Home Remedy to Treat the Flu Naturally

Home Remedy To Treat Flu Naturally  Effectively. In addition, the flu  is caused by the Influenza virus and the first signs that it has arrived are a stuffy nose and body aches. Influenza can  also cause Nausea  and Fever .

Influenza  is one of the most common ailments, but it shouldn’t be taken seriously. Every winter, the disease leads thousands of Brazilians to go to a doctor to see him. For most of these people, the Influenza is benign, but for risk groups it can be a source of serious complications, such as for those aged 60 years, for whom Influenza  represents an important factor of morbidity and mortality.

Causes of Influenza:  Influenza is  caused by the influenza virus. Its symptoms usually appear suddenly, with fever , redness in the face, body aches and tiredness. Between the second and fourth days, body symptoms tend to decrease while respiratory symptoms increase, often appearing as a dry cough .

Flu Symptoms:  Flu can  cause mild, almost imperceptible symptoms to a serious clinical picture, with lung infection and risk of death. But in the vast majority of cases, even in those who develop relevant flu symptoms , the condition usually has a benign course, with spontaneous resolution within 1 week. In general, when the infected patient develops symptoms, the most common are:

As with the common cold , the presence of nasal secretions and sneezing in the flu  is common. Colds  are most often caused by rhinoviruses Its first signs are usually itchy nose or throat irritation, which are followed after a few hours by sneezing and nasal secretions.

Nasal congestion is also common in colds , however, unlike the flu , most adults and children do not have a fever  or only a low- grade fever  . So, now check out more about the benefits of the ingredient that make up the recipe for the Home Remedy to Treat the Flu Naturally :

Benefits of Lemon:  The benefits of  Lemon  are especially to increase the body’s defenses, fighting flu  and inflammation of the respiratory tract because it is rich in  Vitamin C , which improves immunity. In addition,  lemon  is also important for:

  • Lemon  helps to fight uric  acid, because despite being acid, it is transformed in the stomach and will alkalize the blood;
  • Lemon   helps to lose weight because it is low in calories and has  fiber , which reduces appetite;
  • Lemon  helps  protect cells, as it is an antioxidant fruit;
  • Lemon   facilitates digestion and regulates the absorption of sugars due to the presence of  soluble  fibers, such as pectin .

Benefits of Honey:  Honey  Provides  300 calories per 100 grams of its consumption, In addition,  Honey  is a source of fructose, glucose and sucrose. Honey also provides vitamins  and some minerals such as Calcium ,  Magnesium ,  Potassium  and  Phosphorus . The health benefits of  honey  are mainly for:

  • Reduce  throat inflammation .
  • Honey  has been  shown to be beneficial for digestion.
  • Honey  helps  protect cells against free radicals.
  • Honey  is a great sugar substitute . 
  • Honey  is recommended  for all athletes as it helps improve recovery time.

So, now check out the recipe for the Home Remedy to Treat the Flu Naturally:



  • In a pan, boil the water, lemon and  peeled garlic cloves .
  • Strain, sweeten with honey to taste and drink ½ cup warm, twice a day.

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