Top 7 Diseases Caused by Bacteria

The 7 Major Diseases Caused by Bacteria  Bacteria are prokaryotic, single-celled beings found either living in isolation or forming colonies. In addition, these beings from the Monera Kingdom are used in the manufacture of food, actively participate in the decomposition process and are widely applied in Biotechnology. However, despite so many benefits, some bacteria cause serious diseases.

Diseases caused by bacteria , also called bacterial diseases or bacteriosis, have the most varied symptoms and forms of transmission. Leprosy, for example, affects nerves and skin and is transmitted through the respiratory tract. Salmonellosis causes diarrhea and abdominal pain and is transmitted by contaminated food and water. Syphilis, in turn, causes small ulcers in the genital region and is transmitted through sexual contact. So, check now  The Top 7 Diseases Caused by Bacteria.

Diphtheria:  An often fatal disease caused by the diphtheria bacillus, which mainly affects children. Produces sore throat, fever and weakness. Treatment should be done as soon as possible. The anti-diphtheria vaccine is associated with anti-tetanus and parapertussis (against whooping cough) in the form of a triple vaccine.

Pertussis:  Disease that attacks children, producing a characteristic dry cough, Diseases Caused by Bacteria  Bordalete pertussis. Treatment consists of rest, good nutrition and, if the doctor considers it necessary, antibiotics and cough sedatives.

Tetanus:  It is produced by the tetanus bacillus (Clostridium tetani), which can penetrate the body through skin wounds or the newborn’s umbilical cord when it is cut with non-sterile instruments. It is a dangerous disease, which can lead to death, so vaccination is mandatory. Medical care in cases of deep wounds is essential. The application of anti-tetanus serum may be necessary. So tetanus is one of the Diseases Caused by Bacteria.

Trachoma:  It is an inflammation of the conjunctiva and cornea that can lead to blindness. Diseases Caused by Bacteria . Chlamydia trachomatis, with a very simple structure, similar to a virus, and transmission occurs through contact with contaminated objects. Prophylaxis includes good personal hygiene and treatment is with sulfa drugs and antibiotics.

Bacterial dysenteries:  Constitute the main cause of infant mortality in underdeveloped countries, where the poorest classes live in poor sanitary and housing conditions. These are diseases caused by bacteria. , such as Shigella and Salmonella, and by pathogenic bacilli. These diseases are transmitted by ingestion of contaminated water and food, all requiring prompt medical attention. Its prophylaxis can only be done through sanitation measures and improvement of the socioeconomic conditions of the less favored sections of the population.

Gonorrhea or Blenorrhea:  It is a disease caused by bacteria , the Gonococcus (Neisseria gonorrheage), transmitted by sexual contact. It causes burning and discharge from the urethra. Its treatment must be done under medical supervision, as it requires the use of antibiotics.

Syphilis: It  is a  disease caused by bacteria.  Treponema pallidum, which is also transmitted through sexual contact. A characteristic sign of the disease is the appearance, close to Organs sexual organs, of a painless, hardened wound, the “hard chancre”, which regresses even without treatment. However, this regression does not mean that the individual is cured, and medical diagnoses and treatment are absolutely necessary, as the disease has serious consequences, attacking various organs of the body, including the nervous system.

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Meningococcal Meningitis:  It is an infection of the meninges. It is caused by meningococcus. Symptoms are: high fever, nausea, vomiting and stiff neck muscles. The patient should be hospitalized immediately and treated with antibiotics, as the disease can be fatal. It is transmitted by sneezing, coughing or talking , and it is important to notify the school if a child contracts it.

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