Top 3 Intertrigo Treatments!

The Top 3 Intertrigo Treatments are vital to the well being of Intertrigo patients  .

Treatments for Intertrigo

In addition,  Intertrigo  is a superficial mycosis that affects the groin region, it is caused by the growth, in this region, of fungi of the dermatophyte genus such as Trichophyton rubrum (90% of cases), Epidermophyton floccosum or Candida albicans. The anatomy of the groin favors the growth of these microorganisms, due to the darkness, heat and humidity characteristic of this area of ​​the body .

Causes of Intertrigo:  Candida albicans is found in the skin  without causing any changes. However, in areas subject to friction, under the effect of heat and humidity, small cracks can serve as a gateway to Intertrigo . Low immunity, prolonged use of antibiotics, obesity, diabetes  and synthetic fabric clothing are other risk factors for developing the infection.

Intertrigo Symptoms:  Intertrigo commonly affects the armpits, perineum, inframammary and abdominal folds, but any other skin fold may be involved. It is more common in obese and diabetic people. Intertrigo is usually  a chronic condition, of insidious onset with itching, burning and stinging of the skin , which can lead to greater discomfort when secondarily an infection occurs.

The appearance of Intertrigo  depends on the area of ​​skin involved and the duration of the inflammation, but it usually starts with erythematous (reddish) plaques that progress to the formation of vesicles and crusts. Intertrigo can  also cause cracks in the skin  and if there is another supervening infection, pustules filled with pus can develop. In the perineum, the layers of skin  involved are usually deeper, compared to convex surfaces, where only irritant dermatitis usually occurs. In the elderly, Intertrigo  can appear in the nasolabial folds or in the neck, for example, formed with the evolution of age.

Diagnosis of Intertrigo:  The diagnosis of Intertrigo  is made based on the observation of the symptoms of the disease  and through tests such as:

  • Skin scraping  and KOH (potassium hydroxide) examination to rule out a yeast infection
  • Wood’s lamp (black light) to eliminate a bacterial infection called erythrasma
  • Skin biopsy , which may be needed in rarer cases to confirm the diagnosis.

A blood test is also indicated  for a more accurate diagnosis of Intertrigo , mainly to verify that the individual does not have diabetes . Intertrigo can be one of the  early symptoms of diabetes .

Treatments for Intertrigo

Top Treatments for Intertrigo:  Intertrigo typically  responds to self-treatment within a few weeks:

  • Keep your skin  clean and dry.
  • Do not wear clothing that rubs and irritates the area.
  • Apply over-the-counter topical antifungals or talcs, such as those containing miconazole, clotrimazole, or tolnaftate.
Useful links: 

You may need treatment with a doctor if  Intertrigo  lasts longer than 2 weeks, is severe, and comes back frequently. Your doctor may prescribe stronger antifungal medications to treat Intertrigo . Antibiotics may be prescribed to treat bacterial infections that occur along with the fungus (for example, when scratching the area).

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