The 15 Best Detox Foods for Weight Loss

The 15 Best Detox Foods for Weight Loss are not only diverse but also very tasty. In addition, an inadequate diet can overload the body, leading to a process of toxin accumulation, which is characterized by symptoms such as fatigue, low resistance, weight gain and even swelling .

But don’t worry: all this can be reversed if you adopt a balanced diet and include detox foods in your menu.

Detoxifying foods are those that support the body’s natural detoxification systems. In this process, such substances that are not capable of excretion undergo changes in their chemical structure that allow their elimination from the body through feces or urine. Check out below which foods can’t be missing from your diet.

Mighty Fruits

Pineapple: opting for this fruit  on days when the stomach  is heavy is the best option. This is because pineapple  has a lot of bromelain, an enzyme capable of breaking down food proteins. In addition, they have a good amount of soluble fibers, other allies of the digestive process.

Kiwi: originally from China, this fruit  is rich in fiber. In its native countries, kiwi is traditionally used in medicine for the treatment of breast and stomach cancer . In addition, it is a powerful antioxidant against free radicals, preventing tumors.

Lemon: famous in slimming diets for its detoxifying power, lemon  can also be used in its entirety, since the peel has a substance called limonene, which has the ability to easily penetrate the tissues and cells of the body, acting as a a powerful solvent. Once sanitized, use zest from the shell in your recipes.

Watermelon: the concentration of water  present in watermelon  helps to satiate and cleanse (with diuretic action) the body. Combined with low calories, the fruit  contributes to weight loss.

Melon: With a lot of fiber, melon  has a high water content. Combined with the action of potassium  and slightly laxative magnesium , it contributes to the proper functioning of the intestine.

And to help you lose weight even more quickly and healthy, we brought you a video with tips that you can do without much effort and that provides a wonderful result, so check out this video below:

Good Vegetables and Vegetables

Pumpkin: and rich in vitamin A and niacin. By eating plenty of water , the vegetable stimulates the work of the kidneys  and the formation of urine, decreasing the swelling  of the body .

Eggplant: in addition to being a source of vitamin A  and vitamin C , this vegetable works against digestive ailments. Eggplant has fibers that aid in digestion and improve the intestinal microflora, helping to form the fecal cake and preventing diseases .

Beetroot: those who suffer from constipation have a natural laxative in this root. This is due to the amount of pectin – fiber that makes the intestine work like clockwork. In addition, beets  have beta-carotene, a powerful antioxidant against tumors.

Cabbage: full of fiber, the vegetable is excellent for eliminating toxins from the body . Cabbage  is a source of a phytochemical called glucosinolate, which stimulates the body to cleanse, eliminating substances that can cause diseases and  toxins that remain in fat cells. In addition, it has sulforaphane, a substance that prevents tumors.

Cucumber: widely used in salads, cucumber  is great for those who want to lose weight, because in addition to being light, this vegetable has fibers that satisfy hunger for a long time. In addition, they facilitate intestinal transit.

Other Food Groups

Green tea: ally of weight loss, green tea has enzymes that stimulate the burning of fat, especially abdominal fat and, because it contains caffeine, it has thermogenic action, accelerating metabolism and eliminating extra pounds.

Chia: the insoluble fibers present in chia , due to its ability to absorb water , accelerate intestinal transit, detoxifying the body. This food is still able to prevent cardiovascular diseases  and control blood glucose.

Fennel: anise, a substance present in the herb, increases the secretion of gastric juice, which helps the digestive process. Other substances present in the plant act on the nervous system  , reducing agitation, which favors a good night’s sleep. In addition, it has large amounts of fiber, which appeases hunger, preventing gluttony attacks.

Ginger: thanks to gingerol, an oil with thermogenic action,  ginger has the ability to accelerate metabolism and increase body temperature, increasing caloric expenditure by more than 10%.

Hibiscus: the plant helps to reduce fats, improving digestion, bowel function and against fluid retention. This is due to the presence of flavonoids, efficient antioxidants.

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