The 4 Best Spices That Help Cure Diseases
The benefits of antioxidants in spices include powerful protection against many serious diseases such as cancer , heart disease, diabetes , arthritis , muscle degeneration, Alzheimer’s disease and aging.
Herbs and spices add extra flavor and, when paired with other nutritious foods, really exponentially increase the food’s natural antioxidants, phytonutrients, and anti-inflammatory power.
They are traditional ingredients with which we eventually harmonize our dishes, condiments known to all. And since good information makes all the difference, learning what’s useful is never a waste of time. So, check out The 4 Best Spices That Help Cure Diseases:
Rosemary: This herb is one of the Best Spices that Help Cure Diseases and accompanies various types of meat, but in addition to giving a special flavor to cooking, rosemary also has medicinal properties.
It reduces gas formation, relieves menstrual cramps , protects the liver and fights respiratory problems such as bronchitis , asthma and coughs . The herb is also used to relieve rheumatic pain.
Tip: for a 15g serving of rosemary , use a liter of water. Ideal consumption is 2 to 3 cups (tea) per day. Both dry and green leaves can be ingested.
Who can’t: women who are breastfeeding, diabetics, pregnant women, epileptics and people with skin problems and prostate disorders.
Ginger: In addition to giving that spicy taste to food, it is also one of the Best Spices that Help Cure Diseases . Among its benefits are: helps in the treatment of bronchitis , asthma , inflammation in the throat and pharynx, fights cough , nausea and vomiting, reduces bad cholesterol , acts as an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antiallergic, and protects against bacteria and fungi. . Because it is a thermogenic, that is, it has the ability to increase body temperature, Ginger also helps with weight loss, as it facilitates the burning of calories.
Who can’t: people with gallstones , ulcers, clotting disorders, gastritis or excessive sweating , pregnant women or those using anticoagulant drugs.
Lemon: Rich in minerals and vitamins, this fruit is among the Best Spices that Help Cure Diseases, as it helps eliminate bad cholesterol and has antioxidant action – which protects cells, veins and arteries. Lemonalso contributes to the healing process, as it helps in structuring the skin .
Helping in the digestion of food, eliminating toxins from the body, fighting inflammation in the kidneys and kidney stones, regulating the intestines, promoting the proper functioning of the liver and relieving the symptoms of flu and cold are other benefits that this fruit brings to the body . .
Tip: consumption of one lemon a day is enough to take advantage of its properties.
Attention: if you drink lemonade often, use a straw, because lemon has substances that can irritate the enamel of your teeth. After handling it, do not forget to wash the parts of your body that have come into contact with it and avoid exposing yourself to the sun to avoid burns on your skin.
Garlic: With the consumption of this one of the Best Spices that Help Cure Diseases , you can prevent blood circulation problems and bad cholesterol , as it eliminates toxins and contains substances capable of preventing fats from settling in the arteries.
As a diuretic, garlic also helps to reduce fluid retention , reducing swelling. But its benefits don’t stop there. This spice also acts as an anticoagulant and helps prevent cancer .
In fresh form, garlic is able to inhibit the growth of various types of bacteria, fungi and viruses, and has a large amount of Vitamin C , which explains why it is indicated to fight colds and flu .
Tip: to take better advantage of its properties and release some compounds, crush or cut the garlic clove .
Who can’t: children, pregnant women, people in the pre and postoperative period, with gastric ulcers and lactating women.