The 20 Foods That Help Prevent and Fight Arthritis
Following a balanced diet, without exaggeration, avoiding weight gain, protects people against a series of pathologies, including rheumatism . Thus, to reduce inflammation and, consequently, rheumatic pain, anti-inflammatory. Below, you will learn about ideal options to be part of your food routine. So, check out The 20 Foods to Prevent and Fight Arthritis:
Avocado: Used for the most varied recipes (such as vitamins, cakes, breads and salads), this fruit is important in the menu of people who have rheumatic diseases, which is why it is part of the Foods to Prevent and Fight Arthritis .
That’s because it features beta-sitosterol, a powerful anti-inflammatory, which makes the body’s cells perform their functions more effectively. Thus, both Arthritis and Arthrosis are fought.
Pineapple: In addition to its already known Vitamin C content (responsible for favoring the immune system), it is rich in bromelain, an enzyme that not only helps with the digestion of meat, but also with the blocking of agents that cause inflammation in the more diverse regions of the body, so it is one of the Foods to Prevent and Fight Arthritis .
Acerola: Responsible for carrying a very significant amount of Vitamin C , this fruit helps in the formation of collagen, a substance found in all joints of the human body, which makes it among the Foods to Prevent and Fight Arthritis . Just to give you an idea, 100g of acerola has more than 1,500mg of Vitamin C.
Celery: Still little consumed in people’s daily lives, it is effective against the inflammatory process, due to the presence of a compound called luteolin. This substance can prevent inflammation from occurring with excessive frequency, so it is one of the Foods to Prevent and Fight Arthritis as it works by improving the well-being of individuals.
Garlic: Essential when preparing from the simplest recipes (such as rice) to the most complex ones (such as fish and meat), this spice has yet another advantage: it fights body aches and arthritis, so this is one of the best foods To Prevent and Combat Arthritis . Thus, the consumption of Garlic guarantees more flavor to the recipes and, at the same time, keeps the health of the joints up to date.
Tuna: Consumed more frequently in Brazil than other species of fish, tuna has omega-3 , a substance that has numerous advantages for the human body, including the reduction of joint discomfort, which makes it one of the foods to prevent and combat Arthritis . In other words, bet on this food to enrich your recipes and ward off problems such as Arthritis and osteoarthritis .
Olive oil: This product is essential in the diet of those who suffer from rheumatic diseases, since it contains omega-3 in its composition, a substance known to reduce painful inflammation of the joints, which makes this one of the Foods to Prevent and Fight Arthritis. . In addition, a compound in olive oil called oleocanthal has the same anti-inflammatory effect in the body, protecting against joint pain.
Beetroot: The classic coloring of this vegetable indicates the presence of a compound known as betalain, which can eliminate inflammation and, with that, reduce the symptoms of Arthritis and even osteoarthritis , so this is one of many foods to prevent and fight. to Arthritis . It still has expressive amounts of antioxidant, Vitamin C and fiber, which help protect against cancer and heart disease.
Broccoli: This vegetable is ideal for keeping the body working regularly, as it is low in calories, rich in fiber and has 3g of protein in every 100g of the product. In addition, it is a source of folates, calcium , potassium and flavonoids, presenting an effective anti-inflammatory effect against rheumatic problems, therefore, it is one of the foods to prevent and fight arthritis .
Brazil Nut: In addition to being tasty, it is also a guaranteed source of Vitamin E and Selenium , a mineral that contributes to the reduction of inflammation, making it among the Foods to Prevent and Fight Arthritis . Another advantage is its ability to fight free radicals, which attack cell membranes and can cause premature aging.
Onion: Classic when seasoning the most varied dishes, this vegetable has considerable levels of phytochemicals, which are able to remove the risk of inflammation in the body, which makes it among the Foods to Prevent and Fight Arthritis . There are studies that claim that quercetin (a substance present in onions) is responsible for making this effect possible.
White Tea: This drink is rich in antioxidants and phenolic compounds, which can reduce the incidence of inflammation throughout the body, making it a good choice of Foods to Prevent and Fight Arthritis . Therefore, white tea is a healthy option for snacks in between.
Chia: It is one of the best plant sources of omega-3 , being considered a superfood because it contains many health benefits. The presence of omega-3 reduces the risk of several chronic diseases, such as diabetes , cardiovascular problems, cancer and hypertension , precisely because it has anti-inflammatory action and for so many benefits that it is among the Foods to Prevent and Fight Arthritis .
Turmeric: This spice is widely used in Asian countries (such as India), but it also deserves a place on the Brazilian table. That’s because it features curcumin, a substance that has anti-inflammatory properties, which makes this spice one of the Foods to Prevent and Fight Arthritis . Turmeric (which may be known as turmeric ) is ideal for seasoning fish and other types of meat.
Red Fruits: Strawberry , Raspberry and Blackberry are great examples of foods that are part of this group, precisely because of their coloring. Because they have anthocyanins (substances that provide the red color), these fruits can favor the health of the body, keeping Arthritis and osteoarthritis far away! In addition to the anti-inflammatory effect, they have a protective effect on cartilage, which makes this group among the Foods to Prevent and Fight Arthritis .
Ginger: It has a naturally anti-inflammatory substance, which makes it one of the Foods to Prevent and Fight Arthritis, gingerol, reduces the production of compounds called prostaglandins, responsible for generating inflammatory processes in our body.
In addition, being rich in Vitamin C and Vitamin B6 , Ginger has antioxidant properties that protect the body from bacteria and fungi, increasing immunity. Therefore, whenever possible, choose to use this seasoning in your preparations.
Papaya: The papain found in this fruit is responsible for reducing inflammation throughout the body , including joints, which makes this fruit one of the Foods to Prevent and Fight Arthritis . In addition, papaya has digestive and antioxidant powers, the latter of which eliminates free radicals from the body.
Walnut: As with Brazil nuts , this food is rich in Vitamin E , capable of reducing the sensation of pain, so it is one of the Foods to Prevent and Fight Arthritis . Walnut consumptionalso helps with blood circulation, as it provides an amino acid known as arginine – responsible for playing this role.
Salmon: Although it is still not so common on the plate of Brazilians, this cold water fish is an ally in the fight against inflammation. A research carried out, came to the conclusion that Vitamin B6 (found in salmon) managed to reduce pro-inflammatory levels in patients with rheumatoid arthritis , so it is part of Foods to Prevent and Fight Arthritis .
Tomato: A favorite when preparing salads, this vegetable contains lycopene, which fights inflammation of the lungs and other parts of the body. And the best thing is that, when heated, the tomato increases the amount of this substance, that is, natural sauces are also an important weapon against the inflammatory process.
Go Away: While there are foods to prevent and fight arthritis , it is also possible to find those that favor its development or harm its treatment and general health.
Most patients with rheumatism use corticosteroids to control inflammation and add color. However, the component promotes important water retention, in addition to increasing the chances of hyperglycemia .
Therefore, it is recommended to consume products rich in Sodium moderately (salt, sausages, canned foods and industrialized foods), so that they do not develop hypertension or present fluid retention.