The 13 Foods That Satisfy Your Hunger

Foods that Satisfy Hunger are varied. In addition   some foods have a greater satiety effect, and make us feel fuller for longer. Everyone who faces a diet doesn’t want to go hungry in any way, so one of the great tricks to keep your diet in check is to opt for foods that keep your stomach full for longer.

When you want to eat in order to stay with a full belly longer, the ideal thing is that you can align the pleasure of eating with the quality of what you are consuming. So in this article I will list some options to keep you full for much longer. Then check out  The 13 Foods That Satisfy Your Hunger.

Coffee: Coffee is one of the main Foods that Satisfy Your Hunger because it can replace dessert to keep your stomach full for longer. The flavor of coffee also satisfies the taste buds as well as lemon and that way the sweet tooth goes away.

Herbal tea: Drink tea! Lots of tea. Tea is allowed for those who are on a diet, 1 liter per day and without sugar is allowed, as long as it is consumed away from meal times. Tea calms the stomach, lemongrass, for example, reduces food compulsion, while green tea accelerates metabolism and helps burn fat, while clove and cinnamon tea helps kill the desire for sweets.

Lemon juice: Lemonade is a great choice to refresh and help you forget about sweets (as long as it is taken with sweetener). The sourness of lemon, kills the desire for sweets, it saturates the taste buds that also control hunger.

Green leaves: Eating vegetables is very good and important for our health. In addition to the amount of fiber present in them, leaves, like carrots, require a lot of chewing and this mechanism works our brain as if we were eating much more, and so after a while hunger passes.

Tofu: Soy cheese is low in calories and can always be present on your plate, it helps to add volume to meals. It has a small dose of protein, but it still helps to satisfy hunger.

Carrot:  Carrot is also part of the list of Foods that Satisfy Hunger, it increases satiety, as it has a firmer texture, and with that the brain understands that the amount of food is greater, as you chew for longer. time. Not to mention that eating slower you eat less. The body takes 20 minutes to turn off hunger, this should be the time of meals for those who want the impression of a full stomach for longer.

Pumpkin: Pumpkin is rich in fiber and has very few calories, so you can eat a lot without gaining weight. It is very popular among dieters and can be made in a variety of ways, boiled, baked, soup, savory, sweet, etc.

White cheese: Just like the egg protein present in cheese , it also satiates hunger. Those who eat for breakfast are also usually not hungry until lunch.

Egg: When eating eggs for breakfast, hunger at the next meals tends to be less. This is because the egg proteins, the complex structure, require a little slower digestion and this slows down hunger for the rest of the day.

Brown rice: Brown rice fills the stomach faster. His cone takes longer to digest than white rice, and as long as your stomach is full you don’t feel hungry anytime soon.

Porridge: Oatmeal porridge can make you forget about food for a good part of the day. The fibers contained in this food expand when they reach the stomach and turn into a resistant gel that makes digestion difficult, so satiety lasts longer. If you prefer, you can eat the oatmeal just sprinkled on top of yogurt and fruit.

Pineapple: According to some experts, eating pineapple for breakfast can leave you feeling hungry until lunch. Pineapple fiberkeeps the stomach busy with digestion longer than other foods, and it holds back hunger better. It also has several vitamins and minerals of great importance for the body, and when the body is in balance the risk of falling into temptation is lower.

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Wholemeal bread: Wholemeal bread keeps your stomach full longer than white bread. Once again the reason for this is the fibers contained in the grains. Whole grain pasta in general can keep your blood sugar more balanced and this prevents hunger pangs from returning more often.

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