Watermelon Diet: Does it work? menu? benefits and income

How to lose up to 5 kg with the watermelon diet . Furthermore, the desire for a healthy lifestyle starts with eating healthy foods. Chaotic eating habits, irregular work hours and night parties often get in the way of leading a good lifestyle and diet. It is often said that one fruit a day turns doctors away. And when it comes to fruit , watermelon ranks first.

Rich in dietary fiber and water content, watermelon makes a popular summer fruit for its invigorating attributes. The fruit contains 97% water and is an excellent choice for those who want to lose excess weight.

The fruit is also good for diabetic patients for the natural sugar content. Watermelon grows mainly in sub-climatic tropical regions, but it is available all over the world. It is not very expensive and therefore makes an ideal option for anyone who is on a fad diet.

What is?

The watermelon diet is one of the very effective ways to naturally lose weight, detoxify the body, without starving yourself. This diet is known as one of the healthiest diets, not only because it brings great results, but because the food plan includes other foods that provide the energy that the body needs on a daily basis, allowing weight loss without serious health effects.

Lose weight:

Watermelon is a food characterized by its high water content and low calories. That’s why it’s a great ally for weight loss and to develop the figure you want. See below for a list of watermelon weight loss properties and benefits .

It is a diuretic and blood tonic:

Facilitates the elimination of liquids and waste from the body.

It is hypocaloric:

Every 100 grams of watermelon has 7 grams of sugar and 32 calories.

Water source:

One of its main features is that it is a rich source of water because it is made up of 90 to 95% water. Because of this, watermelon is a strong, natural inhibitor.

It is a rich source of fiber:

This property is perfect for maintaining good digestive function.

Suitable for diabetics:

This delicious fruit is suitable for people with diabetes because it is low in carbohydrates and sugars.

How many pounds can I lose:

The forecast in this diet is the loss of 04 to 08 kilos in a month. We remind you that the radical reduction of carbohydrates and proteins will not help at all in weight loss, creating only the accordion effect. The best thing to do is trust the effects of watermelon and practice physical exercises daily.

What foods are allowed:

Lots of salad and vegetables, whole grain breads and pasta, lean meats and lots of watermelon! This is the basis for the watermelon diet , as the fruit does nothing without you eating in a more balanced way. The moderation of portions at meals and the choice of healthier foods is the most important, since the watermelon will take care of the after-hours snacks.

Forbidden foods:

Foods with a lot of sugar and a lot of fat, as no diet can resist alongside them. Refined carbs are preferentially replaced with whole grains, and off-hours snacks can be filled with watermelon or other fruits.

How it works?

The watermelon diet is perfect for fast and healthy weight loss. Before starting, it is important to point out that this can only be done for 5 days. This can cause negative health effects such as the rebound effect. Also, pregnant women should avoid this diet, as well as children or people with liver problems.

If you follow these recommendations and are ready and dedicated, we will give you the watermelon diet food plan below.


  • Day 1: a cup of coffee or tea, 2 whole grain cookies, a plain yogurt and a slice of watermelon.
  • Day 2: a cup of coffee with skimmed milk, 1 piece of wholemeal toast with light cheese.
  • Day 3: 1 cup of coffee or tea, 1 piece of wholegrain toast or 1 crackers, 2 slices of ham or Turkish meat, 1 slice of watermelon.
  • Day 4: a cup of tea, 2 wholegrain cookies, plain yogurt and a slice of watermelon.
  • Day 5: A cup of coffee with skimmed , unsweetened milk, 2 whole-grain crackers and a slice of watermelon.

During the morning:

During the five days of the diet, you should eat as much watermelon as you want mid-morning, without eating less than 2 slices. You should also make watermelon juice and drink it 10 minutes before lunch.


  • Day 1: 1 grilled veal fillet, 1 broccoli pate or other vegetable, 1 tbsp. olive oil and 1 natural yogurt , without sugar.
  • Day 2: a plate of cooked cauliflower, two roasted chicken thighs and a plain, unsweetened yogurt .
  • Day 3: Grilled shrimp or a portion of fish, grilled mushrooms or a vegetable dish and plain yogurt .
  • Day 4: a grilled veal fillet, a portion of brown rice and a natural yogurt .
  • Day 5: Pumpkin or carrot puree , a portion of grilled breast and a plain yogurt .

Afternoon snack:

Just like your morning snack, you should eat a snack during each of the 5 days of the diet, with 2 or more slices of watermelon or prepare a sugar-free watermelon juice.


  • Day 1: grilled hake, a plate of sautéed artichokes with garlic, 1 slice of watermelon.
  • Day 2: a bowl of fat-free vegetable soup, a slice of lemon -baked fish , a slice of watermelon.
  • Day 3: a grilled breast fillet, a vegetable salad, a tablespoon of olive oil, a slice of watermelon.
  • Day 4: Vegetable puree, a tortilla with asparagus or spinach , a slice of watermelon.
  • Day 5: a plate of leek puree with some grated cheese, a grilled hake fillet, a slice of watermelon.

Keep in mind that you should not follow this diet for a long time as it can have side effects on your health. It is best to follow the step by step diet plan for the recommended 5 days.

After this period, you should follow a healthy diet, free of fatty foods and junk food in general. You should also choose to start a healthy exercise routine and include more water each day.

Watermelon recipes:

The simplest recipe with watermelon is to prepare a delicious juice by mixing 1/2 watermelon and 3 lemon juices in the blender and when the watermelon is very ripe, there is no need to sweeten it.

Watermelon and Pomegranate Salad:


  • 3 medium slices of watermelon;
  • 1 large pomegranate ;
  • mint leaves ;
  • Honey to taste;

Preparation mode:

  • Cut the watermelon into pieces and peel the pomegranate, taking advantage of its berries;
  • Place everything in a bowl, decorate with mint and drizzle with a drizzle of honey ;

Watermelon Bark Stew:


  • 1/2 watermelon rind;
  • 1/2 tomato ;
  • 1/2 chopped onion ;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 2 tablespoons of chopped parsley and chives;
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil;
  • 1/2 glass of water;
  • To season: salt, black pepper and 1 bay leaf

Preparation mode:

  • Make a sauté by placing the garlic clove and onion and olive oil to brown;
  • Then add the watermelon rind, tomato and bay leaf and leave on medium heat for a few minutes until everything is very soft;
  • Add the water, parsley and chives and when ready, serve with a meat or fish dish;

How you can prevent fluid retention:

1. Bet on whole food:

Invest in raw leaves, pasta and whole grains. They are high in fiber, make your stomach feel full, and help your intestines work better.

2. Use less salt:

Continue seasoning dishes with lemon and herbs, and use very little salt. Remember that excess sodium is what causes the body to retain fluid and make it look bloated.

3. Wear light clothing:

Avoid wearing clothes that are too tight or too tight. They compress the veins and prevent the venous return of blood, increasing swelling.

4. Move:

Don’t spend too much time in the same position, especially sitting. Those who usually move, practicing a physical activity that gives them pleasure, eliminate liquids more easily. Whoever stands still, accumulates water!

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