3 Juices to lose belly and burn belly fat

Juices To Lose Belly And Burn Abdominal Fat Quickly And Naturally.

People who want to lose weight quickly have to consume natural fruit and vegetable juices. Because these foods contain low calories, it is highly recommended that you include them in your diet.

Natural juices provide the body with many nutrients, in order for you to succeed in your weight loss you have to combine this with some exercises so that you can get rid of a few extra pounds that you have.

Natural juices provide the human body with vitamins, fiber and minerals necessary for a healthy life, helping to satisfy hunger.

Ideally, add vegetables to fruit juices and with it the sugar levels will spread with fruits. So, check out  Juices to Lose Belly and Burn Abdominal Fat.

Recipes to consume

Strawberry Juice with Spinach, Carrots and Tomatoes:


Mode of preparation:

  • To prepare this juice if you need a blender.
  • In the blender you must put the  clean strawberries  , then add the  spinachcarrots  and  tomatoes .
  • It then proceeds to liquefy until a homogeneous mixture is present, the juice will turn green by the presence of  spinach .
  • This fruit and vegetable juice is very effective for  weight loss as it contains many vitamins and minerals and is very pleasant.

Tomato Juice with Lemon and Celery:


Mode of preparation:

  • To prepare this juice you have to peel the tomatoes , then put all the ingredients in the blender and proceed to liquefy.
  • This is another very effective way to get juice to lose weight quickly, but you should take it with a mid-morning bit of ice.

Melon Juice with Pineapple and Skimmed Milk:


  • 1 small cup of pineapple chunks .
  • 1 small cup of melon pieces .
  • 1 cup of skimmed milk.
  • 2 teaspoons of honey .

Mode of preparation:

  • Place all ingredients in the blender, then proceed to blend until a homogeneous blend is present.
  • This delicious juice should be taken every morning fasting.
  • In addition, this homemade juice helps to burn fat faster, thanks to its detoxifying properties.

Cucumber Juice with Tomato and Celery:


Mode of preparation:

  • Place all ingredients in the blender, then proceed to liquefy until a homogeneous mixture is present.
  • This juice should be taken a glass in the morning and a glass before dinner.
  • This juice contains vitamin C and minerals.

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