The 12 Health Benefits of Vitamin E

The Benefits of Vitamin E for Health are diverse, because Vitamin E is a nutrient that is of great importance for the general health of the body. In addition, Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin, in fact, it describes a group of eight related compounds called tocopherols and extremely important for our body, being a powerful antioxidant that has properties to fight the aging of cells, favoring the appearance Skin and Hair and many other health benefits that vitamin E provides. Read on and find out what are the health benefits of vitamin E. The benefits of vitamin Eare especially protecting the body’s cells, as it is a vitamin with antioxidant power .

Health Benefits of Vitamin E:

  • Accelerates metabolism;
  • Prevention and control of cardiovascular diseases;
  • Treatment and cell renewal of the skin ;
  • Treatment of dementia or even other cerebral complications;
  • Strengthening the immune system.

Benefits of Vitamin E for Preventing Cardiovascular Disease:  Another important fat protected by vitamin E  is LDL cholesterol (the “bad” cholesterol). Also in this case, protection is very important, because LDL cholesterol becomes much more dangerous if it is oxidized, as it starts to accumulate in the arteries and starts the process of arteriosclerosis. Vitamin E looks after the circulatory health in general, since one of its functions is the formation of red blood cells, it acts in the dilation of blood vessels and prevents the formation of clots within the circulatory system.

Benefits of Vitamin E For Accelerating Metabolism: Vitamin E stops the development of nitrosamines (carcinogens formed in the stomach), which improves the body’s metabolic function.

Benefits of Vitamin E for the Immune System:  In addition to these functions, one of the important benefits of vitamin E is the maintenance of the immune system. Numerous researches indicate that immunity largely depends on good levels of vitamin E , which demonstrates its effectiveness especially in people whose immunity is weakened by aging or any diseases.

Anti-Inflammatory Benefits of Vitamin E: Studies have shown that gamma-tocopherol has anti-inflammatory effects that can fight arthritis, rheumatism, asthma and other inflammatory diseases linked to chronic inflammation.

Benefits of Vitamin E for Muscle and Bone Health:  As an indirect effect, vitamin E contributes to muscle and bone health, as it is necessary for the functions of absorption and use of calcium and potassium, minerals important for functioning. and maintenance of muscle and bone tissue.

Benefits of Vitamin E for Weight Loss:  The topic of vitamin E benefits on weight lossis full of myths. The idea that vitamin E speeds up metabolism is the most frequently used rationale to justify the vitamin’s influence on weight loss . In fact, however, vitamin E does not contribute to this directly.

Benefits of Vitamin E for Cancer Prevention: Studies report that a diet rich in vitamin E can decrease the likelihood of bladder cancer (the top 4 type of cancer among men) by nearly 50%. Alpha-tocopherol prevents bladder cancer, the combination of checks and gamma-delta-tocopherol and the onset of prostate cancer, was quite effective in preventing the cancer cell to self-destruct without harming healthy cells. neighbors.

Benefits of Vitamin E For Skin:  The antioxidant action is also recognized for its aesthetic benefits, since free radicals are associated with the unwanted effects of aging. One of the benefits of vitamin E is above all the good appearance of the skin , which is why it is widely used by the cosmetics industry. It is possible to find, for example, considerable amounts of vitamin E in sunscreens. In this sense, the most relevant property of vitamin E is to maintain the skin ‘s natural hydration.

Vitamin E Benefits For Antioxidant Action:  Among the functions and benefits of vitamin E , its antioxidant action is probably the most important. Through this function, vitamin E is able to neutralize free radicals, substances that are one of the causes of many chronic and degenerative diseases.

Also by virtue of its antioxidant action , vitamin E protects the body’s fats against oxidation. This protection is important on several levels, starting with the defense of the plasma membrane, that is, the outer membrane of cells. This defense contributes to the proper functioning of all cellular functions.

Benefits of Vitamin E for Alzheimer’s Disease: A recent study showed that vitamin E reduces the risks of Alzheimer’s disease by up to 67% in individuals.

Useful links: 

Benefits of Vitamin E for Gaining Muscle Mass:  Vitamin E certainly contributes to gaining muscle mass. In addition to influencing muscle health indirectly through the circulatory system and calcium and potassium levels, vitamin E ‘s antioxidant action protects muscles from free radicals that are normally released after muscular endurance training. In this way, the muscles recover faster and better, which facilitates the gain of muscle mass.

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