Panaricio – What is it, Symptoms and Treatments!
Panaricio – What it is, Symptoms and Treatments of this condition. Also, whitlow is a viral infection where small blisters form on the fingers and in the fleshy area around the fingertips. These sores or blisters are often painful and develop after direct contact with an infected wound .
Panaricio , popularly known as paronychia or unho, is a skin infection located around the fingernail or toenail, which is usually caused by the yeast Candida albicans and, in rare cases, bacteria , however, it can be caused by other fungi that do not belong to C. albicans.
Panaricio is a common condition in individuals with changes in the circulation of the fingers and who are in constant contact with water, or children who have the habit of putting their finger in their mouth copiously. It is common in diabetic patients who stir with water for a long time. It can also result from trauma to the region, such as biting or picking at the nail, or due to improper handling of the cuticle.
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Causes: The main causes of Panaritium are infections in the fingers or toes by bacteria such as staphylococcus (usually Staphylococcus aureus) or streptococci. Some conditions, such as a humid environment, can promote the development of this bacterium. Entry into the finger can be favored by a bite, a splinter or a wound .
Symptoms: There are several signs and symptoms of Panarício , small inflammations can be observed, without very considerable pain, after two or three days, the pain increases, becoming pulsating and pus also appears in the abscess. This painful, inflammatory condition can last for several weeks and fever may occur.
In cases of long-lasting Panaritium and a large amount of pus, the ideal is to consult a doctor to remove the pus. It is not advisable to try to remove the pus at home, as it can further contaminate the area and make the case worse.
Diagnosis: The appearance of a sore or blister on your finger is usually not a cause for concern. Some sores are due to friction, insect bites, or injuries, and they usually heal on their own. However, if you develop a painful pocket of pus, called an abscess, on your finger and you can’t pinpoint a cause, see your doctor.
Doctors can usually identify viral infections based on the appearance of sores or lesions. If your doctor suspects whitlow , a skin smear or blood test can confirm or rule out herpetic weight loss caused by whitlow .
Possible Complications: Due to the contagious nature, you should keep the area covered until it heals. If you don’t do this, Hookworm can spread to other parts of your body or infect other people. Wearing gloves while cleaning an infected area also prevents spreading the infection to other parts of your body.
Treatments: The treatment can be done by washing the affected region with a soap, detoxifying, which cleans and disinfects the skin and passing a healing ointment.
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Panaricio usually lasts from 3 to 10 days and the treatment must be continued until the skin is completely regenerated . During the treatment of Panaritium on the hands, it is advisable not to leave your hands wet, using gloves whenever you wash the dishes or clothes, and in the treatment of Panaritium on the feet, the ideal is not to wear closed shoes.