The 15 Health Benefits of Cumin
The health benefits of cumin are varied. Cumin has a lot of nutrients that are essential for the health of the body. In addition, cumin is of Egyptian origin, cumin is one of the most popular spices in the cuisine of India, Mexico and the Middle East. Cumin is a spice that provides a strong, unique and relaxing aroma . It is used to flavor various foods. This spice is widely used in curries, stews and soups. Cumin is low in calories as it only provides about 20 calories per 100g. Cumin is an excellent source of iron ., dietary fiber, protein and minerals. So, check out now The 15 Health Benefits of Cumin:
Cumin Helps Digestion: Cumin is a popular ingredient in Ayurveda for digestive problems such as upset stomach, indigestion, diarrhea, flatulence, nausea and morning sickness. Stimulates the secretion of pancreatic enzymes that support digestion. And it still works as a great acid neutralizer to fight stomach acidity.
Also, being carminative in nature, it reduces gas related problems. A 2008 study published in Food Chemistry highlighted the digestive benefits of cumin . Mix 1 teaspoon of roasted cumin seed powder in a glass of water. Drink once or twice a day. You can add up to ¼ teaspoon of roasted cumin seed powder and black peppercorns to a cup of buttermilk and drink it once a day.
Benefits of Cumin for Curing Abdominal Bloating: Abdominal bloating causes the stomach to feel full due to the accumulation of gas in the small intestine. This can lead to stomach pain and abdominal discomfort. Bloating can occur due to a number of factors such as constipation, indigestion, premenstrual syndrome and irritable bowel syndrome.
A 2013 study published in the Middle East Journal of Digestive Diseases says that cumin extract is effective in improving all symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, including bloating.
Use 1 cup of water to boil. Add 1 pinch of cumin powder, ginger powder and sea salt along with ½ teaspoon of fennel seeds. Cook for 5 minutes. Strain, let cool and drink. Repeat as needed.
Cumin Relief Colic Benefits: Due to its carminative and relieving qualities, cumin is also good for relieving colic pain, which is a common problem in babies. Put 1 teaspoon of cumin seeds in a cup. Pour hot water and cover. Allow to soak for 15 minutes. Strain the solution. Give 1 or 2 teaspoons of cumin water to the child once a day to soothe colic pain.
Benefits of Cumin to Prevent Anemia: Iron deficiency is one of the main causes of anemia. Being a good source of iron, cumin can help treat this condition. Iron helps the production of hemoglobin, a substance in the blood that carries oxygen throughout the body. Iron also helps with energy production and metabolism.
In fact, 1 tablespoon of cumin provides 4 milligrams of iron. Including ground cumin in cooking to prevent iron deficiency and treat anemia while relieving symptoms such as fatigue, anxiety, poor cognitive functioning and digestive problems.
Benefits of Cumin for Weight Loss : Cumin is an effective addition to any weight loss diet. A 2014 study published in Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice looked at the positive effect of cumin powder on the body composition and lipid profiles of overweight and obese women.
It also helps to reduce the percentage of body fat, fasting cholesterol, triglycerides and low-density lipoproteins (LDL or “bad” cholesterol). Furthermore, it makes metabolism work harder and also reduces food cravings. Add 1 teaspoon of toasted cumin seeds to 1 cup of yogurt. Eat twice a day.
Benefits of Cumin To Induce Lactation: As cumin is rich in iron and calcium, it is very good for lactating mothers as well as pregnant women. It increases secretions from the mammary glands to stimulate milk production. In addition, it provides strength and energy for new mothers after giving birth. Mix 1 teaspoon of cumin powder in a glass of warm milk. Add some honey for flavor. Drink it daily in the evening (after dinner) for several weeks.
Benefits of Cumin to Control Diabetes: According to Ayurveda, cumin also has potential anti-diabetic properties. Additionally, a 1998 study published in Nutrition Research noted that when diabetic induced rats were fed 1.25 percent cumin powder for eight weeks, they experienced a reduction in hypoglycemia and glucosuria.
Later, a 2005 study published in the International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition confirmed that cumin can help hypoglycemia. Toast 8 teaspoons of cumin seeds . Grind into a fine powder.
Eat ½ teaspoon of this powder along with water. Do this twice a day for a few months. As cumin can interfere with blood sugar control during and after surgery, it is recommended not to use this spice at least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgery.
Benefits of Cumin for Memory: Studies conducted have shown that cumin enhance a person’s memory. For, it helps to maintain acetylcholine in the brain, which helps to retain memory. Cumin also contains antioxidants that are helpful in boosting memory. In addition, it also helps for a quick recovery from amnesia.
Additionally, the B vitamins and vitamin E in cumin support neural functioning in the body and boost mental health. A 2011 study published in Pharmaceutical Biology highlighted cumin ‘s memory boosting and anti-stress activity . To improve memory, chew ½ teaspoon of roasted cumin seeds every day.
Benefits of Cumin for Strengthening Bones: Cumin is really good for bones. And it contains several bone-strengthening nutrients such as calcium, vitamins A and B12, potassium and magnesium. It also contains estrogenic compounds that help treat post-menopausal osteoporosis.
A 2008 study published in Experimental Biology and Medicine found that methanolic extract of cumin inhibits ovariectomy-induced bone loss in rats. Include a good amount of cumin in your diet to help strengthen bones and increase bone density.
Benefits of Cumin Against Insomnia: If you have trouble enjoying sleep night after night, try cumin . And it contains melatonin, a hormone that helps you fall asleep, and is considered effective for treating insomnia and other sleep disorders. Mix 1 teaspoon of cumin powder into a mashed banana. Eat daily before going to bed. Another option is to drink cumin tea inthe evening.
To make the tea, heat 1 teaspoon of cumin seeds over low heat for 2 or 3 seconds, add 1 cup of water and bring to a boil. Remove from heat, cover and soak for 5 minutes. Finally, strain and drink.
Benefits of Cumin for Skin: Cumin is an excellent source of vitamin E, which helps keep the skin healthy and youthful. Cumin also has anti-microbial properties which helps the skin from fungal and viral infections. Also, cumin paste can be applied on boils, pimples, eczema, psoriasis and various other skin related ailments for faster healing. Cumin is a source of dietary fiber, which aids in the cleansing process and removes toxins. Cumin also helps to eliminate toxins from the body naturally, thereby reducing wrinkles and making the skin smooth and soft.
Benefits of Cumin Against Infections: Cumin has antiseptic and anti-microbial properties. It keeps various viral infections at bay. They help to boost the body’s immunity. In addition, cumin has been shown to be very beneficial for the respiratory organs. Due to its warm nature it helps to suppress mucus formation.
Constipation can be prevented by consuming cumin as it contains Vitamin C and iron, therefore, immunity improves and infections stay away. It also provides great relief when cumin seeds are taken along with hot water, basil leaves and honey. Sore throat, flu and other viral infections are also prohibited by it.
Benefits of Cumin Against Cancer: Cumin is rich in antioxidants and several essential oils. They help in the secretion of anti-cancer enzymes from glands. therefore it helps to prevent the growth of cancer cells. It is known to provide strong radical scavenging activity. Eugenol and limonene in cumin have strong anti-tumor properties. They are useful in preventing colon, breast, liver and stomach cancer.