The 3 Benefits of Physical Activity for People with Diabetes

The Benefits of Physical Activity For Those Who Have Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes. In addition, even for those who have already developed such diseases, physical activity at some point in the patient’s evolution will be part of the treatment. Specifically in relation to diabetes , physical exercise improves the use of glucose by the muscles, often reducing the doses of drugs used and helping to prevent problems associated with diabetes , such as changes in the retina, blood vessels, nerves, kidneys and heart.

In a recent study carried out at the Leiden University Medical Center, in the Netherlands, a reduction in fat around organs such as the heart, liver and kidneys in 12 patients with type 2 diabetes (when there is no need to use of insulin to control the disease) secondary to physical exercise.

The reduction of this type of fat is associated with a lower occurrence of diabetes complications such as myocardial infarction. It is important for the diabetic to talk to his endocrinologist about the exercises he already performs or intends to start, as adjustments in the dosage of insulin and commonly used oral medications will often be necessary. So, check out now  The 3 Benefits of Physical Activity for People with Diabetes:

Benefit of Physical Activity For Those Who Have Diabetes:  Physical activities should be part of the diabetic ‘s routine , but they need an extra load of attention. The growing number of sedentary people has alarmed scientists around the world. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), around 39% of adults around the globe, aged over 18%, were overweight in 2014.

The lack of exercise is responsible for the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, breast and colon cancer and type 2 diabetes . For those who already have diabetes , activities become even more necessary: ​​“exercise, as long as it is done regularly and with moderate intensity, they are always allies of diabetics , as they reduce resistance to insulin action”. However, what are the recommendations to enjoy training without affecting blood glucose control?

Ideal Activity:  Diabetes alone does not prevent the individual from exercising – if the disease is controlled. However, due to the risk of uncontrolled blood glucose being more frequent in diabetics , a prior assessment is necessary. Especially in cases where diabetes goes with hypertension, obesity and high cholesterol, for example.

“Exercise will only be indicated when the diabetes is decompensated, which, in most cases, can be some adaptation well guided by a specialized professional”. When positive, physical activity stimulates the production of insulin, in some cases in the patient’s quality of life, in both cases. “The ideal is to combine a resistance activity (weight training, for example) with an aerobic activity (walking, biking, transport, etc.)”.

For Energy:  Carbohydrates are essential to generate enough energy for training, but diabetics need to have a moderate consumption of these nutrients. Nutritionist Silvia recommends that, before and after exercise, diabetics consume foods that promote a gradual release of energy, such as whole grains, to avoid the risk of hypoglycemia.

She also highlights “if necessary, one should supplement slowly absorbed carbohydrates during exercise. In the case of sudden hypoglycemia, the ideal is to ingest something that quickly increases plasma glucose”. “During exercise, diabetics should be careful not to have a sudden drop in blood glucose. Therefore, he should be aware of his symptoms, such as dizziness, dim vision, malaise and headache”.

Supplementation Can:  Diabetics can make use of supplements, but it is important to note that, regardless of what they are, they should not be taken without medical knowledge. “Use can be harmful if taken in high dose and medical evaluation is essential in this context”. According to the professional, the indiscriminate intake of those containing carbohydrates can deregulate blood glucose and excess protein, such as Why, tends to affect the kidneys.

Useful links: 

Don’t Pull Too Much Weight:  If not done properly, exercises can cause different problems for the diabetic ‘s body :

  • Hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia: Occurs when the dose of medication is not adequate or the diet is not balanced. therefore it is recommended to measure blood glucose before and after exercise. If the blood sugar level, before the practice, is below 100mg/dL, 15g to 20g of fast-absorbing carbohydrate (such as a small tapioca) should be ingested. In case of hyperglycemia, where the rate is greater than 300mg/dL, it is recommended to postpone the activity.
  • Peripheral neuropathy: Due to friction during activities, it is necessary for the diabetic to be aware of any injury to the feet. If this occurs, give preference to activities with no impact on the region, such as swimming, biking or rowing.

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