10 causes of dark and strong-smelling urine!
The causes of dark and strong-smelling urine are more common than you might think, as it can indicate important things about your health, whether you are well hydrated or if you have diseases such as infections and kidney stones.
What is urine exactly? Urine is the body’s liquid waste that is excreted by the kidneys. It is primarily composed of water, but also includes salt, uric acid, and urea. Uric acid is a natural waste product from food digestion.
Urea is a waste produced from ammonia and carbon dioxide. The kidneys produce urine by filtering waste and extra water from your body’s blood. Urine travels from the kidneys through thin tubes called ureters and fills the bladder, making you feel like you need to use the toilet.
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Causes of dark and strong-smelling urine :
1. Dehydration:
According to most doctors, the main reason for urine smelling of ammonia is dehydration i.e. you are not drinking enough fluids. Although there is always a certain amount of ammonia in the urine, the more water or liquids you drink, the less intense the smell. It can be one of the causes of dark, strong-smelling urine.
2. Fungal infection:
A yeast infection occurs when a natural fungus in the vagina grows out of control in response to abnormal changes in the body such as starting a new antibiotic. It can be one of the causes of dark, strong-smelling urine.
Yeast infections can have a distinct yeasty smell, but the smell is mostly in the bacterial yeast, and in turn, it can contribute to smelly urine due to the proximity of the ureters to the vagina.
3. Sexually transmitted infections:
Some STDs can cause the urine to smell bad because they cause inflammation or infection of the urethra. Most of these infections can be associated with bacteria, pus, and/or bleeding, all of which can change the odor of urine. Even without actual infection, an STD can cause smelly urine just by irritating the vagina.
4. Kidney stones:
Kidney stones often develop when salt and other materials found in the urine pool together and form into hard deposits like stones. Stones can collect bacteria and lead to infection and/or bleeding.
Kidney stones can change the smell of urine, but foul-smelling urine will never be the only symptom of kidney stones; there will be other symptoms as well. It can be one of the causes of dark, strong-smelling urine.
5. Uncontrolled diabetes:
If diabetes is not diagnosed, the amount of sugar spilled in the urine can cause it to smell sweet or fruity. This is because diabetics are unable to process sugars like most people.
Along with the sweet or fruity smell, you may feel the urge to urinate more often than usual, as sugar also irritates the bladder. It can be one of the causes of dark, strong-smelling urine.
6. Urinary tract infections:
Bacteria in urine cause urinary tract infections . The bacteria in the infection is what causes the bad smell in the urine. Along with smelly urine, during a UTI, you may also experience frequent urination, burning when urinating, and cloudy and/or bloody urine.
7. Pregnancy:
While pregnancy doesn’t normally change the smell of urine, pregnancy does change a woman’s sense of smell, so the urine may smell stronger than usual. Otherwise, some prenatal vitamins can contribute to a strong change in the smell of urine.
8. Liver disease:
The liver is also responsible for filtering toxins from the body. Ammonia levels in the blood and urine increase when the liver is not working properly. Infections and liver disease can cause a musty smell and appear pale, brown, or dark.
9. Medicines and vitamins:
Medicines and vitamins were the culprits in many cases of foul-smelling urine. For example, vitamins B & D can cause a fishy urine smell.
In addition, any sulfa group medication can also cause foul-smelling urine. These may include Rheumatoid Arthritis Medications, Diabetes Medications , as well as some antibiotics.
10. Diet:
Sometimes certain foods can affect the smell of urine output. Asparagus is especially notorious for making urine smelly because the body cannot completely break it down .
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Other foods such as coffee, garlic , curry , onions , Brussels sprouts , salmon and alcohol have a similar effect. Also, protein-rich foods can increase the acidity of the urine and cause an ammonia smell.