Things You Can’t Do in the Bathroom
News of the week:
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Do not flush with the toilet lid open:
When the lid is up when it’s time to say goodbye to your friends, the probability of all the germs flying through the bathroom air is huge, and they can stay there for at least 2 hours, which will be very sad for your toothbrush that it’s over the sink.
Do Not Use Face Towel:
That simple face towel can be a real deposit of bacteria, you know? “Each one has its own bacteria and, with the sharing of the towel between several people in the house, the greater the chance of transmitting microorganisms ”, says the allergist. According to infectologist Jean Gorinchteyn, from the São Camilo Hospital Network in São Paulo, these towels can be potential vectors of fungi .
“Once they get too wet, they can get moldy and develop some fungal condition,” he says. The alternative would be to use paper towels, just like in public bathrooms , however, this option is not always feasible, so make sure you change your face towel daily, ok? And if anyone in the house has an infection or low immunity, they should use their own towel.
Not Sharing Bar Soap with Other People:
Except for those that already come with bactericidal and disinfecting action, soaps are generally meant to clean the skin and not kill the germs that are loose there. If you find any residue on the soap, wash it off before using. And always prefer liquids.
Do Not Handle Handle After Washing Hands:
Never do that! Or will the washing have been in vain. A lot of people touch bathroom objects with dirty hands and end up contaminating them, so avoid passing this evil on. There are smart doorknobs nowadays, but in the absence of them, a piece of toilet paper can help you.
Do Not Leave Dirty Clothes Basket in the Bathroom:
Clothes in the bathroom , with the steam from the shower, end up accumulating moisture, and as fungi and bacteria love it, even more if it is warm and dark, the basket becomes a five star hotel. It is recommended that you wash your clothes as soon as possible, especially your underwear.
Don’t Leave the Toothbrush in the Sink:
Think carefully before leaving your toothbrush on the sink, especially when you flush. The germs fly away and reach your brush, the ideal is that it is always dry and stored.
Do not leave Rug in the Bathroom Box:
In addition to slipping from time to time, rugs accumulate a lot of fungi, as they are always damp and in contact with the floor. If you can’t get rid of them, sanitize them with bleach regularly.
Keep Windows Closed:
No leaving windows closed! Steam from showers raises the humidity of the walls, favoring mold. Applying a 50% solution of bleach in water every 15 days will eliminate bacteria. Keep the bathroom ventilated and windows open whenever possible.
Don’t Take Too Many Hot Baths:
There is a protective layer of the skin called the horny layer , and taking many showers a day, especially if the shower temperature is high, ends up removing this layer, leaving it exposed to bacteria present in the bathroom , making us more susceptible to diseases. So avoid very hot baths and don’t take so many baths a day.
Do not leave underwear drying in the bathroom:
It’s okay to wash your panties or underwear in the bathroom , the problem is leaving the pieces to dry there. Remember: it is the most humid place in the house, it is also where fungi and bacteria proliferate the most. Therefore, intimate parts should dry in ventilated environments and with sunlight.
Do Not Leave Makeup in the Bathroom Sink:
Because of the high humidity in the bathroom , makeup products end up becoming a breeding ground for fungi and bacteria. “With changes in temperature and humidity, there is still makeup degradation. Powder products and brushes are usually more exposed and, consequently, have a greater chance of contamination. Always store in a cool and airy place and remember to clean the items periodically”, warns the dermatologist.
Do Not Walk Barefoot Through the Bathroom:
According to a study published in ABC News, the bathroom floor harbors 200 times more bacteria than the toilet, so the tip is not to go barefoot.
Do Not Change Sponge/Loofah:
Washing the body with a loofah is a great option to remove impurities, but going too long without changing it is a big mistake. Vegetable bushes should be used a maximum of three times as the accumulation of bacteria is very favorable in this environment. Synthetic ones, although more resistant, should not be used for more than eight weeks.
Do Not Use Plastic Curtain:
Useful links:
- Anvisa releases slimming pill that sucks more than 8 kg of deep fat per month
- Eliminate Cellulite DEFINITELY using this 2x a day…
- Experts: This product to lose weight and eliminate belly fat fast and without the accordion effect!
Glass box is more recommended because it is easy to clean, but if you use plastic curtains, be extra careful. Usually they don’t fit the size of the box, and then the problem arises with the contact of the floor and water because bacteria and fungi accumulate . If this happens then it is best to cut and adjust it.