improve blood pressure control.
(100g of peanuts 27g of Protein )
Oatmeal: Oatmeal is one of the Richest Foods in Proteins because it has vitamin B complex, essential for eating the body’s energy, vitamin E (antioxidant action) minerals such as zinc, silicon (collagen production), selenium, iron , phosphorus and copper. The main fiber in oats is beta-glucan, whose action is to reducebad cholesterol (LDL).
(100g of oats = 14 of Proteins )
Chicken Filet: Chicken Filet is one of the Richest Foods in Proteins because it has essential amino acids and is easier to digest than beef and has a lower amount of saturated fat than the breast. It has B vitamins, such as niacin (B3), which is important for the nervous system and blood vessel circulation, and vitamin B6, which supports heart health.
(100g of chicken fillet 33g of Proteins )
Soybeans: Soybeans are one of the Richest Foods in Proteins because they have a large amount of Proteins and do not contain fat or cholesterol . It is known that animal protein sources have a high biological value and are well used by the body . Soy, despite being of vegetable origin, is also considered a food of high biological value.
Useful links:
(100g of soy = 36g of Protein )