Top 10 Symptoms of Rickets

The Main Symptoms of Rickets that everyone should be aware of. In addition,  Rickets is due to Vitamin D deficiency, poor calcium intake  or insufficient exposure to sunlight (ultraviolet rays help to synthesize Vitamin D ). Vitamin D promotes the use of calcium  and in the absence of it, calcium  from the diet is not properly absorbed by the intestines. Rickets can result from chronic liver disease, renal failure, acidosis, prolonged use of anticonvulsants, etc. Phosphorus loss can also occur, congenital in nature or due to kidney damage. So, check out  Top 10 Symptoms of Rickets:

What is Rickets: Bones grow from their epiphyseal plate (end of the bone), thanks to the help of Calcium  and Vitamin D. Rickets is a disease that occurs due to inadequate mineralization ofgrowing bones . This makes them looser and more fragile, which can lead to injury and deformation. Rickets is spoken ofwhen this condition occurs in the child. The stunted child is more fragile and smaller than a normal child. Vitamin D deficiencyit also occurs in adults, but in them it gives rise to a different but corresponding condition known as osteomalacia (weakening and demineralization of bones in adults due to a Vitamin D deficiency ). There is also a rare form of inherited rickets , autosomal recessive (kidneys are not able to retain phosphate), X-linked, called Vitamin D -Resistant Rickets .

Symptoms of Rickets: The Main Symptoms of Rickets are:

  • Deformities of bones and teeth.
  • Neuromuscular hyperexcitability.
  • Irritability.
  • Hyperactivity.
  • Short.
  • Sweating profusely in the head.
  • Tetania.
  • Convulsions.
  • Rachitic rosary (lumps in the rib cage).
  • Wide fountain.
  • Delayed eruption of teeth or defects in their structure.
  • Muscle weakness and hypotonia.
  • bones that break easily.
  • Bowed arms and/or legs, spinal deformities.
  • Recurrent respiratory diseases, etc.

X-rays of a child with advanced rickets will show bowed legs and a deformed chest. The skull takes on a “square-head” appearance. In the long term, permanent curvature of the long bones and scoliosis (bent back) occur.

How to Prevent Rickets: The disorder can be corrected by replacing the missing Vitamin D and minerals. The American Academy of Pediatrics advises that infants who are exclusively breastfed should be given vitamin D supplements daily until they begin formula or milk fortified with that vitamin.

Patients with kidney disorders should regularly measure their serum calcium  and phosphorus  levels and use calcium and phosphorus supplements when necessary.

Treatment of Rickets:  Some pathologies can lead to Rickets and need to be evaluated and treated. When this is caused by the factors mentioned above, the treatment measures basically consist of a good diet and due exposure to the sun.

Increased levels of Phosphorus , Phosphate and Vitamin D can be given. Sun exposure needs to be done before 10 am or after 4 pm. Foods like olive oil should have their consumption stimulated, as they are excellent sources of Vitamin D.

The replacement of Vitamin D helps in the correction of Rickets , when performed in association with ultraviolet light therapy, for example. Other methods have already been used successfully and most cases have a positive prognosis. It is important to consult a professional frequently and investigate the baby’s health status. In many situations he may not be receiving the necessary amount of calcium , therefore he needs a more fortified milk.

Faced with the signs do not hesitate to seek help. Treating rickets can significantly improve a person’s quality of life. In addition, it helps to prevent a number of further complications. All babies need daily doses of sun, talk to a doctor for more information.

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