5 Tips for Treating Constipation in Children

Tips for Treating Constipation in Children 100% Naturally Also, occasional constipation is a common problem among children, and it is usually due to not including enough fluids and fiber in the diet , which are responsible for facilitating the mobility of the intestines, although there may be other factors.

A child is considered to have occasional constipation when you have less than three bowel movements in a week, when the stools are hard, dry, and a large size, or in cases where it is difficult for the child to have a normal bowel movement. . Although not considered a serious problem, it is important to detect it and put a repeat solution to avoid complications. So, check out now  The 5 Tips to Treat Constipation in Children.

Causes of Constipation in Children:  Among the most common causes that may be behind Constipation in Children include the following:

Diet: A diet that does not incorporate enough fiber and water , hamper the movements that happen in the intestine during digestion . In addition, processed foods such as candy, meat, cheese or white bread can also cause constipation in children.

Medications: Some medications such as antidepressants or used to treat iron deficiency can also cause constipation in children.

Stress: Although it may seem like a small child doesn’t tend to be stressed, you may experience toileting problems at times when you are more nervous or anxious states for some reason. Some of the reasons for these occasions are often parental divorce, death in the family, changing schools, etc. These situations where the child is emotionally upset, affect the digestive system and can cause other problems such as diarrhea .

Avoidance: In other cases, childhood constipation can result from the child not going to the bathroom multiple times as he had the urge not wanting to interrupt an activity you were doing, such as a game. In these cases, the digestive system can be more difficult

How to Find Out that a Child has Constipation:  First of all, we must consider that every child has different habits when he goes to the bathroom. Therefore, a child who defecates every day does not necessarily suffer from constipation . So one child can go to the toilet only once a day while another does 3 and both can be healthy.

The most common symptoms of constipation in childhood are:

  • Too large to stool or hard.
  • Going to the bathroom less often than usual.
  • Overexertion when going to the bathroom.
  • The child has excessive stools.
  • The child feels bloated or gassy.
  • Presence of blood to be cleaned.

Tips for Treating Constipation in Children:  In most cases, it is not necessary to consult a doctor to treat childhood constipation , however, it is important to detect the symptoms and the child’s evolution. The main advice for treating constipation in children we can consider are the following:

Taking More Fluids Helps Treat Constipation:  It is essential that the child drink water and other fluids throughout the day to help the bowels to make the necessary movements to go to the bathroom normally. The daily amount of fluid needed for each child varies depending on age and weight , but generally, a child needs between 3 and 4 glasses of water a day. Milk is a good option, especially for children, as it contains essential calcium for bone growth and strengthening. Orange juice is another good option.

Eating More Fiber Helps With Constipation: Lack of fiber is one of the main causes of constipation in childhood, so including foods rich in fiber in the diet is another way to prevent constipation in children. These foods stimulate intestinal motility in addition to cleaning the intestines as it cannot be digested. It is neither necessary nor advisable to suddenly incorporate a high-fiber diet into the children’s menu. It is best to gradually introduce these foods, including: banana, bread, apples, pears and beans. In addition, we must consider that a diet rich in fatty foods also impairs intestinal motility, so it should be avoided as much as possible.

Get Used:  Often, some children tend to stifle their urge to go to the bathroom, either because they are involved in an activity, because they are not at home, or because they are embarrassed. Therefore, we must help them used to relieve themselves whenever they need to, and avoid being put off.

Physical Activity Helps Treat Constipation:  While it may seem irrelevant, physical activity also facilitates bowel movements. Therefore, one of the tips to treat constipation in children is to encourage them to exercise , such as cycling, playing football, etc.

Regular Schedule:  If the child eats their meals every day at the same time, it is easier to develop a regular habit to go belly as they eat eases bowel movements.

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