The 16 Health Benefits of Corn

The Health Benefits of Corn  are varied, because corn  has a large amount of nutrients that are essential for the general health of the body. Additionally, Corn is a large grain plant that is said to have originated in Mexico and Central America. Although seen as a vegetable, it is actually a food grain.

Corn ‘s leafy stem produces ears, which contain the grains known as grains. For each kernel on the cob, there is a silk rope. White and yellow beans are more popular, but today, corn is available in red, brown, blue and purple as well.

Corn is available in cans or jars in supermarkets and is used in Asian cuisine. This grain is generally available in the summer and can be cooked in a variety of ways. Sweet corn can be used to garnish fresh rice or cooked with onions and peppers for an evening snack. The best part is that corn is not only delicious, but rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber, thus offering many health benefits. So, check out the health benefits of  corn  :

  • Helps aid digestion;
  • Great for preventing anemia;
  • Excellent for increasing the body’s energy;
  • It is good for lowering cholesterol;
  • Helps to gain weight;
  • Great for preventing diabetes.

Nutritional Value of Corn:

  • Energy value 138.2kcal=580
  • Carbohydrates 28.6g
  • Proteins 6.6g
  • Saturated fats 0.2g
  • 0.2g monounsaturated fats
  • Polyunsaturated fats 0.6g
  • Fiber alimentar 3.9g
  • Soluble fiber 0.0g
  • Calcium  1.6mg
  • Pyridoxine B6 0.0mg
  • Phosphorus 112.7mg
  • Manganese 0.1mg
  • Magnesium 32.6mg
  • Lipids 0.6g
  • Iron 0.4mg
  • Potassium 184.8mg
  • Copper 0.1ug
  • Zinco 0,5mg
  • Tiamina B1 0,3mg
  • Sodium 1.1mg

So, check out now in detail The 16 Health Benefits of Corn:

Benefits of Corn To Aid Digestion: Corn is rich in dietary fiber, which comprises bothsoluble and insoluble fiber . The soluble fiber found in corn helps block the absorption of cholesterol by turning it into a gel-like consistency, while the insoluble fiber prevents constipation and bowel problems, promoting soft, bulky stools that can move easily through the intestines, reducing chances of irritable bowel syndrome and diarrhea.

Benefits of Corn To Prevent Anemia: Anemia is caused due to deficiency of Vitamin B12 and folic acid. Corn contains a significant amount of these, as well as iron, which is one of the essential minerals needed to form new red blood cells. Iron deficiency can also cause anemia.

Benefits of Corn for Boosting Body Energy: Corn is considered a starchy vegetable as it contains a large amount of carbohydrates that provide both short and long term energy. In addition,  corn also ensures the proper functioning of the brain and nervous system. One cup of corn provides about 29 grams of carbohydrates.

Benefits of Corn for Lowering LDL Cholesterol: Cholesterol is produced by the liver and generally there are two types of cholesterol, HDL the good cholesterol and LDL the bad cholesterol. Bad cholesterol increases due to eating fatty foods, thus weakening the heart and causing cardiovascular disease. Sweet corn is rich in Vitamin C , carotenoids and bioflavonoids that keep your heart healthy by controlling cholesterol levels and increasing blood flow.

Benefits of Corn for Weight Gain: Corn is a great option for people who are underweight, known as “hard gainers.” He increase his caloric intake so as to put a few pounds on his frames. Corn is calorie dense andrich in carbohydrates that helps to bulk up your body.

The Benefits of Corn For Body Health:

Benefits of Corn to Prevent Diabetes: Organic fruits and vegetables like corn have proven to be effective in reducing the signs of diabetes. Regular consumption of corn kernels helps in the treatment of non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) and protects against hypertension due to the presence of phenolic phytochemicals in whole corn .

Benefits of Corn for Strengthening Connective Tissue: Connective tissue is made up of bones, ligaments, tendons, muscles and cartilage. Corn contains thetrace mineral manganese that strengthens connective tissue. In addition, manganese keeps blood sugar levels stable and breaks down carbohydrates and fats for energy.

Benefits of Corn for Improving Vision: Yellow corn kernels contain substances called carotenoids that reduce the risk of macular degeneration, that is, vision impairment in the center of your line of sight. Beta-carotene helps in the production of Vitamin A , thus supporting better vision.

Benefits of Corn for Fighting Cancer: Research has proven that the antioxidants found in corn can fight and eliminatecancer-causing free radicals . In addition, corn kernels are a good source of the phenolic compound, ferulic acid, which is effective in fighting breast and liver tumors.

Benefits of Corn for Pregnancy: Being a rich source of folic acid, corn is particularly beneficial for pregnant women. Folic acid  deficiency  in pregnant women can cause low birth weight children and also cause neural tube defects at birth.

Heart Health Benefits of Corn: Corn is said tohave an anti-atherogenic effect on cholesterol levels, thus protecting against cardiovascular disease. In addition,  corn  is also beneficial for heart health as it has an optical combination of fatty acids, allowing omega-3 fatty acids to eliminate harmful bad cholesterol and replace them at binding sites.

Benefits of Corn to Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease: Corn is a good source of thymine, which is an integral participant in enzymatic reactions central to energy production as well as cognitive brain cell function. In addition, corn is also necessary for the synthesis of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter essential for memory and whose deficiency can cause age-related impairment in mental function and Alzheimer’s disease .

Corn Starch is used as an ingredient in many cosmetic products and can even be applied topically to soothe skin rashes and irritation.

Benefits of Corn to Combat Hair Loss: Corn  offers a great combination of fatty acids and nutrients, such as vitamin E. Thus, the topical application of corn helps to keep the hair follicles hydrated, well nourished and preventing premature aging.

Benefits of Corn To Aid in Bone Health:  Corn is  good for the bones, as it is rich in calcium and vitamin K. In addition, Corn  helps maintain the pattern of healthy muscles and nerves, as it has calcium  and potassium that are excellent for the bones.

The Benefits of Corn to Combat Constipation: Corn  is  good for the proper digestion of the body, which is facilitated due to the presence of greater amounts of fiber that  corn has. These fibers contained in  corn  help provide relief from constipation.

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